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Freeman's Journal


Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... I -- -COMMISSION COURT-TSrw'tDAY. Patrick Carr-oll, A dw. M'rrnanr, tard E!Tih z l k, Io dieted for a burglary and robbery iz the house of Deca Lawless, at Harold's-crobs, on the I I th of March iast. The propervy lost coresisted of a ftov articles orlveflg apparel, of little value. The evidence iroluced, ifj'l 1o establish the capital cherge laid in the indictinelit ald tte case was reduced ...


... | ?? $C0URTYESTERDAY. Vesterday Mr. Triil Hali, as ItOiwm lenens of the Recorder, AlWermari Atelier arid Diwxon, were on the bench. JWo- Zatwless, a yortth who is well knowia at the bar irs Oreen-street, was indicted for-stealing fiveeshiliings and thice pxeiice, Ithe property of James Colemnan Mliza Coleinah exatmireid-I am the wife of James Coleman; I was paying a womall if] Britain-street ...


... nj& - ?? Co URT- O.CO.hMMbN COUNCIL.*1 wh trl I ::LONDON,:DEC. 1. DISMUS8AL OF MIkIITERS - trt was this day conveaed, for the purpose of moving Addres siad Petition to the Throne, praying bisa lajesty dismiss lia Ministers from lib counsel for ever. - i Mr. Waitbmlat rose to tnove the Addresff Helrererred to hes ?? of her Majesty to St. Paul's, on Wednesday t, and observed, that if his Majesty ...


... 'T ., Dfi ,. B t POUC chit,ag ree, ?? 6ff thV L>A ?? was INr:' right aV, In,r art, . ?? aal h o.. pea ed K N lye aa i ri og b a n wi ?? t el acientatlli pa~siingby. The gen'le., m~snth~nk Ln hii Ii, hi toivi~ifs', hit it witi 'nt lng until lhe dlsenvered tilat j P had recompsm .d himaetf for hr6 trouble, by robbing him nf hs goldl watch the Lenirlerma-i ha I ixi hi- pock, t at that momer ...


... l:;. - I 7 Ff- : ! ~ ?? ?? sA X zAfLBoRousH STREat.-YeiteIday. ft case of soQ t utmp0. laue,,t.o. the more sespectabie part of s whichdev~,p~da, tost scalufalous syie' te' -o~f rad,: cante on to be hieardtat hi olliec. 1r. Siowei Secretary- of an.z iesiltution calald The Strang eC `ririd SoeTi, attended, and Lststed uta he had received a communwation from ,art Fitzpiliian (thore isvt!t ...


... KING'S COUNTIY'QTAtAFER $ SSIONS. A;C ?? sO itE EDIT it or 'rueh 5ErAtiiN vA 'FtAN;F. on% 1t1s Jiai. 1533.s44e Dpirit of politirel'in th, dependence whaic 'has beeau aakveed jD ?? ng ' ICoUi~Ly, is not likely to 6fuirber r he ettbi'ed. v evry day irppsrtt to ded it au aidiridoal' riuotentum aad';diccumtilacdd vigour. This cer- fact has been adnioabty illustrated -ibir the lst week. hr lion ...


... On Monday, two seafliringmen, Andrew Nichol and Peter Tosh, were brought before the magistrates of Collegestreet office, charged with violating the excise laws. It appeared that they, with a Portuguese and an English boy, were com- mitted about ten days before to await the directions of the revenue board in London, to which Mr. Blacker, the revenue solicitor, wrote for instructions howl he ...


... LAIT REPORT. i KING 'S B!ENCl ---EDWE5AY, A COarcLATION OF 8.,DOLEilS Oil GUILD OF TIICE BILESSED , r r . ~~VRlGIN. Mr. ?? moived the court for an order to'be directed to tlhe'oflicers of the ec6rporation of saddilers, or guild of thi lilessed Virgin, to ?? cause whlly Mr. D. IHarricks should not be' admitted to his franebhise. The learned counsel pro- ceede-d to'state, frmn the affidavit of ...


... LA -I RBPORT. KING'S BENCHis,,unAy, Fse,1 5. It beiong generally knowa that in the case of the King. against O'Conliell anid otheirs,, an application would be made oii thlO part Of the traversers for permaission to, withdraw the demurrers to cer- tan'r Ounts in the indictment against them, the he-ll of the courts was at an eorly hour densely thronged. A number of Policemen were in attendance, ...


... MURDER AT LEICESTER, OF Ali. PAAS, THE BOOKSELLER OF HOLBORN. |(FRao TnE LOrNDON OiisEIIFVIi.) FURTvrER PARIcIULAS.-Whln the CirCumetances of the mur- der were generally known, a number of persons assembled op. posits the residence of Cook, and it was with great difficuhy that they could be prevented from pulling down the premises. The head of the deceased has not been found, and it is ...


... I I . I ST, t44 Sv §F-,- - ? I An immense cuncoane o*to4ilof. ~ e ailseem- bled on Tuesday at St. Alban's, to-wit ess the wnet interest. inglsteeple chase decided'theresiin-j ardoitrakers',year. T'ho prize contended for was O handiomne gl1d c'&p, presented by bis Highness Plnch 'Nicholas Esterba ,lltd toa sweep. stakes of iS sovereigns each (asd5 mfore for'poat enrering), under the following ...


... CITY SESSIONS-YESTERDAY. STEALING A CLOAK. Maryanne Colgan, a young woman, respectably connected in this city, was placed at the bar, charged with stealing a cloak fiom an old woman with whom she lodged. The un-, fortunate prisoner was convicted, and sentenced to be impri- soned in Richmond Bridewell for six months, and kept to hard labour. AN UNNATURAL SON. Patrick Watkins was indicted for ...