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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... CURIOUS PROCEEDINGS UNDER COLOUR I I - - OP LAW. At the Lambeth 1Police-court, on Wednesday, Theo- dore Wiadley, Camden-street, Walworth, broker; Go Turvey, 4, Boundary-lane, Camberwell, broker; - ThOmUSon, 2, Surrey-buildings, upholsterer; Thomas Thompson, ditto; George Turvey, the younger; and Richard Vincent, 13, Alfred-street, Peckham, were placed at the bar before Mr. Seeker (who sat for ...


... JolIoI, ?? lardviek ontaking hijs seat III coslrt o'hrd~'ai'tae bus 'h bassador, Baron ,Brusow, -inclosing' the lnuniifleesstdoiiation odf HZ.:, ?? irniterias *hich did equal bhosour to the-lid and heart of the representat o df a g'est ation.-.The let~ter waa; as flow9:-;AhuhaIlueDell; %My dear Mr. Harudw CbriCdstmnas being hear at handic 1 'gret to find that many-poor facaiies so ur ...

Singular Escape from the Queen's Bench Prison

... At Union Hall, on Tuesday, Mr. Chester, the Deputy Marshal of the Queen's Bench Prison, applied for a warrant against Mr. Frederick tudford, a gentleman of property, confined for debt, who made his escape from the gaol under the following remark- able circumstances:-Mr. Ludford had been an inmate of the above prison for about six months, and on Monday, February 20, lie woo missing from the ...


... LAW' I.NTI MilNo. C;URT OP BANKRUPTCY-I 4t4Ac 20. I*&.-eltkelavEy TucrsTT.-Thiofday.e . ae fixed for the final !djic'iedroam -ination of the ?? se' Cardigan and blaoL bottlernotoriesy, deorribed as a wir~lmbeerea aJt, and ?? of the.firnaof;Ilnctett, Gbrdon, and Co: rsnri g on ?? in the Pditzyp-. !&te partnership rwas dissolrd$ lt'h the eourseiofrlast year when.,it appeared that Gordoh ...

Sambo Sutton's Crim. [ill] Case

... Sambo Sutton's Crim. Con, Case. At the Cambridge Asnizes, on Friday, an action was brought by the well-known Sambo Sutton, a ci-devant prize-fighter, against Mr. Samuel Preston, a brickmaker in that town, for criminal conversation with his wife. There was a second count, charging the defendant with having unlawfully arid wrongfully harboured and detained plain- tiff's wife, and kept her ...

Robbery of St. Paul's [ill] Winchmore-Hill

... 3jlbtery tof St. 'Paul's - I'M61 Winch- more ill. . . I basteOT seaa you a few particulars of ano' aex :Jobery I t of and atfempt to burn St. Paul's EpiscoP&. Chr:Pel, Winch- i 3nore-hiUl. The fact of tids being the second time that this I place tf worship has been plutddered withiji a comparatively I abort period may pelhaps entitle it to a. brief notice in your coumns, whircl, front the very ...


... WAINTELLIUiENGE5 coURT OF P H PCY. (Before Sir C. P. Williams.) I 1lO~tMED PAxotxWKAR.-The insolvent in thi (5 n5 looking young man, and wearing a very large and otherwise bearing Straces of an Asiatic origin) ap d 3 having carried on business as a cigar dealer anw e i in ?? application was opposed be fl, an behalf of a creditor, on the ground that ThN : leant b en a bill of sale, by which the ...

Shocking Attempt at Murder and Suicide

... On Thursday evening, about nine o'clock, the utmost consternation was created in Louth from the galloping into the town of a mounted messenger, who sought the assistance of the police in endeavouring to discover the retreat of a ruffian who had made an attempt to murder an old man, named Jacob Gainsley, and his wife, who keep the toll-bar on the Spilsby-road, about two miles from Louth.- About ...


... P O L I U E. MANSION-HOUSE. C Ao C+V~DLt RcIAN-On Monday a well-dressed young AlCibhald Mo wett, who stated that he lived at No. 5,, Cper's-row, Tlosncr-hill, was charged with laving struck a o~u ntx ahaned Aln Norah islahoney, most violently in the % tj A greal of indignation was excited amiongst those eh li ear l ieanicutars of the cowardly conduict of the fellow a Cso ptaiant stated tilat ...


... POLICE ITIL!GENGF. ?? ?? Au outrageous ipson 71d wast brought before the Lord Mayor, on Wednesday, charged withbhaving bilk~ed the Monument tavern. The pri- sonier, it was slated, wcathed into the tavern, ate a beefsteak, dranik six bottles of soda seater, and then had some brandy enid waler, end was aboutto ~,ailksffjvlthoutoeltlieg the bill, hut woo delivered inot the hands of a ?? de- ...


... DREADFUL MURDER W ST. GTLES'S.' On Monday night, shortly before eleven o'clock, one of the most ferocious murders which have been perpe- trated for ?? years, was committed upon the body of a woman named Ann Tape, alias Mary Brothers, at a house of ill-fame, II, George-street, St. Giles's. Since the horrible and equally mysterious murder of Eliza Grimwood, in the Waterloo-road, no case which ...

[ill] and Treatment of the Paupers of St. [ill]

... -cbirid ?? .:qf :. , B~t 6r Ad 9 ?? a meigof the St. Paneras board q' g hrln~ elf ?? atnifd rklclio's, `Mi'Hiil&y Intie choir4 0, lengthened examination of paup~r diltlsite took place in I rferenc to the evidence givdn at~sdifsid ooe' inquest; held the prelvibso etehit'g', do' 'Iloftsas ayC a pauper, whoiwas found dead hir hit lieu in Ybe' workt~euos. The ;evidquce adduced ~at the ...