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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... The flatery of others would not isljure us, if we (lid not flatter ourselves. SOLITUDE.-Little do men perceive wbat solitude is, and how far it extendetlh; for a crowd is not company, and faces aire but a gallery of pictures, and talking but a tinkling cymbail, whsere there is no love.-Bacon. If everything liars below happened as thou eouldst wvieh, in every particular, even the most minute, ...


... voetrp. 3IY GARIDBN GATiE.-Bs- CHARLES MACRAT. STAND back. bewildering politics, I 'vplaeed my fences round, Pass on. with all your party tricks, Nor treadO mv holy ground. Stand back-r m'wa5rY of your talk- Your squabbles, and four trade; You cannot eilter In th s walk, SI 'Y closed my garden gato. Stand back, yo thoughts of trado and pelf I have arefuge here, I wish to zolmOnme wItn myself, ...


... LITERART VARIETIES. Wicdiffe's body, thirteen years after nhis death, was disin- terred and burned, and the ashes throwvn into a neighbouring brook. .Speakig of this transaction, Puller says-l Tue brook did convey his ashes into Avon; Avon into Severn; Severn anto the narrow seas; they into the main ocean. And thus, thte ashes elf Wicklife are tho emblems of his doctrine,which is now ...


... X?ETrflARY VAREETIIIB. Flirtation jot a woman is equivalont to libertinism in a man; it is the manlifostetion of tile saume loose principles, only eestroain- ed by the usage of the world fromd developing itself in a similar SEA SeeseNxES.-Tl1 MIAteodssie d'Inzdtaetrie states, that a girdle worn. round the body above the hoovels--that is, over the epigastruos-will prevent Sea sickness. it is ...


... LXTWEREAR VAXSE1TMs. Revenge is a lever in our blood; to be (at times) cured only by letting the blood of anotber, but the remedy too often produces a relapon, which is remorse-a malady far more dread, ful than the first disease, because it is incurable.-Colton. ALTARS IN TIHE EAST.-There is no canon that I know of, says Bishop leber, for placing churches with their alters eastward; and though ...


... a 5tO&zmst's STOR.Y or A 5MULZL. A LUlEND). NEcit the village of Abbots Lillinigtols, in Cuuaberland, ill thle yoar 1616, stood at etail 0ehinch of Saxon architecture: oin Cte rigt, f iteovvgrwsspah sayoftChsc hureltytssd, on Christrafs evc of tile slame year, yawned1CL ft newlVy-dug, grave. T1hc sunl was:' setting upon Cite trill of that. old, grey towe~(r as at Stranger slowly took ]'is walk ...


... z.ITZAAAW VAILIETZES. Martin 'Luthrr said-' Wealth is the smiallest gift of God -what is it to be compared with his word or corporeal gifra, such as beavity, health, and activity ? What is it to the gifts of the-mind--such as intellect,'soieince, and taste? And agai'i he said as truly-' God commonly gives riches to gross asses,, to whore lie can affo-ld nothing else.' PUEACHINa.-I iove a ...


... 15octArj. TO THE SNOW-DROP . Hope till hope creates From its oxviw wvreck tile thiiI9 it COnt(iRlUat1CS,-SIRULLEY. THou gentle flower! Emblenm of innocence and purity; Sweet harbinger of Spring! Say Wsert thoea not afraid Alone to rear thy fragile head Amidst stern Winter's snows; And with thy spotless hope Menlace the durance of the tyrant's reign ? From thee-thouggh but a simple tlow'r ...


... Tiso Church- Goer, beinfl a Serie~s of Sandatt Visits to the carioes Chus'rclcq of Bristol, Light and Ridler, lligh-street, Bristol; Hamilton, Adams, & Co., Patcrnoster-row, London. 'r ho Clins'ci-Goer consists of a number of' papers (originally published inl the coluimns of the Bristol 'Times) descriptive of the writer's visits to the differenit iehnrohs of this city. Thc attentionl whichi ...


... I'octril. CLIFTON LAYS.-No. 3. 'r1I3 LAY OF THE VALLEY. Timr.)vwas when rutler soundstl Woei never heoart! Il tIs fallr vaile taltl sole's tO IIiC 5Wret Iir'l And olt, as eveningr ealilo'lhe Il''lirltigalo lletiled tlis-ilk 11itei wtll tile liver's talc; ulit now arc le Il tlese WWHtiC'lers ol S te wn Aml os, ea liuiat I feitit lark M iselilel broodS; towv Sound os Iutil. . fillr l the saill ...


... Qottrpv LINES Wa171IN ON THE DEATH OF A BELOVED RELATION BY DOwRNING. 'T WAS midnight; and the Virgin moon Bathed in tier dsivery light the calm, blue sea; All Nature seem'd at rest, save when A breath of air distuirb'd the glassy space, And, like an atgel's whisper, spread A holy, heavenly calm around. He sunk, unseen by mortal eye; unwept By those he loved-by children, wife; the sea-bird ...


... i3ottrp. FAREWELL.-BY BISHOP HEBE11. WS;EN eyes are beaming What never tong'ue might tell, When teals are strearning From their crystal cell; When hands are link'd that dread to part, And heart is met by throbbing heart, OhI bitter-bitter is the smart Of them that bid Farewelil When hope-is chidden, That fain of bliss would tell, And love forbidden In the breast to d well; When, fetter'd by a ...