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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

The Court

... Windsor, Tcesday.—The unfavourable state of the weather prevented her Majesty and H.R.H Prima Albert leaving the Castle thie morning. The Marquis of Lansdowne (Lord President) and the Marchioness of Lansdowne arrived at their residence Berkeley-square on Monday evenine from the Contineat The noble marquis attended at the Council-office morning, and the afternoon left town on a visit to Earl of ...


... The Prussians have entered the territory of Cracow, with two battalions of infantry and two squadrons of cavalry The commander-in-chief, Count Brandenburg, is in the citv, but his staff are quartered at Liepwice, a village about half way between the city and the Prussian frontier. It said that, with the exception of the chicfs of the insurrection, the rest of the refugees will be permitted to ...


... Her Majesty's packet Petrel, Lieut. Creser commanding, arrived Falmouth on Sunday night, from the Brazils, with the mails, but bringing no letters from the Iliver Plate, an interruption of intercourse highly detrimental to commercial interests. The following packet, the Seagull, arrived from England on Jan. 21, and the 31st the Petrel sailed. Her paucity of news is remarkable. Her freight ...


... WEST INDIES. Attempt to the Adjutant of the 2nd VT. I. R. at Nassau.—-The Guardian mean account of atrociously deliberate attempt at murder, committed the Ist July by a private of the regiment on ihe adjutant. The facta are o» follows ; Witiiam Neage private in the Grenadier Company of the 2nd W. I. Rr'gt, and a native of the Eboe country, had fixed his affections on a woman whom neither ...


... Within few days after the decease of that amiable man, General Sir William Clinton, the Lieutenant-Governor of CVelsea Hospital, it was rumoured (and that rumour is becoming stronger every day), that the present Quartermaster- Generol, Sir Willoughby Gordon, would succeed the vacancy at that establishment. That lucrative military staff' appointment has been held by General Gordon for ...


... •Pfc* H -^RWickhhihe.—(From our Correspondent The following requisition to W. 8. Dugdale MP is in eminent signature, but up to seven elick (Monday) very few hare signed their names e, the electors of the Northern Division of the countv I of arwiek, m reply to your address the 28th of Fel™.arv if assure you that we ran perceive no reasoning ot argument mit to satiny us that you have bv the ' ...


... Neglect of the Poor ix Scotland.—Notwithstanding the high assessments levied in Glasgow for the support of the poor, instances are frequent in which the poor are shamefully neglected. Many readers may not be aware that there exists in that city a society entitled The Glasgow Association in Aid of the Poor, for the express purpose of assisting paupers in their applications for or endeavouring ...

Why should a man's pheasants be stolen, any more than his fowls ? The Times asks t.hig question with

... a well-assumed simplicity. It may be answered by another question: Why should a man's spoken words be stolen, any more than his bank notes ? There is scarcely a Protectionist gathering, in town or country, with or without a dinner, at which some orator does not make free with Mr. Disraeli's description of Sir Robert Peel's government as organised hypocrisy. Yet not one of those orators ...

If the West Indians are wise, they will be quiet; and keep their pretended friends quiet, if they can. Their

... present position is very like that of the landowners in 1841. By an unprincipled combination, they can defeat and upset the Government. The landowners did so on that occasion. The West Indian proprietors are tempted to follow their example. Before they take the leap, let them look on the other side of the hedge. they see Peel there? ID® they sec no agitation there ? they see no total ...

France. Commercial Treaty with Denmark —According to the National a commercial treaty is about to be concluded ..

... Denmark, and a French Consulship isto be established at Kiel, on the Baltic. Forgery of Government Stamps.—ln a case of forgery, which for several days has occupied the Paris Assizes, a verdict was given on Saturday. In France it is requisite for the way-bills of carriers to stamped, and it was lately discovered that the exchequer had been defrauded to a very considerable amount forged stamps ...