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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... f+larnaors. On the 15th inst., at the Co31eciate Chur(h, by the Rev. R. Parkinson, B.D., Eldminit Grundv, um., Esq., of Bury, to EliZabeth Frances. daughter of Thonmas Cardsvell, Esq., of this totin. On the 16th inst.. at the same phice, Mr, Robert anl ell, of this test a to Eniilv, voinnccst daughter of -Mr. William Giler it, of Clhetusoond. Onl the l4th ilst., it 'Iol ity Church, S.,lford, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Alarriageo. On the 19th inst. Mr. T. W, Vharton, Salford, to Miss Mary Ann Dennis, of the Samr place. b On the 19th inst. at the Coilegiate OCrch, by the Re. W. W. Johnson, Mr. Thomas L. Gerraty, to Barbara Ann, youngest (laughter of the late Geprge Nabb, Esq. solieitor. Same day and place, the Rev. .lphn Wesley Gilehrist, of Carlisle, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of nMr. John Long, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to P MARRISED, ry On the 7th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. Wilson, M.A. Li b a vicar, Air. Joshua Murgatrovd, of this city, to Mfiss M[ary Lomas, ml of Ardwick. R, lie On the 7th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. Wilson, M.A. vicar, Mr. William Powell to Miss Lavinia M'Donnell, both of this all city. ng Os the 7th inst. at St. John's Church, by the Rev. William W nd Hantingdon, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i ci 'MARRIED, RIp On' the 11th inst. atitho eatholio Church of St. John the Evange. In list, 8elford. by the Rev. James Boardman, incumbent, Mr. John Mactin to Mics Ann Riley, both of Salford. ',On the 7th inst. at Calderbrook Indepednent Chapel, by the b 3 Rev. Reuben Calvert, uncle of the bridegroom, Mr. Matthew Henry 5 Calvert, of this city, to Miss Emma Clegg, of Baonp. h Os thb 6th met. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iu- or- MARRIED, var On the 21st inst. at the Cathedral, by the R1ev. W. Wilson, Mr. Its Joseph Mellor Morris, of Grove-street, Ardwick, to Mrs. Cileren- Ir. show, of Greonheys. lo- On the 21st inst. at the Cathedmrl, by the Rev. W. Wilson, AL.A al, vicar, Mr. Tlhomas Beswi?k, of Broughton, to MIss Ruth Taylor, he of Salford. of On the 20th inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. Wilson, M.A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. On the 3d inst. at the Cathedral, by the Rev. WV. Wilson, M.A Mr. FiancisDakin,to MIiss Maria lace, both of this city. U On the Ist inst at the Cathedral, by the 11ev. W. Wilson, MA. 'y Mr. Charles George Loche, of Liverpool, to Miss Phobe Cook, of ts Choelton upon-Medlock. ksOil the 20th ult. at Irwell-strest Chapel, Salford, by the R1ev. J. Vanes, Air. John Thomas Greenough,of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... faanrrfagzo, On the Oth inst. at the Collegiate Church, Mr. Thomas Evans, to Miss Margaret Syddall, both of this tovn. On the 13th inst. at the same place, aMr. Thomas Maddock, to Miss Elizabcth Cores, both of iHulimc. On the inst. at thle same place. 15rr. Richard Taylor, to Miss Ann Jonles, both of Higler Lroughton. On the 7th inst. at St. J1h1's Church, by the Rev. T. Buckley, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... c 11ila~riagnX, On the 25th instant, at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev WV. WV. Johnson, Mr. GEORGE HOWARTIH, of this town, to lMrs. RELIZA I-.T BAiE, of Groelleys, On tho 27th inst., at ?? Saile place, Mr. CHAS. WILSON, to liss ALICE WILDING, both of Salfard. On thi 2Sd inst., at St. Mary's Chulrch, by the Rev. WVi Hall, Mr. JAM3ES HYDE MAYER, of Huahe, to Miss SUSAN DEsirsY, of Pendlebury. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARItIED. On the 29th tlt., at the Collegiate Church, Mr. Lawrence Dobson, to Miss Emma .Green, both of this town. On1 the 30th tilt., at the sante place, Itr. Samuel Garsile, of Ashton-under-Lyne, to liss MWtry Walker, of Droylsden. O11 the 31st nIlt., at the same place, Mr. Tames Parker, to Miss Susannah Ann Nightingale, both of Chorlton-upou. Mledlock. * On the 1st inst., at the same place, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On thlo 17ti hist., at the Collegiate Church, MIr. l illiam Elliott to M iss Marv Hallipsioll, both of lioho1ic. Coi tio lath oast., at tho Saine place, iMr. George Hensuhall, to Misas aria )Iell, both of Salford. Sanlle day mei place, SIr. George Bowdei, of this town, to Miss IEleaoer Jonles, of I11lli eWe. Oil tho 2:3'l ostl., at tho same placc, by tho Rev. W. *. Johnsoll, M.A., Mr. Ja0les ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ftlarrtagrz. On the Isilt inst., at the (collegiate Church,by the Rev. WV. *Vilson, M.A., Mr. John Icrs.haw Clough, of this town, to Manry. fifth daughter of WV. Salthouse, Laq., of Thornton, rh-ar Fleetwoo(l. Oin thi; l7:,1 inst., at the same place, Mr. Fredericlk Muli:r, of Opensha w, to Mrs. Susannah Thomas, of Ard- wick. oin the lalth bint at rit thsaie place, Mr. Samuel Taylor. of Hiuhne. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... plarrlage:2. On thae 1'2th illst., at the Collegiate Church. Mr. Jobet Roya1lnce, of Stroled, to 3rs. Hannah Taylor, of rezst- bury. On the 15th inst., at the same place, Mr. James FeSton, to Aliss Ann P'ickeregill. both of Clhoritutl-cuni-Hardy. On the 16th inst., at the saute place, by the Rev. R. sf. Clifton, M.A., Jenies1 Andrew C:mipbeil. Eq., only sur- viving sr u of the ?? WN:aitcr ...