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1800 - 1849
31 1830-1839



South East, England


Sussex, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | TEE LATE zM. ROTSCHILD' ' i - . F I # :4. z ! !. ;I i 'I - I . A *Eeco~uiter bad been -pretty ~ieU &Ien1bhe4' ithljhe x64~t iie ?? this binjob~ moe-6dr~id, .th~ oleale auiber~*whkatheff BrgtS ;tt ljotvee~;, ;j~ h '!t'dh ea¢t~h of Mr. Rothschild; 'ia ihich hias just tkkenjula~ee at Fiukfort, is an event of no small importance in the political world. From smalI beginnings he, attained, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Ann Fox (in the curious case of the writ de ventre in bpicienrlo) has been delivered of a son and beir. T'hc event has beeu cele- brated in Uttoxeter as a great triu.nph by all classes. The affair ie considered as the victory of an injured woman, in a most ex- traordinary case of oppression, outraging all the deeencies of civilised life. DIARBILEDI. O6h Thursday, the 28th inst.,,at St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES. Extract from Circulars which have just been sent from the General Registry Office, to Ai Boards of Guardians:- 1. It is necessary that the, register-office should be within the union; and it is desirable that it should be so placed as to be most accessible to the majority of persons resident therein. * It must be well-calculated to keep the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE EARL OF EGREMIONT. It is with feelings of unfeigned and unmixed sorrow that we record the demise of this venerable and universally revered nobleman, which event took place on the night of Saturday, the 11th inst., a few minutes after eleven o'clock. Sir Matthew Tierney was in attendance on his Lordship in his last moments, having been sent for express to attend his Lordship on Wed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * BIRTH. On the 21st Oct., at Dresden, the Couintesa Julia, ladt of P, Jos. Paerry, Esq., of a son, DEATHS On Sunday, the 32nd inst., at East Gristad, Hardet, the Wid* of Thomas Fulcher, Esq., in theo77th year of her age.- :Qnl Monday evening, at his seat Badmieton, Glecestenbhirel flis Grace the Duke.of Beaxufort, in his 69th yedt. He succeede& to the title in 1803. He is succeeded h'y ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RIEGISTRAT''l ON 0F D)EAT''IIS. Wie thle imidersigneil, PI'e'ilent of tile Rloval College of 1Ph1'sicialns, Presidci it of the Rival ('o1lege of sur'genns, and if 'I Ster of thc WirshiiPlull Srict v of .Xpotliecar'ies, having auithority fromt tile, set etal hodies whomn wc repireseint, do0 t'csolve to fulfil thle intentions of the Lk-gi.datotre inl procuri'ng a b~etter Registration of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BItRTIISs On tle 2M-hr inst;, at tl, Lansdtwoe-place; Mrs. Ai Lante,.4f a' son. A formal anrinuniement of tihe delivery of Mrs. Butler-.(late I\Iiss Fanny Kemnble) of a son, has bteen going itbe round of tbe newspapers. We are enabled to state, on the authority of a letter very recently received from herself, that it is wilthoutfoutidtron.- Scotsman. MIARRIED. At the Parish Church, yesterday, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIIS. At Eastbourne, ol montday, the :0th ult, Mrs James Fider, of t-;, Perton House, of a sol. Onl Monday, the ;pth lit, the lady of Johul Stoveld, E-q, hanrcr, Petvorth, of a daughter. NIARRIAGES. On the Ist instant, at All Senlis' Church, Marvlebone, by the V ry Rev the Dcan Of Gbiehcuter, Francis Scaseen Blunt, Es q of CulaosGt. io the county of Sussex, to Mary, only daughter of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF HUNMIMEL. Our report of Wednesday, announcing the death of this eminent musician, has been confirned by a letter received from Weimar by a relation of the family. About four weeks ago, lie was thought to have recovered from the illness we formerly alluded to. On the I1th instant, however, he was confined to his bed, remaining insensible till his death, which occurred uil the morning ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTllS. oil 1Iritny, the 13th iiistant, at P'ortland Place, London, the Dnchess of Ritichmondl, ,f a daughter. On1 Wednesday, tile lthl insotant, at MoIntpellier road, tile H-on. Mrs Aoderson, of a swa. MARIU ED. Yesterday, at Utnionnstrect Chapel, hy the Rev. J. tZ. Goulty, Miss E. Hiooiter, of ltove, to Mr. (;eorge Sitith, of Wust-htrect, Brighton. (ol tile 11til instant, at St. George's. I ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NOTICE FURNISHED BY THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT FOR REGISTERING BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND MARRIAGES, IN ENGLAND.. Acts required to be done after the first day of March, 1837, in all cases of Birth. The father or mother of any child born after the first day of March, 1837, or the occupier* of any house or tenement in which any such birth shall happen, may give notice of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tihe ltfti lf., id Whitehaieb, the lady of Capt. Riowland Penningto , Adjutant 6f hte Rosal Cumbetlandi wilitia, ofra- daughter, e1r If31b child. - DEATHS. At the Manor 16Wse in South&vWr, -an the t- inst.,,ths t*ife 6f the Rev. Harrj yWest,`ctor. of Berwiik, atd'VicaroeLaughten, Sussex. ' At Rustingloa.-near Arundel, on llonsdar last, 51r. James Ricbardson, at . eadvanced age of 10 years. ...