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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... FASHIONABLE INTELLIQRNeg VICERntOAL CouRT .is Excellency the L Lieutenant and the Countess D~vey entertai&e th.f 'llo W at dinner on Tuesday evening bishop of Dubli , Baron Brady, Baron Pennefatner, on clards th i of the Rolls, the SolicitorGeneral Sergeant Warren the of Cork, Sir Henry Marsh, Hart., Sir Wmf.e BthavSirS ahe Burgoyne, Judge Keatinge, Mr. Brewster, Mr. K2Y a ob Luca,, Captain ...


... ThhTALI-L~7NR WtXDSOP, SUNIOAy.-Her Majesty, aceompairniid A by the Prince of Wales, rode out In a pony phaeton, Prince ' Albeit being on horseback, .and 11er Royal Highness the Dashess of Kent arrived, yesterday this forenoon tit the Castle, and breakfasted with the Queen and yac Prince Albert, and the Qucen Daweiger. the The Archbishop of Canterbary, the Earl of Liverpool, the a I Earl of ...


... A* -- - r n ?? ?? &_ . . . I At Worsuip-street, Police-office, on WednesdayMr.Jas, Elphinatone, principal performer at the Albert Theatrical Salooa, appeared before the magistrate to answer the charge of assaulting Mr. Henry Cousins, the leader of the band. Evidence at considerable length was taken. On Friday night they were performing Masanieilo, in which the defendant sustained the part of ...


... The committee met for the transaction of business, as usual, on Tuesday evening, at their office, No. 13, Angle- sea-street. Mr. LANGLEY in the chair. The Honorary Secretary reported that he continued to receive from editors of the provincial press letters express- ing the utmost willingness to promote the interests of the society, and agreeing to insert the prospectusin their papers without ...


... I - HE IMIS PABTY. Trhe following is the leading article from the Mail of last night on the meeting at the Rotundo :- GREAT nnEETntsO OF IRISH PEERS, MEMBERS OF PABLIA , JENT, AND LANDOWNERS. The Irish Parliament has at length become a great 9 fact-to argue nmw about its necessity would be, to use ti the words of Ar. George Hamilton, 1 arguing a foregone n conclusion. In this faet of the ...


... FASHIONABLE INKELtIGRNC.Z I Their Excellencies the Lord LieU.N f arnd the Countess of Clarendon entertained the following party at dinner at the Viceregal Lodge on Monday evening :-His Royal Highness Prince George; the Lord Mayorand Lady Mayoress; the Chancel. lor and Mrs Brady; Lord and Lady Talbot de Malahide; Sir Ed. ward and Lady Bilakeney; Right Hon T and Mrs Kennedy . the Master of the ...


... A AtlSMEREC DRAMA YoeGiHAL PETTY SEssioNs, T1HUsvDAY.-The pre- siding magistrates ?? John, Esq., chairman; Colonel Faunt, and John Kelly, Esq. The most intense interest was manifested by the inhilbi- tant of this town and neighbourhood, in consequence of the celebrated inesmeric performer and some of his corn- peers being summoned for assaulting one of his patients, John Hallahan. Messrs. ...


... FASHIONABLE INTLLIGENCBE I Ttsz QuEaEN'S VISIT To GERDIANY-.Great prepara. tions sire being made In Coblarg and Gotha for the reception of Queen Victoria, who will arrive at Thuringen In July.- Towards thle end of this month all the members of the court, the royal chapel, and the theatre, will assemble in Gotha, the streets and houses of which will be put in good order. The palace will be ...


... I I DUFFY'S LIBRARY OF IRELAND. TIlE IRISH VOLUNTEERS OF 1782, BY' T. M'Navii, ESQ. Published by Jame5s Duffy, Anglesea-Street, Dublin. (Second Edition.) We noticed, a few days back, the opening of what we firmly believe will form a new era in our literature-Mr. Duffy's ' LIBUAnRY Of IRELAND. The first volume, en- noninced for July 1st, is before us in its second edition, the first having ...


... FASHIONABLE INTIgLLIGENCE. I .,I The King of the Netherlands left London on Friday afternoon, to pay a visit to the Queen at Osborne House, Isle of Wight. His Majesty left Nlivart's Hotel in one of the Queen's carriages for the Nine Elms terminus of the South. Western railway. His Majesty and suite took their departure by a special train for Gosport, where they arrived at ten mi. nutes past ...


... If HOGAN'S ROMAN STUDIO-COLOSSAL STA. TUE OF O'CONNELL, &c. (aBOX A COBRESPONDENT.) Rome, June 18, 1845, Believing that at the present moment some account of Hogan's Colossal statue of the Liberator, and of the progress of the work, would not be unacceptable to the Irish public Isendyou the following particulars. which I state front a knowledge of the facts, and from my own judgment, what. ...


... I FASHONABLP IR L .- ' E. Her Majesty and Prince Alborttook a drh in carriiage after their arrival at Osborne Hoafe on Th tn 1 n noon. h y afler (FROas THtE MWoRNttst POST.) COwes, Friday, Aft~ernon This morning the Queen, accompanied by his Royal Rlt'th the Prince of Vales and the Priecess Royal, took l S, excursion in one of the royal barges. The day sas pantijtil favourable, and her ...