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Leeds Mercury



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Leeds Mercury


... E-N W I ?? T1I ?? I - . I . -C. .. EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRARY; NUDIA and AavsrNrA; by, the REVi .Rs le ?? arid Boyd. LL E in 'Ate Thin twvelfth numrber of is series which has been repeatedly t !Yer praised by nrs, both for its design arid execution, ireeds ' ins sc~arcely any oclrfr remark than that it equal;is, ly Iredeedh a too soe Iti urcdb ie ri e learniiirg, judgment, arid d ate- elegance ...


... ADDRESS DELIVERED TO TIIE STUDENTS IN 1 AIREDALE COLLEGE, JUYE 183th) 1834, 'd THE IR1EV. IVALTEIt SCOTT, TUiV.ooIC.sL TIToR D If any apology is needed for introducing a notice r of this ramlphlet into our colunmns, it will be enough to renmark a that every thing connected with such an Institution as Aireelale ; Ceflege mlust be important to the district in whiclt it is situated. iT Alle ...


... REVIEW S. A 1l,)IE ?? ADD)RESSED TO TillE La)RD IlIjlIOP10 Oil LONDON, onl the sanction given in bio late chargc ito the clergy of that diocese, to the calumnies aoilst thc( D)issenters, contained inl Certain letters, sligned 1I S. F. by at iintciiber of' the Church of England. Ridg- eay, illi4. AVe uniderstandl thle author of' this seasonable ie ?? ted 1eilctia~itranCd'' is Cit AItES, ...


... n Beneath a very aged tree, I saw an aged man, .- Whose mortal days were seemingly Worn to the shortest span. His dress was ragged, and his brow Lt Deep marks of sorrow bare e His eyes, once bright, were darken'd now, 0 By tear-drops of despair. r ?? spoke,-bat none would hear his tale Of sorrow and distress ; t - He wepr,-yet tears had no avail,- All pass'd him pitiless. The very dogs c'en ...


... STANZ A S, Adrlrrsm-l to the Josi. , 1aS.rNt SNVJI, R, T), comtpostd by one of Wlls PupilA, and presented to him: on ]ns rctiirg trou uour !:rec F ra Gramimar School. [Isla~c lt ?? jsi a..r pa. ] Yo Seraph triil ?? lily sop \Vith gratful filial love, To you ublivtelt thoics belon', Aind ghlrens ?? abovy - Aid -nrc in this, adll firnili pol seats attend, M hitl rI.Bate the goadiless' ot my ...


... I.rjjE SONG OF Tfir, IYORKSHIRE MEETING. Esri Grey alic for Joiihn atnt..stpromisitg dinner, A nd csessttoitd it eI'-I - vith sil, Ieljpel', and ?? llnt Cite i'eers say tbe conk NvasS an igrnirmitt sinner, T't put suech a 5t5mir.y situve to his ctiattr(l . a .5,hbi Bul5l call otbtain frorn those tniggard physicians, Plut is iigeunfutl (f gruel re walze lis hcart waril. s ::r5 fur the giitol Ot ...


... eIIN to- 'lieLo-.00fl05.' A. j1. Vaipy'. dil T volume oif t~itl new' ediitioti, which catme o1st lti bth e itegittoitg of Decoiniter, to the IfOnt'teotttlit ,'noritet' Aivif V; t to ?? the beset Willt moot coitpfitte cdiiboit of Ettylotlon' le ?? ?? stitch ?? e , 0 1k'ttt irbestntel Ito nthe ut putllic. 'Tie plays 10t this vitltutme ave Hlamietr atiltl QiTlllt, vto twot (iI titl It ?? of ...


... On ?? .IJ'crt's rielwre of Christ ?? a. s.r71d thie, of/cj, Ga inltrval qfa eer rl:lt r. Ilowr many yclae have paised awity Sinece 1 before thst piet Ire stood ! Alid of ti vsc y 0: is, evbh hour, ealch day NIiw rtoilk s ith 'ik thcse beyond the tlood Since ti ose bricht eyes hive gazed upon IT !c$ I ll ?? ic pieteil there. Yet asil vir.Ire dtwise brihit eytes re gone, Aud ivmorl- iful ?? B ...


... Unhappy Poland! I could weep for thee, Tihy w~ongs colnstrain the deepest sympathy Can greater sorrwns for thi' ?? remainl When will the 'yramt's work be done ? Oh ! *vhen Willihis perverted soul's lilvettlons cease, And give their bleeding hearts the wish'd release 7 vhy, rctributifn ! are thy ?? s0 slowr! Oh haste for 1Poland's salc ! and Poland's foe ! For ev'ry pang his iron rod huth nmFde ...

THE CHRISTIAN KEEPSAKE, And Missionary Annual. Edited by the Rev. WM. ELLIS. London—Fisher, Son, and Jackson

... TlHlE ClIISTIAN KEEPSAKE, I Al1dl i;s.,ioflarY Annual. Edited by tie Rev. W'M. ELLI9S.I 1olndln-Fisher, Sam, and Jackson.I 'I'hac Iirst of the Antn utri that Ili . reachcd uts this Seasotn is avii nile to which wie are able to give our rearin arid Unqjuadlifed Col-tric!)sr11nonl Its tihistratiotis atrc iiitereetitig aid sp lendciid, andl( it,, literaty depiartmrent is clharacterizedi by highi ...


... I .,TIFERED TRIBES O1 THIE BRITISH Nib by IloariE r MT Loiidoi Wiiitta- Mttdlltie ?? scull tcctlticti twro itintldsonit and rhes w-ithI ?? *r the biliii tics is T in Grea i u ritain, and siici allt-e almost as j their litbits alln( chliactera isri s ill thei F jr Mitl!ie brins to his worlk a sinclrieO and ;a . il alliltlil til titit(!, arid ciputtciiit\ tof e rit ; alid his 1>ik to iti ollI Ct ...


... WRITE ON,. NVBITJI ON. A BALIAO. ; (Fro~e-tIc i'me5.) Tune- Slcep on, sleep on, ny Katbleu detar. W~rite on. write on, ye Itarons dear, Ye, write hard anti tlst't The boon we's eought through many a year Your quills wilt brlqg at last. One letter more, Noeetastlc, pmll, To match Lord I1, Iun I, mid mnore thau relnt's host of men rse braice of Peers trill (lo. Write no, write on, &c. ...