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... Ass1d Fs. kV At TLarcaftcr Assizes,,the great causelient from Ikte Cour LE. oit Chancery, to, try the validity of the will of the late~ Mr. Perrin, oS Warrigot am nbfreM.Jsice Le Blanc.I' r I wil h e rernern he red,t ch At the i es tator, w liose p roperty i S3 and said to armount to more than too~oool.,disinhi~ritcd his only, St. daughter, if she ahould marry a Scotehman; she did'marry Oi' la ...


... * . ONTU TinI PdOi: LAWS. Aq en coneileralsie son-;etios itas 1en teciteil in thc Conity by the late dacisinn ot the Court. of ';ing' ai BIon;ch in refilsin- to ali!s' the Acrnesite of tilC Over _ ceers&L tlie Poor to be pmls:l, if' work was net imoudl those ))csones whio clainmd reel ie from the parish, and F and its a 31esting of thc AIaI.gietrates, mad principal Gentlemenl and Landholders ...


... (T1- 1 :0 , ,I . V1 O SIRS .1. tlhRlY. Is Oil SMUINIRV, ',IiI-JO1!JJ 111111'1-?]?-JTOCTEIh.(j II' ol his Ilavill., ?? (N-lailIA fviig1hot tile rmqn, lie shold mm I C(III) V ill II IC CIQI,? 11, Fill I OI I 'If I II t' 1`0 I CC a [ILI I (II I i I 111144 II I the mIIIN Illatur IJ, orders. lteuims Ilhd alreadv brell lwcsnt?d to the Olarf, wl'ich gn-ally vxaggcn?ted II;, Io., ?? illc4liing ?,Iuw ...


... NAVAL COURT MARTIAL, PORTSMOU!TH, Alanch li5h, 1881. A Court Martial assembled this day on board H.M.S. E Tl'elleauey, and continued by adjourniment to Friday, to try Capt. LI e isil.Buargess, ?? 'thetis, 46, for the loss of that sihip on Cape Frio, two days after a leaving hio ?? for l'nglasd, with upwards oftii0,iiBJ dol-A e las on board the particulars of which were made 'known to tI r the ...


... Il( Y ;AND MURDLER. lroJ te1 Charsl/ou Courie,. fr-,2 4. ) (r1I'ot /I/ C ris tr/aio Coturier', Jtme 24.) td 'Tito, following, Ils'0oxnot~ti0Yt, ?? Ii' a Aivmo rejidutitof Hltvoaimah, cooltaitls fttll lparticutlars 4f tlie thle ILoSS Of tic B~ri tisht brig 'ernon,wm and licr captutre by'j hai pi rates, Its May, 1810. t igetti:withr jit list ot the crew IF 5,tVCl antd ititoe ttitlmdred - ofN ' ...


... id SATURDAY LASs.-Present the Mvovr i--~ kins, J. 0. Travero, E. Cahr, and Wc-i, I' es Esqrs. P~kwo,'oaOsas uxw-kax.-A man, giving, vario,_ anti now stating his name te be Demnpsav, %v tic by Mr. Emanuel, pawnbroker, of Bortnea d ion defrauded him of 30lls by pledging With loin W te presented to be a diamond ring, lout which ,0, uir nothing more than ant inmitatian nc-rto 2aeoul w ie b crwnt ; ...


... T .- - 1a 7 --tTo > - LoxLoNo FRtIDAY. (Before Mr. Commissioner Fane.) e Re COaneu:. 1 PORTSEA AND PoRTsMoULa.-Suspension of citill ?? bankrupt, Henry Coleosut, carrying on business of baker and grocer, at 47, St. James'sstre Portsea, and also the trade of iromonger and farnitae broker, at Pembroie-street,' Portsmouth came up an e applied for his certificate. e Mr. Bagley opposed for the ...


... JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL, actly GORHAM V. THE BISHOP OF EXETER, dr eut.- The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council re-as- co lunes seibled on Monday morning, when the arguments in H plied thiscasewere continued. Dr. Addams resumed his line. address on behalf of the right rev. respondent. Lord ad bv Langdale : I should like quite to understanrd what is to r ya'v the point of ...


... MRIM. CON, tH tOURT- OF KING'S BENCH. r SATURDAY, MAY 31. tAYLOR, ?? THE R25V. M. aiswkooD. b This was an Adion to recover a coompedfation' In damages, for criminal convetfation with the Plaintiff's' 1 Wife. The Plaintiff refides at Totnefs, in the County v, of Devon. The Defendant is curate of a village in 'b the neighbourhood. The Damages were laid at The ic ThbrefamdPm'ndi. IE By the ...

Horrid Murder and Arson

... W.e hravc to detnil the cirectristaflces of a mlurder' cirrunittezd its Wooiwich, on Friday rrigilt last, not c:aceoded in point of atrocity lhy any which stain thc fcalendar of crimecs in this country. The persons oe mrirdered *vere Mr. T. Parker, upwards of 70 years he o gand Sarah Brown, iris housekseeper. Mr. hle Parker, we understand, had formerly been a gohld- 0o- smuith, in London, and ...


... D I Tito ONVOI-I ?? teadini, Fe&. 25.sMr. Jttetice Taunton A-*ivdd here between one and two o'clock Yesterday, and-speited the Com- mission. The Learned Judge was joined by Mr. Justice Littledale in the evening. This morning the business-commenced in both Courts. Mir. Justice Taunton, in his charge to the Grand Jury, congratulated them upon the fact that the present calendar, compared with the ...


... HENRY HUNT. Air. Chitty stated to the Court that fie had an affi- davit on the part of Mr. H. Hunt, complaining of the treatment lie had experienced in the gaol of II- chester, contrary to the intention of the Court, when sentciice had been pronounced upon him, though there had been no impropriety on his part. All that Mr, Hunt desired was, to be placed in the same situ- ation as the other ...