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London, England


London, England


London, London, England

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... * SPORTING INTELLIGBNCE, WMARTCRT .qFrnvn ACInrlrn2:n the NEWMIARIET SECOND OCTOBER 2£ETINc F ofr - ' THURS:iY.Y, OCT. 20. ?? Plaiteof 53L g Mr. Howird's ch. ~h Creepcr,4-yrs old. _ be Sir C. Bunbury's'b; L Partila, 3-yrs old Seellto Four oD Creeper, 03. ; - A Sabfcriptiorn Paete of Sol. I Duke of Grafton's.b. f. Paralol, 3-yrs old o Sir C. Bttnbury's b.:h.Orlando, 4-yrs old - - a don . , ' :: ...


... ' n NEWMANKEF SECOND OCTOBER MLEETING. foI ;. \ - rRIDAY, OCT. u; re. A Subfcriptlin Plate of 501. for 2-yr olds, 7ft. 41b. and 3-yr old, bu 91t. 4lb. fillies allowed 21b. Two-yr aid' (Courfe. 2 Lord Grofvenor's b. c. Mlontalto, by John Bull, 3 yrs. old I Duke of Grafton's b f. Duckling, 3 yrs old. - 2 Wv Mr.Abbey's b. . I ittlg John, by Calornel, 3 yrs old 3 fet ir C. Bunbury s b. f Pamela, 3 ...


... . M ..rt I m -- i m I I '1CI JR.WttA~rbr orrr~lframrsna -hrni_ rT,,ZzlSS NEWM'ARKtP THi D. OCTd8ER oit HOUGHTbNr -K e Lord - gZETING, [ONDAY, OCT. 31r. Lo Gr Xnors rthamptdn, dR. beft Mr! IH6vovrth'c ,E anbu, S 31a ,D; M. ?? to r on Flambeau. e ,.Lord, Saikvill'ei ch izc by PotSd',' 9fl. beat Mr. Wilflan's mer'rdlan, 6tl T wo yr'ol C. ?? to o. on Lord Sackvi1lI8' cli Wb~iicrtlfri a rib B ...


... TIM VOLV UNTEPRS . IzInyal York Malv'yle-bonne Volunteeraftterrb], .Vtjcrrday ?? ori their parade, Loid's Cth'ket ijround) at nine o'clock. At ten they all fell in, ;tnd foon after l.ord Viicount ]DUncannun, tile Corn- pndnt of tire Corps, rode along the line. The gates wlrr then ordared to be clofed, and thle mufler-roll ,tvn7vey fi;ufcly called, over. There were about goo 'yhc ;lzl)c ?? were ...


... ANOTHER BOXIA'N IAITCH. t, YeRerday another pitched battle was ftse-gt,; but the le fum for %vhich they contended was confiderably inteiior i^ to that for whiic Burke and Pearce fought on Monday 3f lalt at Winibledcrl. The greatert fbcrecy was obf'erved ni to the laff moment, o0 ticcount of the adaivhy of the mi Marlborough Police Officers at the former battle, w!ere 3, they took down the ...


... AQIViNG i'dUJTCH. Yeflerday the match wvas rowed for whici has been fome time fpoken of, between a fele. number of Water- men belonging to London, and the fame number of chofen men at Gravefend. They ftarted from Gravef- end at half palt eight yefterday morning. The Water- meu were- LONDON. GRAVESEND. Edvard Bromwell John Harrilon ohbi Shepherd Abraham Thomas James Howell William Ofborne Allan ...


... NEWMARKET, MONDAY, APRIL. a. The Cravcn Stakcs, a Subrcription of iogs. each, for all ages;- 2 yr. ols carryhig 61t. 3 yr. olPls 3IL. 4 yr. ,lds 8Lt. h9b.5 yr. olhis 9ft. ilb 6 yr. Olds, git. 51b. and aged git. ,Ib. Acrofs th. icat. -lorlcs, &c. which have Isever run at Newrnarlct, mult bc Illewn at the time of entrancc. age, Mr. Howortlj's b. mn. Annifted - ^ 6g r Sir H. V.'illiar on's h. S. ...


... SPORTING INTJ?LLIGENA'E. NtWMAaKAr, 'W1EDNESDA1A, APRIL. 4. 'Third Clafs orf the Oaltands Stakes of jogs eazh, }.. ft. D. t. Mr. Atl by's little John, 3 yrs old 61t. 41.. - Lurd Sackviilc's Enchanter,by Po'Sos, 4 yrs old, 8!t 31b. ± Mr. ¢1rver'ti ileanifhcd Loy, 3 yrs oW 6tt. t ziO. 3 Mr. Howarth's Malta, 5 yrs. oId, 7. S5b. 4 Mr. UlkHara's Highland ihng, . -,rs. old, 9ft. ilb. pd Mt. ...


... SPORTIIAG 1N7 ELLIGEINCE. NEWMARKRT FIRST SPRING I90E4lNG, t8o4. MONDAY, A i'j, L 15. Fifty Pounds by Subfcription for 4 proids, 711. 91b. 5-yr olds,73ft. 311). 6-yroldsand aged lit. 71b. R. C. Mr. Dawfdtn's ca. h. Ouiz, 5 yrs old - I Mr. Deline Radcliffe'sb h h. Driver - 2 5 to z on Quiz. - Secpfftales of IoOgs, each. D. L. Mr. F. Neale's Bobtail, aged, 8tt. toib. I Mr. H. F. MleltiQl's ...


... SPORTrj G IA 7 ELLIGENCE. NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETNGO, 1.4- TUESDAY; APRIL 17. The King's PIite of loogs tor s yr old mares, xo!. R. C. Duke ot Grafton's b. mi. Penclope - - a 6ir C. Bunbury b. in Eleanor - - 2 7 to 4 on Penelope. Produce Sweupftals of Meogs. cauh, h. ft. colts, 8. 41b. and El- lic6, Sit. R. M. Mr. Wfilfon's b. r. Mirryfuan, by Buzzard t Mr. HaUllet's c. by Pot80's, Out ol ...


... SPORTIAG INTELLIGENCE. NEWMARKET FIRST SPRING MEETING, 0So4. FRIDAY, AramL 20. Sir C. Bunbury's EleaDor, s-yrs old, Sit. iolb, . I Mr. D. Radcliffe's Rebel, aged, Sit. ?lb. _ . Mit. -oward'a ^Chippenham, aged, Sit. 8lb. 3 - 6 to 5 on Eleanor; 4 to a agft Chippenharn. Mr. Howorth's Malta, 8[t. 71b. rec. ft.from. Lord Foley's Bleriihed Boy, 3-yrsold. Slt.41b. 1R. M. acogs. bh ft. On Saturday ...