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1800 - 1849
997 1840-1849


Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... TRIE ROCHDALE SAVINGS BANK. In our last, says the Manchester Courier, we gave full details respecting the recent serious defaleations at the Rochdale Savings Bank on the part of the late actuary, Mr. George Haworth. Since then the 'excite- raent, consequent upon the disclosures,'instead of having abated, has been greatly on the increase, in consequence of further disclosures. The ...


... IVI A R E T S. CORN E'CIIANGE.-FncIAY. Since Monda y scarrcely any fresh Sngli gS Whleat 1u. Cones hand. The mrirds premunted aI very ?? ir1irler of Nw11imO jhe ?? W5;is st;rdr, at ?? quota; borsa,,, . was rcadily eilecteol. Ilf free flteignient a1 W1 ;t lb fess so)S doing, odr1 tilh rates 101(1 nI 111oaoe tt.l T hest Bariey rind MIIalt scere scarce, er(o trler i(-ra. ii . laotate Otrts were ...


... TUESDAY. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED. IL Kipling, Weed-sireet, Cheapside, Waryeteessemnan. BANKRUPTS. John Hu MLean, Sun-street, Bislhopgate-strect-lvithout, statu- ary ?? Wynn Davies,,othorwise Charles Davies, Holborts, ?? Nettleton, Boontptois, Kent, tailor. - William Browne Cockerill, Iteedham, Norfolk, ?? WVillis, Osborn-street, Whttechapel, ale- ?? Henry Wagstaff, Leightoss Buzzard, Bed- ...


... CITY, Frl11 Eet.N: '11w gsscrtartet binder ora ?? Iesarvi' p'sl Batiks at, l0l1? in Reduced utb per Cents.; Reduced t per teyttS are t~ s Sl ;sta th New 33 Per Ceni,., I02j ito I 02-~ ai Stock is tires :t 17j17t. Etx,!heoucr Bills see Cits pietit., and ittdia Brotd 75s t,, 7C1,. tr prl ji e tritss'fev O c'tsols la e! tettelted 95~ to t. ?? tst'rtgtt iavea araet. 5.: all:ti ?? Lic.-.n i!; ftA ? ...


... PRIC1S OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS. 2*1 ?? 101 o 21 i , ! i-- Iso f'lt'5 |264'91i3 93 |9J 9 0 jlla Stdriti 3 S 73 002 72 772 ' Id 1lljjsp 6:, 63 TM ';G60Pm ' 6.iipq ' s9 C1PM B~l'lsn rcd . IDi 100 1 00o 101'r ot p n. i 0i 63 71nt j 3 60i p0 0 3 3on 32 61 pI S!, :1 1,, 1~t 655 106i 106R I l Y (a;2 t 10 2 BOOS>'i'irrct 637p r CO Gl~t 134- 3 1 C~t i . t31i ~ (Cli 300ft * ~t 36fAif1 10* 07 d 0 l0cle S2 ...


... MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL MARXETS. CITY, SATuRDaY MOreNIN. The accounts received from the United States era looked upon here as beiog of a favoerable character, and the same view appears to have been taken at Liverpool. The statements ill the New York journals advise an improvement in the price of flour, but large supplies vere corning down by the canals. The cates had continued louv for ...


... MIONEY MARSET. CITY, SATURDAY EVENING. The improvement in city affairs is so decided that our weekly task becomes far more agreeable than it was. In the retail departments the better state of things is scarcely yet felt as we hope it will be, and nowhere is the improve- ment so marked as in the manufacturing districts. The Bank of England Directors maintain at three per cent, their minimum ...


... ?? hD; COMMErCE. CITY, THURSDAY EVENoXG. The public securities hive, been rather drooping this week; but there has been a paucity of business. The state of affairs in Hungary, &c., has an effect. As to the state of the mosney market, itjs novw so easy, that we have a revival in certain- quarters of the rumour that the Bank of England must do something to force out its notes, and employ its ...


... TUIJSDAY, JANUARY 9, BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED. J. JACjs5ON, Upper Court, Herefordshire, cattle dealer. C. P. Do WxMAN, Birchin-lane, gunpowder mnerchasst BANKRUPTS. R. REES, D'uke-street, Westminster, boot manufacturer. Off. assig., Gret'n, Guildhall-ehambers-J. D. ARBUTH- NOT, Great St. I'elens, City, merchant. Off. assig., Pen- nell -W. W. IRVING, Gloucester-street, Queen's- square, merchant, ...


... CORN EXCHANGE, MAIM-.LANE. MowDAY, April 30.-This morning the siopplyof Eng- lish wheat was again very small; it was laken by the town millers at about Is below the terms of this day se'nnight. For foreign wheat there was a slow demand, and to make any considerable progress in sales it became necessary for factors to submit to the same decline in price-say Is to 2D per qr. on the quotations of ...


... WA E. TS. SATR1DAY. COVENT-GARDEN. We had antotiter extensive supply of vegetellca ing, yet the trade with them was comnparatively ile` most instances the currencies of last were support NEWGATE AND LEADENHiaLL In consequence of the supplies. of moeat being roere quate to meet the rvants of the buyers, the tatsle and in some instances the rates had a downwarH td Beeffrom2s Sd to Ss 4d; Mutton ...


... FROM T3IE LONDON GAZETTE. 1-4-- FRIDAT, rFllUAILV 38, 1848. BANKRUPTS. J. S. RAYMENT, Thomas-street, Milwall, builder. Off assig., Fennell. Wallis, New Broad-street.-J. E. SMITH, J, R. BEARD, and R. T. SMITH, Cheapside, warehousemen, Off. assig., Pennell. Hensman, Basing-lane, London. - J. BROCKLEHURST, .i-gh- Holborn, lamp manufacturer. Off assig., Follett, Sambrook-court. Edwards, elson ...