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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... On Monday evening au inquest was held at the Court House, Leeds, efore John Blackburn, E~q., coroner, on view of the body of Mr. Thomas Stodhart, hair-dresser, Vicar Lane, whose death was occasioned by violence inflicted on him in the above . treet, on the morning of Sunday week. Twvo men, whose names are George Olroyd and Richard G resty, were taken into custody as the parties implicated in ...


... (Concludedfrom our fifth page.) At these sessions, which terminated on Saturday, and the opening of *hich we noticed in our last publication, there was no felony case tried of pecu- 'liar interest. . At the sitting of the Court, on Wednesday morn- ing, when the names of the Coroners were called over, the Chairmuan stated that he had 'received a communication from the office of the Secretary ...


... [FUaTe li.n PARTICULARS I This extrairdin ay case was further investiaated at Liverpool, on Friday week: the Ciurt opened at two o'eloct. The examination was taken befoxe Mr. Rush- ton. the police insaglitrate. The first witness called was John Rogers, gate-keeper at Roby. Recollected five persons cominig to embark on the Railway train on the 19th if March. Miss Crellin, Mrs. Clayton, P lGlill ...


... HORRIBLE MURDER AND MUTILATION OF A FEEMALE AT ROERIAMPON, SURREY. From an early hnur on Thursday morning last, a feeling of most intense interest and excitement was occasioned in the villages of' Roehamptoa, Putney, and the surrounding neighbourhood of Surrey, in consequence of' the discovery of a murder of a most frightnul and appalling nature, and which in the annals of crime hits only boen ...


... ARREST OF MR. JAMES MITCHELL, OF I STOCKFOftT. TO THE EDITOR OP THIE ORTHERN STAR, SIR.-Permit me to lay before our friends and the i public, the particulars of my arrest at Churchtown, a I village near Southport; a case which has not only caused hundreds to sympathize with our cause, but one which has brought down the vengeance of the Liverpool press-the fercury for instance-upon the heads of ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... aartnts, Ofta1t-, & biquesto ,I THE MURDER IN ST. GILES'S. INQUE~ST ON THlE Boov.-Tnuntse)-ey.-iMr. Whldev, thle coroner for Middlesex, hav~ing ?? ten' o'clocke thisikkornin lbr thle holdiingotfthe inquest onl thre body of the unfortunate wo-inma, Mary Brothers, waho wasr so inhumnanly, nurderzil in a brothel, in (Ceorge-street, St. Gles;'s, onl Monday night latst, thre ?? for the occasion ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... oribmtnt, offetl0, & Illotot JouNi Tiveo' COr.eO.-Aym,011URY, Si:4llAV. Ij -The public must for the presentconitent themselves dist with what has been revealed to them relative to til he guilt and confession of John Tawell. 'rho document, On whi~ch contains his confession is brief and conclusive, tile but from reasons wshich wavilebereafterexplaiaed, thle its contents will not be, for'some ...

Law Intelligence

... U?w Intelligeltre. w. MIDLAND CIRCUIT. he 3 NOTTNGHoAM, Dxc ?? LATE FATAL RAILWAY in ACcrDsNT.-This morning, on his 'lordship takinig tb -his seat upon the bench, Robert Lightfoot, statiob- tib -master at Nottingham, was arraigned on the coroner`'i a inquisition for, that lie, on the 21st of Ndoiomber ]last, In in the parish of St. Mary, dlid kill and%lay -John of Dean. 'rho prisoner-, iii a ...

Accidents, Offences, Inquests, &c

... l acretato, oftftuceo, Inqueoto, &t. - - th4 DEATH or A CnELLsEA PENSIONER.-An inquest was Al held on Tuesday evening, at the King's Head, Co] Knightsbridge, before Mr. Higgs, on the body of Mr. lef Glassbroke, aged 50, foarnerlya private in the 2nd Life ieO Guards, and atterly an out-pensioner of Chelsea Hos- an pital. Sarah G]assbroke said that she lived witl the at deceased, her husband, in ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... 2tbtrultz, @9farntjeM & linqunt,5 Tun LATE ROBBERy FROM Loni COTTENIIAII'S.-o On Tuesday last James Macarthy, aged thirty, and M M~ary, hi;s wife, whlo duringa the 6seSsiOn wore indictedP tor having receeired a gold bracelet, valued at £(7Of the property of Lord Cettenuhars, well linowing the all same to have boon stolen, were placed at the bar, wshenl Mtr. Ballantine, on behalfot' thle ...

The Irish Movement

... ete Kripb qoxewent. THE STATE PROSECUTIONS. THE ABATEMENT PLEA.-In reference to the recep- tion of this Plea by the Court, agr iust the wish and efforts of the Crown Lawyers, and in reference to the efect chat it may have en the whole proceedings, the 1.dblin 1Monitor of Monday has the following:- The rule to plead expires to-day, arid rt arranged that the demurrer will be argued to ...

Accidents, Offences, & Inquests

... arrmale W. 0ffe tlrel & 1uquelto A.A- q - A- - ?? z ?? - ?? ^- I s 5 ?? -- ?? -I.. ?? -^ MANSLAUGHTERn NCAR Liacotzr.-Tlie quiet village for of Skellingthorp, three miles from Lincoln, has been yev disturbed by an act of outrage, in which one man pre has lost his life by the violence of another. it Etp- Sp, pears that on Tuesday week a quarrel ensued between pel two ienc in the service of ...