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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... phct WVEDNESI)AY, &t-rbe 1. tier HFBirth.At Invereslk, on-the 27th Auguist, Mvrs, D). flO I EtoNSist, rif a.Sobn: d og Birth.-At. Bigh Ousee, on the 29th 'Au, ihe Lady Ile55 of Majui Micic~ of a'sun. gag Birth.-..At Elgin, on the Jist ult. the Lad~y of Lieuat. Hi G~ G. Musteo. of~ a Son. Ian Mar-ied fiere, on the I Jib inst. ALexarA`1oraP Bert,, Esq. Berwick,, to Ma~tty, only Daughter OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AREEN ASSEMBLIES,' PUBLIC ROOMS. HE FOURTH ASSEMBLY for the Season will take T place in the PunsLic Rooms, on Thursday the 26th of Fcbruary curt. Dancing to commence at Eight.-Tea at Ten o'clock. Cards and RfJrfeslhments, as Usual. CT Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. 6id. each Aberdeen, Feb. 10, '1829. COOKE'S INDIA CONDIMENTS. C OOKE & CO. of 99, HATTON GiRDE-;, LONDON, T bave ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Price 6s. Wd., in elot i, or 7s. boand in roan anti lettered. ANDYNSX5ORTI2'S ABIIDGED FOR TIIE 17SE OF GRttAMMAR SCHOOLS, By Joetee Dyamocic, Ll. D. Dymock is a practical teacher and an eminent ScholarI two advantages which pecpliarly lit him for the task ha has HL undertakcn. This edition of Ainsworth possesses greater ad- vn a -Ls than any with which we are acquainted. It is ler-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Or ~l T1(1111~ j FIRST MUN LCXVAL WARD. LN compi~liancie wit i a written req-ues~t Taie to rile, ill VlY I woorid again ?? mnyself to ire p011 fri ronoratiorn as ore oft Your Rlepresentatives in tile Town Couiriril. I IwifItattlrIt lon tiiger (relying onl tunei iseiraree (if ?? unit that ?? ?? othror Friends) tol otIOI M3,rvolf :,4 '1 Candidato, rind. trost rceojiec fil ly, to solicit your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D. WYLLIE & SON.' BOOKSELLERS TO TiLE QUEEN, 51, Union Street. Aberdeen, . RE Sole AG FNTS for the fullowing vsilouble P'ATFNTS, 11 which are nowe wcell known ?? the United Kingdom and tile ('sloles:- R11('IIlF.'S PATENT COPYING PRIESSES, These Presses ?? tho silt antageof Co lnog Letters, Accounts, States Sec. into us Issok proviossly bountd. (if rieqsire), they mlay staid lipon a Table, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WMDNESDAY, Nov. 9. 1i8t2. t Ut1iito -At Nu. S. tCallowgate, onl tbe 2e ist., Miro JoItN Milooo,; ofo dtaghiltelr ( Ijtal t .-At Manse of Ioverolo, ol tilto 271t tilt., Mrs AXiInEI, or a ditogttter. lton; -At Wick, onl olw 2Sti Oeotober, Mroo En.Ito RAlt NSCHOot r, ofr itghttt . tt ?? Noiro, ott tlhe .1to1 tilt. the ldy of At e DEIsoot it~itotottit, I'Rtt. Sttooilt.Sithtltttol'uNtizirtikr of it ...


... ZAPZ FRA SER B EGS to announce his arrival from Lowenoo, where he D has selected an Excellent and Extensive Assortment of Black and Green TEAS ; and some very superior Jamaica Raw SUGiARS. He has also purchased a fresh supply of every article in the Grocery line. V. F. would beg particularly to recommend his Black Tea at 5s. tid. per lb., as having an unusual degree of Strengthc and Flavour at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARRY, HENRY, a CO. beg to anuounce that they have laid B in a supply of good BONES, anld halve commeiced Bruisutig forl the ens~uing Seasoli. Those who Uisa to secure supplies are ie- I qusated to fiornwarl their Orders without delay, to prevent those dis- A appointmente; which have occurred iii former seasons. eyeni BARtRY, HENAY, & Co. fhrither iljtilniate, that no Orders will be IV talien ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDNESDAW, January 3, 1833. - - * 2XScse - l I ?? Poverao Mianse, on thie IWith inst. ?? GOSDON, of a son. Died, at Kinitore, on the HIth islst. thle RCV. JOHN SIIAan, Miister of that Pamisl in thoe yltih year of his age, and 54th of hii Miniistry. Diod helro on Ihe 11th inst. !WiV s MAitAR Antsr i ,tste i, ergod ll. Died here, on tle NItL culrt. ANXI it GODON, s. nse of Mt l.Ivi; SteOM rt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DRUGS,&c D V'Ifl-' DUNN, Qt7Ms SYMMt, A.~ )L; itSnw. got to band, in preparation. for the:. 11 ea6o1, large additions to' his'.formner Stock of FAIINT$ -anid. (ULOURS, which ho cau soil oil 'low an>. rduiced terros vitz.' Wivi TEB LE~kb, G'round irIaCU! VENETIAN RED, do &YPANISH BROWN,. do. YELLOWYS, do. L?EAD'COLOUR, do. ~BLA1C X, . . do. Fir.s Bright GREEZIS, do. ot eariors Sledcs: Fine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11-l i AI *5 I I v 1K I1 N I A, /j o11( )oI I,,. II, I io P i; c : ?? ar, l L'ii~s L: I,; I III'irlor o ?? ridb;i, S b' y ?? Sys ?? 'Ill MAontI'.i * ?? II, Ii IrI .Iigt SIr Jfiw Ewii ?? kttowi 'a ' N'r'i F l tb 1:1,S. 'qondt. l,! ilii:zbit f a ct it l,Y! oI tiL L LI Li\t si o od CO Clvpro a ed avidi i pab t,1 be1i' de sti P1 m t ih r; o d i thvp apie fiI, Gi H otliiio', a pliie -;t titl icnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8FA& FURNISH FITSTING UPG VP, &. &C.. R RETTIE cannot omit tee present opportunity of re. R . turning his sincere thanks to his numnerous Friends and the Public, for the very liberal sapport he has eaperienced SUice. he comnmenced butsiness on his own accoant; and that ]br the greater convenieihce of those rsho call ipon him in the way of j'miness, heintends RIt fMO INGtol) 13, UNION STRUET ...