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... MIRlTI-H FOR OLD MAIDS! 'I Thoigh love he all thic world's pr(telace, Money's the mytiologie sense *-Ul-l Mu1fss. 1 love an old maid ! and shall I whisper why? She is cautious, not fickle-and modest, not shy: Ass caCt, on a wall with glass bottles, is seen A: jv alk circjmns;pectly-just such is her mien. I love an old maid! for the term, in my eyes, Is but a nick-namne for a woman that's wise ...


... LITERARY NOTiCES. . Froasr's Magiazine, No. 45, for Septempber. James Fraser, 215e-Regent-sirret. London.-We have) locked through the liagsi iakt this, perjo4ical with even more, tosn usual deligltj arv~d*rongio recozr~nend. ogur readers to ,o-lew. tbe.exaupiei; sitjrdthat afteybut.adopt.a like u pleauure of ?? i ind will'n waiftb'ern. In tbe wn 7.ypquooation then, we co'uld' deaii-'e to ...


... The THEILTP. Since our last nqtice of this Place of' Amusement it has afforded mouch tisrt rails for praise, sad some things certainly thot if nirt t'eriesvig illyithbig so harsh Iso vimore at leaist soughtto leadtisi to 6pesik s fit Islrgws. Since tlie period tooe of Which we speak, it liran Iren Iinansseod With thle pastronage tof tile Chief Maisgitrate aofthecity ai eircuritasoiace list ...


... ; Irelahd Before and A~fter 'the' 'Unioita-In the saven et from 172 to 1729;lthe eipbrts firbot Irelafi4it ~h'3rtr undulitedl Accbrditig' to: Sir '.Chfirle .. 'W1irh,,obt' 4 * frk t 2,3O7~T2~f. w inst 9'iili '#edr, 182,9, thq0 hi~ban' OIg~od4~ live stock~ ?? h pr~o. rf~,,CdiC Ing to, ,evideikee given. bhforp. tbh~ Irish' coemittee, Wi5' 2363t. III .801., 'tli -agrae ofi, u y~alu ,f t eiportsi ...


... (Foa Tlifi ExETru FLuNIIxu.Posr.) (TO ROSA.) Oo-let the oblivious ?? ofjoy. Drovwn ev'ry thought of tee - Go>g ilet ou't these soenes allJe7 The future bliss osf thiee- Iv uld Int that aft ectiou'is Ieowr' Should ehll) tly teedetr soul, W bell that) a av ilt lonely hour, May woo Its soft control. I would not when thou roatn'st along A World all strange to there, And ?? w\ ith the busy throng, ...


... (For tbe Exeter FJyingPost.) o t~fP Cor. wVarrrN IN WAILeRY WooDs, AuQVsT, I822t Fair Queen of Tamerton, the cltst'rlng trees That from thy graceful brow so lowly nod, Waft a sweet spirit's whisper on that breeze, To think of Qod. The sunny Vale, beneath its glancing streams,- The flow'ry beauty of Its rich green sod, Say as they glow wvith Noontido's glorious beams, Oh I think of God. Turn to ...


... ;LITEFRAR.fY NOTICES. The Munic 'B60k of B'emati fir' '183i ` *Coitlifilg 12. drigilial'Song- and d'tet of Qiindrilles,!th M iusic written expresslyI by the %1lowiing'Eirniirnnt OomnPosers,. Jbhnarnett, ,J.,Blqvwi4. Honr UR.Bshop, i. A. Barinett, L. Myemrs,-Tn.H. Severn, end- the Chevalier Neukomm.-O no one work published dungi ge' . lest century, havewe such a record ofthe uniformity 0~Cijti ...


... ?? Ifl' : I 1- 4 - . *:S-onulo1 to XlutLftttl. - . h' ove tlie9~ Ausomne aend thg cixaa titles, f. kn ,he s od brossoness ?? ?? f len At d the rstt ra} its whicpcrtl that ,nfusO ?? tit i niO s t it(r5 Wlnterou grief; FaA, --li then, thly deip blue sky sereba Shi lier like i er F piee oi whose onooth t reat Tue leesir zvilis that elitni lifl' s rtrn-lli CVlio A ro higitr Ca detail aipsit tics ...


... ?? PO E.-TRY. - Whop1 grli oth in- -- Atml 4ill~htO bo n. - Via of' thy llb 0,0, When aI rolud waos ?? . : ?? ur; For tbon beo broluht ,Somoqi alldt19411n911% Miy ?? heart; to still. SBan atielts swo:t. Batob ?h toofl, .- aisve ?? ibroaqh every veln I Solne dreamU of bits. Hathfrteed my eto from palo. Aod Wootds aasy , : In islona gay iao cope my vind to ehoert Aud tbenthatdg lor joy gonoby ...


... P 0 E~ T hY.- ?? Akcermant.Is Forget MO 'of. fir li40,. BY CHJARLES SWAIN, 8390. Trl Peasantry of En;gland, The merry heart$ and free; Thie awrd may boast a braver band- But give the scythe to mel 1mve me 1119 fame of ildustry; Worth ail your claopic tomesi God guard the Engliolt Pensantry, Acid gratit thoem hoppy homnes! Thle aeiows of ?? Eegband I The bulwarks of tib soil I HonM muof ine owe ...


... On Mllonday M1r. and MIrs. Gratian, of the Theatre Royal English Opera, made their first appearance on our boards, having been enga ged for fivo niighs only. Tihe play selected was the Merchant of Venice, Shrlock buing personihied by AMt. Grattan. lie seems well acquaintevi vvith I lie bhliness of t Ic atttge, hat didi tot evince any part iCuL r eoX clil on in Ids lerformauce of tbis charaeter ...

A Song

... I -q+ Mf'rjttefl for, atndf sutng 6l blilR. Cul.irmEs TAYLOn, O fe | WI ?? Ro}yal. Covelt Garden, at a ?? PubleC 1l pinair, ojter the TOast Of- THiE LoRD eAYOR, Ca 1\O PRiOSPERITY TO Til CITY OF LONDON.) bf .5TIL 1 renovn'd in each clime where her flag is unfurl'd, ml JI LoNioO ?? misitr''s antd niart of the world ! iM Wlle.P tanici, wsealth, and power, crowvi her Magistrate's ithl ciliele, ...