The Church

... Slit Q-1bracb. We learn from the Morning Pos', that the Queen wvisa ing to read some sermons, her uthiTiiters have recommended her Dr. Arnolds ; a divine who denounces the doctrines of Hooker, Taylor, and Wilson, as 'mischievous, a pro- fane, manifestly unchristian, priestcraft positive blasphemy, &c. P'rety books to put into the hands ofte young fb uhaleo It is with feelings of ...

The Church

... Ze Qitlvdj. NOBLE EXAMPLE TO PATRONS OF CHURCH IN CUMB E NCI ES. Few things have given us more pleasure, for some time past, than a brief and simple notice which appeared in the London Gazette of Friday last. It was to the following effect:- Notice is hereby given, that application is intended to be mare to parliament, in the next session, for leave to bring in a bill for the division of ...

Original Poetry

... Orginal WOEt. I DEATH. - Hrw many t'ihiimJ touldat 1Tou hare, insaliale grare y Death ! thy far and shaduwy land is flied with a Pale and spectral Land, And comnest thou yet ? Spare I 0 spare! Nor rifle our home of its young and fair. There are old and feeble Crowding thy way, With their faltering steps and locks of grey These for thy summons wait and pray, Then take nut our loved and young ...


... (From the Alew Mronilly.) I sAw her as I fancied fair, Yes, fairest of earth's creatures- I saw the purest red and white O'ersipread her lovely fe atures- F he fainted and I spri:k1-led her, ller malady relie ving I wiashl' bjthi rose anrd lily off Oh ! seeing's nort believing 1 I look'd gaint, again I lonn'd To breathe love's food confession; I saw her eyebrows forin'd to give ller fNeu its ...


... _ _ _ _ _ ~I THE MOURNER'S RETURN. BY SIR 1'. rttESi;ET ir rLL'ET5VOOD, BART., M.P. [These lines, written after accompanyitg the remains of a loved and last child from London tl the family resting-place, in Lancashire, wvere merely intended for private perusal among those interested in the beautiful, too highly gifted deceased.- Lovams'hire Herld.] IVito kilowet; Wnot. in all these, that the ...


... arifcties. When isa chimney like a chicken? Do ye give it up? Whell it's a littleford. A ne-w opera, composed by Benedict, the libretto by Mr. Chorley, has been accepted at Covent-gardeu Theatre, and will be brought mit with all possible speed. Some arch wagl has been hoaxing a numerous circle of the citizens of Dublin by isSuing cards of invitation in the name of the Lord Mayor, to a dinner ...

Selected Poetry

... ?btllcEtO C HARITY. BY OaoTtte, J. LEE STTEVrZs* Where pleasurei beam, where joys abound, Where happy hparts alone are fouand, Where even love m 1y deign to be, Tbere still is room for Charity l The brightest eyes may brighter smile- The warmest heart. may warmaer glow- That fromt enjoynelnt, turn a hile, To dry the tears of wrant and woe ! And where unhappy discord re: -ns Where passion ...


... ®ur crap bask; 0. OR,' EXTIACTS FROM RECON.TLYPTJBLISHED WORKS . AND PUBLAC JOURNALS. CAD FARlS ANP T1EIR FLUCTUATIONS.--T a gentle- man in black, with a blue or crimson inoreen bag contain. ing pae'rs 'tied with'red tape, 8d. per mile' according to act of parliament. To' a young gentleman with Ihalf a eigar and a pea coat, taken up at the Cyder lOchrs,; and driven . like' bricks, 2s. ...


... THE CABI1NET AND THlE CHURCH. C! ~ ~ 1.. ,1. .. dtch is tle title of a very able paper, forming- theleading article in the forthcomiing Nho of TIIL CliunwtirlN, with a proof of Which we have 1)001 favoured. Its object is to press upon the cabillet die appointment of a minister of religion end education, to whorn the interests of the church shall bh confided ; and also the facts, that the ...


... AUTY . BEP kUT- I. The vind o.vcrl er it. and it is _,o6.-tssianh. IsAW adeW-droP, cool and clear, 3JatcePoii a bitrtte %pravy; lair cloirs deil;kd the tiicd tear, Iike thdse'*hidlidlearnm d '4isapea§:, hien shiVt'ers- -tla -uii'-bearni rhy-s Sol cast atlivat ta glaee s-eere, And'scorch'd the penrl aivay. Iiigh on a'steirter, $politri'd artni A fraiafit lily grew; On the piure petals-n-ahV a ...


... . 8@letrp. TtiIj: SWISS GU1DE. }3y 1gOB.'2ZE: SOUTIJE, Efq.;f- - On Mr. SouTIrEY'S qiIttiuIg him, he asked him fora chairacter, when the Poet gave him the following ;i i 'consequnccc of Vhich; *JON ROTh U has-become tfid ';mdst poputlar Guide in' Switzdltind, and is inquired fort byv all travellers; tbtiu uf whlom he perunItted to 'take a copy of his Pottichl tharacter: -By rny troth,'this ...


... A meeting witw held atl seven o'clock on Wednesday evening, at thev Exchangte, in order to facto a Society b~r the eocourageiniet of the Fine Arts, nod an Exhbilution of painittings, J&c, in this town. It was attended by upwards of fifty persons, all of whom iannifested anl enthttsiastifC desire, to promoitte thle object for which they had beeit called togelher. Thle resolutions that were ...