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London Dispatch



London, England


London, England

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London Dispatch


... THE CORSN LvAW5.-TIhe Chairman stated that ans app!!- cation had been made to him by a gentleman named Mur- ray, who was a prosecutor in an indictment against a person of the name of Wright, for making a false return lunder the statute regulating the importation of corn, and the nature of the application was that this court would discharge his recognizances, as he did not wish to proceed ...


... The tenth session commenced on Monday morning. The calendar contains the names of 235 prisoners. MMENTAL AND MORAL OBJECTIONS OF A JUROR.-A gentleman, named Jesse Oldfield, being called upon to serve as a juror, intimated to the officer of the court that he had an excuse to make, and on getting into the Jitness box, he said, My lords, I have no physical objection to serve as a juror; but I ...


... L- - - t ; ' - = POLICO~~~~A . . T GUILDNALL. Bau~rrlTrr.-~ Willi- mm,05G, it drover, was charged with striktingart ox~in Smithfield market-isth,11nl1wful weolence. '-Sergeant Bates, of the City POli0, atsted that ~he Saw the ~prisoner ,sta'ie An ox ons the neck with such force that te poor* aninsal fell, struggid, attempted to rise, but fen again and strugled.. He expected the animal would ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. CHARGe or RIOTING.-1ruesday four men, named HIghes, J*udd, Croak, and Goldeworth, were brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having acted riotously in Cheapside and it ne!hbourhoad on the precedin s night, on which the Lharusts nau appointeu so meet m anuctneld-mariet. The matter had excited a great deal of interest, as many o the inhabitants of that part of the City ...


... CENTRAL Ca rZNAL COURT. CE14-TRA!.Ot~E^DUT The trial of Frafzhcl Hastinigr -HelhAurst for the wilful, murder of Josephlsp, at the school of the Rev. Mr. I Sturmer. a clergy'I, residing at 'ayes, in-Middleer,1 having been appoinler for this morning (April, 13), the court and avenues leading to it were crowded at an early hour -Sir F. Pollock stated the case!-The evidence givenr was in - ...


... L&W COURTz6 OF QUEN' . -..;-.r7 5 Sin JOH{N. CONbOY fl. ruig rtgfl551| ' Ms. Jus~tice Littledale delivered the judgflelit of the COurts P follewsrt John Joseph Lasvon. youaire to recelve the 3uclginnt of this court for a libel, which sppenre~d some titnei ago iiithe Tincs newspaper, reflectlng on tbe characetr of 'Bir Jobn Conroy. It appears ?touIS the statement ~vhich he~5 been pronounced a ...


... r == : -0m URT. The first session, of the present mayorailty lmecdo - 1jndymorniing, an he or was opnd with'the usual ceremoniesinrencfth ihoolrbeh od Xi I Iyo, th 1~crdr Mr! Sergeant Arabian, Aldermen dFarebrother, Sir Peter LUnrie, and''Lainsoli, and Sheriffs r, Wdd ad jhnsn. 1 Tle, eal~endat conitaiia' ths6 namaes of 8e 278 prisbe*nearso whom'S30 berefrom~ LMdon, -1W from Mid- g. ...


... ..SD SnXGaAX DzLUsxow.-On Saturday an aged and sahb bily-attired man, of good address, and who, it was evident had formerly moved in respectable society, entered the jus- tice-room, and in a low tons of voice, requested the sitting magietrate's advice and asistance upon the following ex- trikordlnary grounds :-The applicant stated that he was a native of Newton Abbot, in Devonshire, from ...


... BF-ie RiIINAL COURT. * qE p W r:Ct;UCt~ l~ Adl~i. 0r Tiowas AgesSMS. AQ., woL WOD.Ta d a a ats Si sh Wlia r whimt proce it-led to address f to .e~vidtbne gid ven r. n Pby lir. Bin a Pe;ton sn d witesesor witJne pascc f ,Be~preS4ecI . ir a, Wi~oppii~iom:Thelecdontook-pl ee ' 6 b 't4th hiholti..hbarodet was proposed byCdp- ;b tIia '1seefndeiL by Mr. 'Skirving. On teiig il elet44,,r~qkThomass ...

Extraordinary Case of Manslaughter

... Z?traor4InaxyCase of lYlauslaughter. !?ew leo: Laws. On Friday nri intquest was held on the body of a child, sls years old, named John Jones, at the Plough inn, Coleham, near Shrewsbury. The father of tbc deceased was a w idower, with four children. Hle had boen adaitited into the work- htouo of t^bv Atebom.;n arith 5 ,tst ,bol.. ,e .,5.Ibtimo the deceased was deformed and' In very bad health ...


... ! .:W l--i I I ISOr-VNT iDEDIWBMS .ROUsiL.- _Mv. AJalb t nderon j of ownt- en :' t described 4a a'+comedia, epne upto tkethbebeeuegt o the act, andwas hiam'dltors. , Thⅈso1. ,eut had rented, in conjuncti~on'witbMr. Delyjle ,P.qnhey, tbi theltenhain and -Glauceater Theatres, andhW tbe iirethK- deney--of these housae he nscribi 'hs insoh ney.-His- debts-were oily b7061 ...


... LA-WINTELLGENCE. COURT OF CHANCERY. BLasE. r. BARBEV This awas an appeal from a decision of the Master of the Rolls, on the conattactlou of a will. A person named Macintosh by his will, dated in 1817, bequeathed a sum sufficient to produce an annuity of fifty pounds a-year to John Shears, and directed that at the death of Shears the principal money was to be paid over to his own son and ...