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Manchester Times



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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 29th llt., nt tho Collegiate Church, by (lie Rcv. W. Wilsoll Mir. Thoesas Saunders, of Coleshill, near ilatywrell, Flitsihire, t Sarah, youngest dangliter ofi the late Mr. Itchard Parry. or Chester. On the 30til ult., at tbe same placc, ir. Henry Holt, of this town, to Miss Margaret Cooper, of the saine place. I On the Ist inst at the sanse place. Mr. Georgc Pilkington, of Tot- tington, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *larnages. On the 0th inst, at the Collegiate Church, Mr. Will. Blease, to Miss Susannah Heywood. both of SMxlford. Same day and place, 3Ir. John Grundy, to flies Ellcn.,r Boyd, both of this town. Samie day and place, Mr. Joseph Whalley, of Corie, t;, Miss Elizabeth Robinson, of Salford. Sau'e day and place, 3ir. George 31araden. of Cherlitr.:- upounMedlock, to M1iss Elizabeth Rushton, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ftarriage., Onl the l7ilh list., at the Collegiate Church, by the Rev. ?? Fiehlina, Dlr. J.ames Youle to Elizabeth, second daugshter of Mlr. Thomas Johnson, all of this town. til the 18th inst., sit thei same plice, Mr. James Calalm, of Salfusrd, to AMiss Ann Grub, of the city of York. (SO the 20th inst., at the same place, by the Rev. Henry Fielding, Williaus Staley, Esq.. of Thistle Mount, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 6st inst at the Collegi 2 hr b, by Fielding, MA 'Jr Stimnel Manley Cooke, of otiS tOWII. Hannah anL E t tof this townr. Onl the 3d Inst., at the sanme place, bythe Rev, o M. Lient. Flours' Arthur onislowConst, of the 48 Native Iitlantry. to Elizabeth, youngest daugh Cress. Esq., civil eng ineer, London, It ialtt11trrf ~r }'illapi1tyo 3rl o'fillisam Ln .t Oil the Rlt uist., at tsile&te ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 7th instant, at Wakefield, Mrs. J. Matthewnrs, of a son. z~atrrlagt>. On the 4th ultinio, at Audlern, Mr. Abraham Lakin, auctioneer, Whitchurch, to Miss Overton, of Audlem, Cheshire. - On the 5th instant, at Colne, John Ollive Sims, of Shel- ton, Staffordshire, to Frances, fifth daughter of the late Thomas Hoyle, Esq., of Mayfield. On the 6th instant, at Bowden Church, Cheshire, Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAI IfEDU, Onl tlie fth inst. tit St. Angustiiie's Catholic chapel, by thle Rev. W. 'l'urier,V.A. Itt. John flipleyV, of mutlne, to Marg krcc tlaughter f' of Itt. Tblonias Wai chouos, careri, of thiii town. t 'On (the 8Ith hint. at the Collegiate, uburnel, by thle Re'c..Wilson, M.A. Mi. Willitin Sointer, of Ardwticic, to Miols Edlizabeh Bivlaey, of tue saine place, and fourth dautghiter of Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On t lh 17th. Jily Iast, at 're3tlvich, ?? Edwin Oscer Mothoes,NN-A l i 10epr:o Meu C. andt J. Yates, to Hmln- Jash n,.e, soe'C! d.-.I:ter of Mr. Thiomas Mfason, of Chorl- t'611-upco~l- Dciled ock i Latelvy, Mr. R. Nichol-n.z o' Nc-stic-on.Tvnn, to Janke ish lua, vldesr daiu-htor it' Mr. F. IIML ;C, preprietor the' DAirhiai .4draijl; el. On i 13th. ii:itt, at Cm'. iv ?? the Rev. J. Kendall, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... : arviagcS. ,On the loth instant, at Bettey, Ale., Walleoy, of Huriston., Ont Naetwich, to Mrs. Burrows, of-the former place. On the 15th nstatnt,l at Bunbury, Joseph, eldest. son of ~jnhnisheen Esq.,' ITIlston Bank, to Sarahi, eldest daughter of 'Air. Wiliam Sheen, of the samne pIlce, Onathe 17thinstant,' nt Ackworth, Thomas Belk, Esq., 4nicitors Pontefract, to Eva3 eldest daughter of John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 9th instant, at the Independent Chapel, Chanr+l- street. Salford by the Rev. John A. Coombs, Mir T1n as Harrison, of St. Stephen's-street, Salford7 to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr John Owen, of the same place. , N On the 8th instant, at the parish church of Cheadle, Wm. Forsyth Smith, Esq. R.N., second son of William Smith, Esq. of Fullwood, near Liverpool, to Frances Elizabeth, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 15th instant. at the Collegiate church, Mr. Samuel Atkinson, to Miss Ann Watson, both of this town. On the 21st instant, at the same place. Mr. John Cowther. of Linfit, t to Mary Ann, younge st daughter of Mr. Williat Belk. of this town. On the 22d instant, tat the same pl ice, by the Rev. William Mars- den, B..D. Mr. James Payasn. of this town, to Miss Eleanor Phillips ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MTAR11 tEl), On the 115th inst. at the Collegiato Church, by the tev.. -. Wilson, Mt A. Mr. Henry Winterbottom, Surgeon, r Hohule, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. Irydon, and Deice to Dr of _Lthc Sia 1town uv. in On the 15th inst. at tho i hCll1rChh , bv the R i Ahiro, by the hey. Daniel deaoedry, tMisA. Mr. Davd BunxMton '1 Kent Read. LoLdon, to rltlrriatt, sceond.daughter of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I AIIIlI ESD, O; t Lhe 4th illot. A!L St. Msrys Cltoch, Ar;. ufenttao tntoelf n I t A. .c'INmli'ng, bofit ofthis town. y Onl the 46t iust. at thet Peritsh CIlhurch, Anlomtlbitiy, hy thc Rev. y Iei Jones3, vira~r, Mr. GeorgO o fnyLat f90rr i e AliYS Ij l1fRos, L D.lnlt, ti '1 i I. !- ith 012 t nl. 3i.t r. Juohns (l:thloliotpi, f tfoi, bytrh Rer. .JaMIOU lear1lioaaLIU, Mlr. SV illifau I elik'r ...