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Midlothian, Scotland

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... WER IIALETS.) - -o ET ?? - ?? .I.I A vr.oty SontR NEGRO SAILOR.-John January, a West Indian black from the island of St Vincent, for- merly a petty officer of a Vest Indianian, but now a eaptain of a small coal-sbed, was summoned by the landlord of the Black Horse in GeOrge Street, for the sum of 12s. 8d. for liquors supplied to the sable defend- ant. On the case being called on, Master ...


... EXPLOSION AT THlE LIVERPOOL POST OF1FICE. As soon as the circumstances of this event, which we have already described, were made known at the General Post Office, St Martin's-le-Grarnd, Mr William Peacock, brother to Mr M. B. Peacock, the solicitor at the Post Office, was despatehed to Liverpool, for the purpose of further investigating the circumstances, arid to endeavour to trace out the ...


... House of Lords, July 5. -NONSTfITIZ AND OTsIMSt, VoTcaS; IN GLASGOW, V~ T hi was m, app 1i5'GAVIN. hi wao an appeol from the decision of the Court of 515551Cf, Iwith respect to the provisios of the Scots Ie cpa reform act. The questions intended to e raised were, first, whether an application to the Court of Session, by a bill of suspension and inter- dit, to try and determine the validity of ...


... HORRUIBLE MIURDER AT SUNDERLANDI). On Saturday afternoon last, a sailor named Ferry. who has been for some time confined in is lunatic asylum at Gatesheal Fell, made his escape whilt employed amongst the rest of the working class of patients. Being supposedl to have returned to his family at lMonkwearmoutl, two keepers were ho- mediately despatched in a gig, and arrived at Ferry's house before ...


... I PI S11YCTERY or PERTL I 0 I CASe or n1wHYtO. A.general emeotiag of tide rev,%. court woe bold onl Monday,-I to resume the coon of Mr Halley, -presenotee to tho church and a parish of Reynid. The R1ev. Mr Kirkwcood, moderator. I Thec tlcrec palate robmitted far,~ their eonnideratian by M~r Logae, counsol for the preoretee, at a ?? meeting, were -tot, liot lice seas to iead proof os en Mr ...


... (Frmrn tire Atlas.) Among tile original and odd things which trans- pired during the session, and which have amused, if not surprisesl us, may be classed the following cu- rious and singular petitions, presented at different periods to the House:- 1. Petition from Charles Bradley, for a law de- clhring it blaospleiny in any one who shall teach any tlrirsg contrary to sound doctrine. 2. ...


... FRIDAY, SetT. 23. Christian Nish or Doyle, and Hugh Doyle, aceused of coining seven base balf-crown piecee, ten one shilling pieces, and with having the moulds for the sanme in their possession, pleaded Not Guilty. The case went to trial, anm, after the extmination of witneseen, both pannels were founti Guilty, and received sentence of transporta.. tiwo for the period of their natural lives. ...


... On Monday last, amongst the persons charged before Mr Broderip, at the Thames Police Court, was Stephen Moore, Viscount Kilwortb, elde~t son of Earl Mountvashiel, on a charge of smuggling, or rather having unlawfully in his possession 2t1b. of foreign manufactured tobacco, for which the duty had not been paid. Mr Few, of Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, his Lordship's solicitor, attended with ...


... It will be observed that Adam Anderson, Esq. has been announced in the Gazette as her Ma- jesty's Solicitor-General for Scotland, an appoint- ment which will give general satisfiiction to the legal profession. We are told it is now settled that Alexander Wood, Esq., the Dean of Faculty, will be elevated to the Bench in room of Lord Gil- lies, and which will, of course, create a vacancy in the ...


... The following letter from tho Governor of thle Edinborgh prison, nor oin. intimoate connection which emists between dcaotcenucss nod crime, it publiolood in toli eighth owneud re- port of tile Edinburgh Total Abstinence Society, just pubi- uniedl I lin addressed to ooe of tel sorotrniuri of thle so- ciety : Poison of Edinls, 26th Angos 1844. Dcksu Sin-I beg t0 otaste, in ?? to your note, ...


... Q( Monday the following cases were tried before the Lord Justice Clerk, Lord Cockliurn. and Lord Wood:- John Armstrong was charged with the crime of bigamy, in haiing on or about 15th May 1828, or at some other time on or about that year, been lawfully married to Margaret Sned- dan, then residing in Borrowstounness (or having prior to the month of June 1839, been lawfully married to the said ...


... SUPRE?2E COURT oi? BERNE. Ctitllttta CASE tnF ATrF:IIt''IptI CiittJi~ iinrInttt. ( F'is¢Rr t/he ?? :i'ue ]e~s f'i i/tinna.r.) Gndrefrny virtl Otiteitr a ?? g liaker, ng~ed scarcely 'I ! cart, ins ?? h itcsitnh attet.rie tirii nuirlhir an il. leitiimata nliiII lt tif hi. h he iliM thu fathi'. Hie hadftir sante litre a* 1- ins si.r v- hin:tlat termls itith Anne Pairt a W',.ihntva. :sai ti . al t ...