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London Dispatch



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London Dispatch


... DAt': Y't~u kkiw ~U~~vutilebtor.' (ourto These lU; r. coMgissiowfr Hat-Is.) ~tlie dischitge of-thei-n rous ti Oqtsti; e i enfljdeaga, I cbrcujt. They have 'gat fr'dm feii'o'dldk i~t~i doni~l iii-the evediij,,67ehoftbegr',tat mass of business which was befoete~ado ontii st 'towards enabling the applicants fr eift e hs-uea,~ll ~thbir families on this day. Wbhey xbi~itiwio a hwfh~lt' Iidba of a ...

Meeting of the Anti Cron-Law Association, at the Meehanics' Institution

... Von, Atthe-ehswtis'ituioir. On Tuesdary night a meeting, which had been convened by'the Anti- Corn Law Association, for the purpose of hear- 4?g- Colonel Thompson deliver--a lecture on the pro3riety of~establishing free trade in corn,,was held- at the-?vfeclm. nics' Institution, Southampton-buldings, Chancery-ane. The-anxiety-to hear the eloquent gentleman was so great, that of the ...

Inquest on Captain Brenton

... On Tuesday morning, at eleven o'clock, Mr. Wakley coroner, and a jury composed of thirteen gentlemen amongst whom were Sir George Pocock, General Reeves, Captain Fuller, and other persons of great-respectability in the neighbourhood, assembled at No. IS, York street, Bryanstone-square, the residence of the late Captain Ed- ward Pelham Brenton, R. N., for the purpose of investi- gating the ...


... IOIJCE ZNTELLZG?CE. HiATTON GAUDEN.-:L Hoass Svealr.Ina..'Georpe Dore, aliss Da.,v a country-0 man, and Frederct Wdgiht. were pl~aced as the bar before M~r. Burrell, charged by Mr. Chr',stopher Thompson, barmer, of Breach Farm , Lnton , Bed fordmh ire, withl having 'stolen a horse, value -201. his property. Thse prie,6ner Wri~ght s~aid that he was called out of a beer-shop by Dore, who asked ...

Cheisea Petty Sessions

... ,iCebsea Petty Sessions. Ts~gnup IllU AH Y IUtas; OF ST. lUKB e a .D TU eF PAI t;[ ttaS. -TJ0s mnornitg upwmards of oneihiudred inliahitauts.of tIte.above .parish sof aotnbteelhuadvred whbo bad bee.summoonied at the intapce ef ;te dtorvh trustees, appeared betoreGem;rge Bugue. Esq.,j4md _ Edgell,-Esq., cQUnty Jagistrates, toshow causewhiy 4beyhad -egecied or, refused to pay a rate 'of ...

Court of Requests, Kingsgate-street

... CVourt of Mequests, :Kingsgate-street. Could ia Sterne or a Mackenzie pay a visit to .these dreary Coults, a sad tale of human mismly would be unfolded. A whole pair of pannier full of buns (solid pudiling or two-inch bread and butter would look too ostentatious) would scarcely satisfy the cravings er appease the wants of the poor children, who for lack of any one to take, care orf theta at ...


... . ,-?.- -1, . . ;z I A.0; - I -,E? ~UUT 0rj~' BEA, ¶tsa Qu lba~ al H WADSAPDIss ja64jwls Tonsi PARisHi OF S* lAS* L;~frharddfii .. Thil; *a' &r~ anj cliu$ tht:~u wr stl . aihlaih toit5 p 'of * t ie, conitiainding thdsn o iuIied l tdebtOit'11c ttr~hwrdlensfoS r tht Ahdm yr un t-he k1hofpril jgjat appeared a vetr alPpOrtt'~~~heilsn cfhsdedh~atd if a Lssingl rthe vw'as held for the 'd the ...

Inquest on Kearney

... Inquest on ]Kearney. Last Saturday afternoon, at three o'clock, a lengthened i gation took place in the committee-room of Giltspurstr0E5. prison, before Willisa Payne, Esq., the coroner for the city of London, and a respectable Jury, on the body of Henry Ed earney, whto was found dead in a bed in the above prison the Friday morning, under circumstances detailed in the followvin evidence: Among ...


... COEO1?ERf?' I1?QUEST?. FArAL OtiNlaus ACCrDstT.-Tuesday eveninj a lengthened itnquify took place at the Angel Inn, High.street, St. Gilea's, before M r. Stirling and a Jury, on view of the body of Richard Cooper, a fine youth, 13 years of age, who was killed by tin omnni- bus, on Saturday evening last, in High-street, St. Gilee's under the following melancholy circumstances:- Robert Rose, in ...


... w ~ J ,. Icm. H6RRIMkSPA ISH INQ11Tj it) thSI'lestigitlkon of the cir~cumalssesatntga rnatb of h es steiitraodiuasy nature wheh hdbeen'vpaetd o Lord 16ohnRussell, by'the~ Sentaea bsellnaz V~rio Abr' Sir'P. Roe bindert o'k the eiamInatin 'by ieton f l ILorbl~ap, and for seieral days the mnostitlnuitdptnsatetn has'heetilpaidto it:.'TeSnr a~gbe aldbfr i be took a deiposition~ from lher,,of ...


... OEZWRA CRIMINWA ag CQ I MAD, QR NOT MAD ?-Stephen isaaCs, aged 31, was in- dicted (A'stealing a horse, gig, and harness, the property Of Airs. Apakq, of the S-wan Inn, Re* .-It appeared that the prisoner went to the 'inn and tolf elandlalyL'hat he wanted to hire a horse and gig to take him to Dorking, adding, that he should return on the same evening, and would want a bed-room. Having upon ...


... CE:NTAIL CO1WINAXL COURBT. OLD COURT. b The Sesious at the Old Bailey commenced on Monday morn- ing, before the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Mr. Alderman Lain-, son, the Sheriffs, and other authorities.-Tha Recorder, after the grand jury had been swore, having addressed them, retired; i after which the unames of the jurors were called over. Themas Gvwland, a parson of gentlemanly appearance, was ...