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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... {l~lar l agf,,fi Onl the 7,th ilint., at the Collhgiate Clinrcli, MIr. TOIIN WEAVERLl, oS' l1tlmiie, to IIES MRY KINSEY, (if Chorltol- upoI Mledlock. O(l the 8th ilst. it the ?? placle, Nitr. GEnlOIl:G YO'NAL.L, to 3lAIY ANN. eldest dauglhtcrof Mr. SOLOMON ItillI;sox both ot Salford. Saeiio day asd place, by the Rev. R. C. Cliftlon1, SAIIUVL ITo1bxl. Esq of loii:gford Torrace. to A XN, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ftlarriageB. On the 15th inst., at the Collegiate Church, Mr. Ralph Robinson, of Salford, to Miss %Valker, Higher Ardivick. On the l9th inst., at the same place, Mir. Henry Rooney, to Miss Eliza Martin, both of Strangeways. On the 21st inst., at the same place, Mr. WVm. Latham, of Hulme, to Miss Anne Jones, of this town. On the 22d inst., at the Same place, by the Rev. C. G., Hulton, M.A., Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIL. On tilo 12th instmnt, at Blythe, in Ihis eounty, tili Hlon. BIrs. Bootlo Wilbrahami of a Bon and heir. MARRIAGES. Yesterday, at. the Superinitendent Registrars' Office, Air. William Clemomha, Tea Dealer, to Miss Margaret Shaw, bosth of this town. On Tuesday last, at the Parish Church, Mr. John Harrison, to Alisa Margaret Parkinson. r On Mlonday last, at the same place, Mr. Jaies Walker ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , , , jgarrtagg0.-: On Wednesday last, Mr. John'Swarbrick, to Miss Jane Speakman.. . On Monday last, ;Mr.. Thomas Mc Clennati, of Blacki burn, to Miss Mary Stocks, of this town. ' , On Tuesday laht, Mr. John Price, to Miss Mary Bolton. . On Monday last, Mr. John Robinson, to.Diss Mary Boyd. Same day, Mr. Rich. Miller, to Miss Margaret Jackson. Same day, Mr. Robert Suminer, to Miss Margery ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ¶arrlRe~. On Saturday last, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Robinson. Same day, Mr. Richard Kilner, to Miss Margaret Thompson. Same day, Mr. Hugh Groggir,, to Miss Elizabeth Goodier. Same day, Mr. Thomas Mlarkland, to Miss Mary Pearson. On. Monday last, Mr. Christopheci.Toiilinson, to Miss Jane Gunnion. Same day, Mr. Thomas Jackson, to Miss Ann Gibson. On Thursday last, Mr. John Livesey, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On StItmln'dl- list, Mir. G~nrge tW', irbil.w. t ib Brown; on llo;:d n !r, tr. illiam , t !i t:!i4rn by ; same day, .i r, Joutn ( u. t, to ?mlil!c-; and ean 1V, ,lvs 'I 1.: .1 r , ?? t Ann 'Iaylor 4 all ofthis rowrn, On Tuesday last, by the Rev, .i, J6i'ea. tih lB-v. . ritv I'ister, of Soho-street. Liverpoel, ro An-k 1! TO' If lIledlfordstreet, Abercromby.square, rrf t' .t tiwo-. On Sunday, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Tuoeday, ithc 6th inst. at thu; Colegia'e Church, Manchester, Air. Johni Scott, of Gr1osvenor- quare, Chf- ton-upeo-)fedlock, to Aliss Ellen Davies, s,?cond dlaugh.. ter' of Mlr. Davies, forcriely of this town. On Thtbusday last, Itichard Jackson to Margaret Tay- ior.; onl TuCSday, William Fox to Ann Inhtgart; on Monday, Thomas Everitt to Ann Walimiley. Onl Monday last, at ...


... y last, at tile Parish Church, by the Rev. Charles Wagstaff, B.A., Mr. Henry Nightingale, to Mary, the eldest daughter of Mr. William Parkinson, innkeeper, Grimsbaw- street. On Tuesday last, at Skipton Church, J. J. Starkey, Esq., of Liverpool, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Henry Alcock, Esq., of Aireville, near the former place. i' - On Sunday last, at Burnley Church, Mr. Benjamin Smith, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE DR. M'ALL. (From the Manchester Guardian of Saturday.) The last obsequies to the remain3 of the Rev. It. S. iU1'All, LL. 1). werepaidyesterday weekiby one of thelargest concourses of mourners ever seen in Mlanchiester. The funeral train, of principal mourners, friends, and relatives of tile deceitted, left the residence of J. 1). Heron, Esq., Swinton Park, about itilf- past ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... bA2fUt IAGS B. On tie loth instanlt at the Collegiate Church. by ;h l Rev. .1 icc~pe Mr Roer ~uat.nureni, f this townt tt pef rg J Mr. tii obi~e tE~ (I°ftiesth6 surn6eqr 0Dirn. to M isMr Sop~lin 01 oeit, 01 Grton. oti the 11th instant. at the sme place. hi. the Re tey . ttn.n tta;l, Mr. Jmes A. Mtialdmat tie r.r Saurh Duerden, latighn Ctr otEYt Mr.iJhn Rbmo itt both oi this town. Saine d, nt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Lately, at Tarporley, Charles Rogerson, Esq., to Miss 6 Lydintd, of that place. On the 6th. instant, at Trinity Church, Islinaton, London. T'homaS, son of Mr. Joseph Cook, of St. Helen's, to Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr. Alfred MBaker, of Islington. On the 9gh.instant, at Lawtou, Cheshire, the Rev. Frederick Ford, M.A., rector of Lawton, in this county, to Atn, only daughter of the late John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Ih e filil. :itst ,nn it tho urisll iltetirg i o e in Lee till iii, 11 .lcl. , il F.ii(nCl t 7lrli CIC'L ailiter Wilh-IIIVrtIv.}''. :ilk in'In'ult|witifer, ftv (Ijril.eldei dar.S f, t ilr3. Moar aLtaH. Horin a, t 'orh',hirt, t ?? Rev. 1. Wehtti; II MA (son So hit Von0. Archater.on of Cil- ',jcal it Grett lnoiorth, Chiesthire ,Ial} Preherld. lI Upoll to rligsf'' viza iligesi ?? the to te ...