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Morning Chronicle


London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle


... SHIIP PI~PS PLTMOVTTi, DEc, ?.9.-Sjailed tle St. Fiorenzos of no guns, Captain Sir H. Ncale, Bart. and Cambrian, of 4gun CaptaiR.n Honour;.blc A. K. Legge, for Portf- nmouth ; Mrntaguc, of 74^ gulns, Captain J. Knight, and Elephant, of 14 guns, Captain T. Foleyf for Tor- ba r. K a lcd al'o be (hip Autotnafia, of London, and ruip Sir Tohn Bo; iafe Warren, of Plc mouth, Captain W. J. i)avis, ...

Published: Thursday 01 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1650 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... 3HIP NEWS. PrLMOUTT, DEC. 3o.-The Channel Fleet failed from Torbay this morning, and proceeded down Chan- nel with a frefh breeze at Eaft. Sailed the Raven, of i8 guns, and the Speedwell fchooner, of iq. guns, on a cruize in ahe Channel. Arrived La Renard, of 20 guns, Captain P. Spicer, from a cruize. It is reported that an order has been this day receive ed for the detention of all Swedifh ...

Published: Friday 02 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 321 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SH'IP NAEVS. CAPtrEr or TItE SPANISH FRICATES ATSBARCRLONA. Extra&f if a le-ter from Lieutenant Healy, of the Niger frigate, to an enminent banker in Cork : ?? The Barcelona tranfsation you have perceived, is a goad deal abufed by the maniferio of his Catholic Majftv's Miniltcr. The whole declaration, I can afore yon, upon my word, is, for the mult part, vilely faife a malicious ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1100 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORN LXCIIAN&E. There was ?? a largc ftock of ail ?? of grain remaining unfold from the two prtvious rnarl;e.L-eC.yS; and the demand continued as dull as hcore. There was very little fold,' but the prices semnained the ihn.e as cn the preceding day. Many of the niilus, however, in confequcncc of the fal ol wheat, low- ercd the price of flour, and confiderable fale, were roade 4 acd Ss. lower ...

Published: Saturday 03 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 515 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHI n1 II'S POaRTStOJTH, JA'N. 2.-Arfived the Fairourite, Heazel,, froim Blackney; Midfrimner Blo{Thm., Fuf- ter, fromn Riga; Xcrie, Newcpmrbe, frorn ?? for Africa, leaky; George, Nichols, froin Loordot, for Demarara ; Anti and Mary, Tengor, from London for Alicant. The gale early on Wednefday has ot cafmjne' following veffels, or their cargoes, to receive i.. their paffage from the Downs, viz ...

Published: Monday 05 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 903 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORN VXCHANGE. A vert confiderabie part of the laft v ck's fupply renmai..ed1 on hand, both ot' Englil. aa7d Forgn tl Wheat.; and tle market of Velirday therefore, with tile lnyyart vale fiomn Kent an'. EfIch, was tbundant. Tht MlV4 l ibitaiied ftoro buirin in any quantity; ani allforet, cxcept i' prino.. lapla;, dccliiied ftvc n or eighlt l :ngiiing per q i i ter u Tr t,; p i c f r t ilp rec ...

Published: Tuesday 06 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1320 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SilJp ATL.Ws.; YeFtlrday advice was received at the Lft India- houfe of the fafe arrival in the Downs of the thip Apol- lo, belonging to Megrs. Roebuck and Abbott, of Ma- dras, and commanded by Mr. Benjaniin Brown, after an extraordinary quick paliage'of three months and ele- ven days, having failed from Madras on the L4th day of September laft. The Apollo touched at the Cape of Good Hope and ...

Published: Tuesday 06 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 680 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP . NIL ins. . PORTSMOUTH, JAN. 5.-This day and all tle laff night we h ad a very fvere gale of w rd, arid lix or feveri velflis were driven orrfhore it thi>s.ort; ..moigit thenm the MinerVa, Colby, ?? ; and the Laird, Edwiards, from Berbice: the itter, is ffili on fhore, but will be got offivith littl. daiirage, unlefs it blows an, hlec is how lightenidg. uhe former, fhip-is got of fand in ...

Published: Wednesday 07 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 961 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... SiIP NEW7FS. DEAL, JAN. 6.-His Majefty's fhip Hydra, and Nimble cutter, camre in laft night from the Weftward and the Uhip Heldin arrived this morning from -the Northward. HULL, JAN. 5.-The Emperor of Ruflia has lately compelled the Britifh merchants at Peterfburgh to pay i04,ooo rotubles, the value of a Ruffian fhilp and cargo cf mans ard naval flores, captured by one of our cruizers on her ...

Published: Thursday 08 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 645 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... WtIP NEWS. PO?.ttMOUTH, JANs. 7.-.-This d'ay his Majdfly's Fri. ., late Ccambrian came into harb'otar tdrrefit. The wind being frobni the Eafiward, it is expeted tne outvard-6bund Ihips will fail to-inorrow morning. I SHEtrNESS, JAN. 7 .-Came into harbour, the Kite fleop of war, to refit. Captain AWatfon (late Licuten-ant of the Cobourg), is appointed to the Volqano bomb veffel, at SheernesI ...

Published: Friday 09 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1602 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... $ Ji; IP ATF!4S. ; .Z . TORBAY, JAN. 8.-The Channel Fleet under comr mand of Sir H. Harvey, failed this day on a cruife. PLYMOUTH, JAN. 8.-Arrived the 'Excellent, of 74 guns, Captain Hon. R. Stopford, from Torbay; alfo the Triton frigate of 32 guns, Capt. j. Gore, fronm a cruize ofF the coait of Spain. Sailed the Doris, of 32 guns, Captain Halliday, on a cl'uize to the Wcflward; and Triumph of ...

Published: Monday 12 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1160 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... l; ?? w. sSVP kE'fU 'PLYMOUTHJAN. Lo. Arrived the French Chn ff Maree La Marianne, iaden with 5&trdines, from yreil 6ound to Botrdeaux, caipttlred ten leagues fromn the latter fiarour o ?? iit. by the Canada, of 74 4 .CJt Hor;. M, De Courcey. Arriyed the ?? galliot Fortuna, Capt. Maller; laden vtiit p~,per, &c. boind to I,.iipn,frejm Morlaixtc detain'e-d by jhe i anrly hired armed 'lugger, b-t ...

Published: Tuesday 13 January 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1374 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce