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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... MeONDcAY. These sessions coosmencce at tice Guildhall, Westminster, on Monday, before Mr. Sergeant Adams, clhaireace, an,-. a bench of ?? calendar contained the names of orly 17 prisoners, 12 of whom were charged with felony. ItARnAnaors TncPAM'crST OF A CtIco.-1fary Taylor-, a middle-aged woman of Bullen-court, Straocd, pleaded guilty to ace indictcraent charging leer with assaulting lier ...


... MONDAY. This'court met Sto-day at ten o'clock, pursuant to the adjournment from the last session. The commissioners present were the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, the Re- corder, Sherifis, Under-Sheriffs, and other of the authori. ties ofthe city of London. The Recorder addressed a few observations to the Grand Jury upon the subject of their duty, and they then retired to their room in order that ...


... LAW INTELLGENCE. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY WEDNESDAY. RE JOIIN SHNsTER, ANO INsOLVENT.-The insolvent It this case, who was described as of Palace New-road, Lam. beth, came up to-day on his petition, but did not appeal personally. His debts and liabilities amounted to aboul 13,9171. He asked for six months to pay his creditors, when it was stated that he would be able to do so in full Et there were ...

Legal and Sessional Appointments for December, 1845

... Legal a-ad Sessional Appointments for December, 1845. FOR BUSINESS CONNECTED WITH THE CITY. (Holden at Guildhall ) I13th-London Sessions, before the Recorder. 12th- -Lord Mlayers Court, before the Recorder. 2nd.- Court of Aldermen. 4th and I1th.-Court of Common C incil. 4th, 13th, and lSth.-Sheriffs' Court, before Mr. commnissiorer Bullock, Ibr the trial of ie'ues rnder the provisions of the ...

LAW COURTS.—Saturday

... LAW COURTS.-Saturday. A _ COURT OF CHANCERY. The Lord Chancellor sat ?? tsda , it being the irest day of Hilary Term. The uital Ceremony of breakfasting with his lordship, of the Judges, Queen's Counsel, Masters in Chancery, &cl owas dispensed with acrsrding to previous ?? court was occu- pied the whole day with appeal motiHons. VICS.CHANCERY. Although this was the first day of Hilary Term, ...


... The ilvestigation relating to the death, of Mrs. Mary Pearsom and Mrs. Elizcbeth Everett, was resumed on Thursday nmorrinig at the Greyhounsd-ini, Attleborouglh, bhfore Mr. Plgrint, the Nosfolk coroner, and he jury previou sly etopannltled. Hannah Ever-tt, a nice of the deceased, said,-I live in Norwich. The day my aunt Elizabeih Eve- rett Wn; buried I went to Tibbenhase. Nothing ...


... POLICE INTELLIGZNCL GUiLDEALL. , AssAULT ON THfl POLICE -On Tuesday, Ann Elliott was charged with violently assaulting several ?? 131 said that about a quarter to six o'clock on the previous evening, he saw the pri- soner and a gentleman getting out of a cab in Finabury- place, South, when there arose a dispute as to the fare, used they refused to pay the cabosan. The gentleman was intoxicated ...


... GUILDHALL. THE CHARGE OF RAILWAY SPECULATION 'UNDER FALSE PRETENCES. - On Monday, Mrs. Catherine Stulz was again placed at the bar, charged with com- missioning Mr. William Barton, of 10, Throgmorton- street, stock-broker, to purchase 1,000 London and North-Western Stock, which stock was purchased, and which she refused to pay for, or the loss thereon, amounting to 37 18s. The facts of the ...


... XANSION-HOUSEF A BRUTE.-On Wednesday, a brutal fellow, named Samuel Bailey, was charged with having violently assaulted two police- monvaedothers.-Thedefendant, aperson of great bodily strength, was seen kicking a dog, which he was dragging with a piece of cord. Upon being expostulated with by a policeman, he exercised still greater cruelty, and struck and kicked every one who inter fered The ...


... A system of alleged poisoning has within the last week been brought to light in the vicinity of Yerm, situated on the borders of Yorkshire. The facts that have ?? before the magistrate and the corener's juty are as follow :-On the 25th of last month a man named George Howe, a labourer (whose wife had died some five weeki prbviously under sudden and suspicious circumstances), was given into ...


... IRELAND, THE IRISH CONSPIRATORS.-DUBLIN, THURSDAY EVENING.-In the Court of Queen's Bench this day, the Lord Chief Justice stated again,-at the sitting of their lordships, that judgment would not be pronounced in the case of the Queen versus O'Brien, Meagher, &c., until Tuesday next, in consequence of the indisposition of Mr. Justice Moore. An order was made to bring up the pri- Eoners on that ...


... L3.AW INTELLLIGENOL INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT. EXTRAORDINARY SCE&E.ZIN RE GEORGE BATHER. --The' insolvent, a young man, who had been a scale- Makerin the';Haymarket, was opposed bathe part of, his detaining creditor, William Chilvers, who had been inhids employ.'l The perjury committed in this case, which oc- citpied more than four hours, was of the blackest~haracter. Theinsolvent alleged that ...