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Saturday's Post. By Express

... Saturday's Pos/. By Exprels. LO N D O N, JANUARY 17. Ten HAMBURGH MAjLs are now due. ESTERDAY arrived a mail from Dublin. 1 Tfie Parliament met on Wednefday, and on the fubieft of the queffion of Union our n ent writes as follows;- Unrileunionifts are quite elate, and confider fke Qiefftion as already carried. The country isdecidedly in favour of it; Dublin cannot be fi; it' is however ?? ...

Published: Saturday 18 January 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 720 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

LONDON, January 16

... IL 0 N I) W. Va' wary i6. Thefirft fupplics fi . ;e aler means fi to apply to Parliaien, t is - a loan tl of three millions fur the - e and a fublidv for the Emperor oC.: able theni to give to tile ooeration: of .e intg cati paign that degree of ener, ti anm Vigout t( ?? to uring th e conteld ro an hawourable in and happy ifl'ne. . I \Ve learn fromll Vitima that 'ie re-union of the a ...

Published: Saturday 18 January 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3594 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I &CJTkAND?. I C oncerning hie fhipwreclm whic&, hjj1 1 , . the pened, in the late fldtsj we havrlousreldai'r. *ice iholy accdurits; tranffited'cby ocrdn- of Aets. Te-diirefing deils wi beid et ?? 4rhat. folows: -. - . . an With mEch-con'cer'iw'daoice' lynx to 'wre~ck of the -eithn a berde ,,dei, b C to Aberdeen for London,-q'athe Trcks about ,M ea miles Weftl bf Kirkcaldy;i on -te e'vevening ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2290 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ?? ?? RO-M ~I_ ,-NXi c~dZ. -rq~ * h:S Y, ;AN J ..4r. £. ' 0 ADM1RAL Y- (m± C 4> 14, O. e1 -cpy of a Letter from VicAdmriiral-itw' manider in Chief of is ships~-id cfleso ! rd lgberl ?? ?? ej gun, a nd 6 imen i an that the Sa;Va fad. recapttured the: Ala§, -a b -rig; h~r ti3zi- I aU .iziclof~ela letterd'r~ Mr: Bat-- iS :0,4il;oqh-ie~Et) gggt (Licutnansig er4 Mr ?? ?? Wliieha a eua~l, k o ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1013 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Public Occurrences

... Jfublic orcumAeoe0. Ty ..arr L t is fuppofed that General flohenzolern da: of has taken Gavi; his fmcceffes near Novi- are par 3x confirmed. , g ;q. Gavi is a (mall Fortrefs deriving confider- altl 13 able importance from commanding the road MY] IN to Genoa. 0h es Buonaparte has deftroyed the fyilem of con. attI, d- trataing for the fupplying the Army with 'i provisions. He has fubftituted ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 985 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... zX XTHETPRI,&EA OF THE 'OORT~skbaw f TRLEGR1, r L Sli R. .J IT was a cliftom, fbitn y'lo rs- back. ' Rural Farfifhcs, at leat iii that part. of the Country in which-I am fettled that the Piice c of Wheat at the Market adftrtained` that of 'd Flour -at the Mill, by t'e Manufa~uree'a . taking as his compenfatin, or. profit,. an* advance of 4+s per load, or Ys. perbiulihe- dn the Flour, Over add- ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1100 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... lt - I ?- . -.0 iW10,143MA W. - .- 0 1t~~ 0 :Rfte trospt of Jotfti l Ti' ' Xi want' of Co many ftambrgh Mails - having prevented that cpmmunication off - For~eign InteUigenel.. which can certify the real fta e of European 'Politics,'we' are necef- farily obliged to'fufpend' our weekly obferva-' tdons, withregard to the pacific or hoflile dir-, pofitions 'which the Powers at War may poirers ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2601 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Naval Journal

... 7 - -- ?? ?? , 7 ? 'M Id ?? ?; i gr?l 1 ?j; , i -, ? -, ?? , ? iU =:.DOM E nant. _ --RRW -,X~ ?? ?? E TX, ~ ~ B Ia- ' G i F , r SD C. n, .. n S:it t. ,j ug~vct -The Charge, ;b!isgfuhiy, ?? hF e ,was entmenqcs, toL 'be di,Iiiffed.Ehis L.aieLW sieryzcee . , ?? ' .C~aiins Foleytand Sir C Eamilton, Members ,f crv .thte Conure, e.hima molctexcellenacharaeerasa t, ir feamai, and an.oidcer. the ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2470 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

This being the Anniversary of Her Majesty's Birth-dad, the Royal Standard was hoisted in

... f . . 5 I4TURDAY, ?? r, E v, A d ?? 1 . I . 1 Thiis ?? . I irt! -day, t e RoQyal ?? hoifted i i I the -,ed __ * the Garrifon. at the Docktyard,^and .0 11oazd -'he &dff&ent Thips at Spiih~ead ?ndin the' Ea; toor.- -At. twelve o'.clock a' -:ryal faihite, wis n -fitfroin the b htt.r4ies ma3 , _c,;,evkas er fired by the following .troops,,Yi. -the 22d Regisaent of Foot, the- Barff-hire Fepcibles, ...

Published: Monday 20 January 1800
Newspaper: Hampshire Telegraph
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 470 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... Sunday and Eue/dozy's Peg rxlS, 3JANUARY J . ETTT RS Tromn 'Ierlin mention that tie L .ffairs of the Ex-Stadtboldcr, proteted by til. Kin,, of. Pruiflfa, ha1s been arranged with ra.nce. It is aniiroutced that the two Powers hlave come to an augrselleilt to co-operate in order ?? at thie Pe-ice of the Empire, the Bil7oprics of ?? and Bamlberg Mhould be fett ce, ad griven by way ofs indeinntity' ...

Published: Saturday 25 January 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 224 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

LONDON, January 21

... LOVNDOIV, ya;rz ry 2i. At an early hlour on Saturday morning a Mef- fenger arrived at Lord Grenrville's Office with a d ljatcli front Talleyra4nd Perigord, French Mi- riiferfor Forcigo Affairsbrogiht to Dover by the fimle perfon who was the bearer of Buonaparte's leter to tihe Kiaig. In this communication the lencih M~inifier attemipts to dehy it1e aggre-ioln of lFrance, thouigh he- confelees ...

Published: Saturday 25 January 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2367 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

OXFORD, January 25

... OXFOjig Yaar, 25. -- -, ?? !jlm, READER of AistATOM1Y will begin his Coitrfe of Lectures on Human and Comparative Anatomy, on Monday 'he 3d of February, in the Anatomy School5 Chrift Church, at one o'clock. On Thurlday laft Mell. J. Comyns Churchill, and William Nicholas Darnell, Bachelors of Arts, of Corpus Chtifti College, were admitted Maflers of Arts. The fame day Meffrs. Anthony Benn ...

Published: Saturday 25 January 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1184 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News