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Preston Chronicle


... I CDaOB TT'S tIAGAZINE: a Monthly IRuvieu) of P'olitics, Jlisior.y, Science, Literature, and JMora . Doleistic put-itils. -The first number of this work has jusL issued ftom the press. It derives its titlh from its being edited by Messrs. JOIIN and IA.MI,S COBBLIeT, atitl diough its contents are rot peculiarly brilliant on this occasion, several of the articles display a degree of taste and ...


... -W? ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. THE PARGUINOTE'S FAREWIELL. (From the Etoa fixcellally.) And must we leave oar native sands, Our native rocks, to despot sw`Y,- TO learn the tongues of foreign laimdso Anl nmoulder it, a foreign clay ? j'r. ' we depart in stain disdain Of those who crouch beneath tie chain. Tire *1111-'t gilds our Oceau's breast A\s .rotly as in days of yorc;, b ru rtnes of altow on ...


... i ?? I -l.WO ?? I- OtIGINAL AND SELECTED. -w AUTUMN. Autumn coam, her gifts bestowing; Filberes in the bosky shell, Ruddy apples, richly glowing, ILunciouq peach and jargonelle; F4sx.glvves on the cliffs ere bloonting, treepi g wild thyme, purple heath, Shed their sweeti, the 31r tftifuming; %Woodble smiles, with spicy breats; Naluui'ev wseith and beauty blending, I'alighiLag ple ty luads ...


... ORIAL AD S79 ORtGtMA;] AND SELE:CTED. .agos CAROL FOR MAY. Quven of fle .h flo wers, WVhonmt verval stars Obey, Br ng thy war t sh:owers, Blrin t thy genial r y. In ; ature's grveiret lie. y drest, ?? on earth's e'qrectint breast. To vardt and lleivenc a welcome guest, Thlo mretry inonth of May Mark how we me ct thee AI davwn of dewy day 1hr k ! how we greA LthCU %Vith our rou:rdol;1y ! UWliie ...


... Mi., - v , 4 ?? ??k, ?ftk-k - 11.4 ?? ?? i:,? r-lto ?V , V . - ?? &? ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. THE HOMEBOUND BARK. EY C. SWAIN. (Fromn th/e Literary Gixczle.) 'Ti- The winter deep !p A zd thei ea-tb vl sweep Afar o'er the eloiimy tide; A d the wild aivres dash, '.Nath tbe sig al's lRash, Where the foinay teimpests ride A ni da!k and tirvar, ) : the enarnns car, [la igq the vultu e's ravening cry ...


... ,Farictico. The singular art of producing minataire samples of the larger products of vegetation, unknown in Europe, is car- ried by the japanese to SUch an extent, that Mr. Mleylan speaks, as an eye-witness, of a box offered for sale three inches long by ore wide, in which were a flourishing fir tree, a bamrboo, and a palmi tree, the letter in blossom. In the Court of Exchequer, on Wednesday, ...


... jill go 1 1 AT ip (E) lo VITT 0 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. (OUlOiNAL.) LINES TO A LADY. one of the most agreeable recreations for the female sex is the study of ?? to the Sentiment of Flowers, 1, Lovely lady I fairer far Than all the lilies of the spring, On thee, as on the Evening-star Mildly beaming, oft I gaze: Have I not, lady I heard thee sing. Breathe life into the poet's lays ? I have, my ...


... ?? 0 ? - M, VII , ?? 1,:?I N ?? Y ,k; -? L? onlGINAL AND SELECTED. Sl' TNZAS TO MY DAUGHTER, OS' A'TlTAINING IIEIt TWEN'TIETH YEAR. JI!/ C'/Irle's Kenrwcrr/ty. Adat ! sokv dauglrite ?? roal t l beart.-By'soN. Child of 1is h-mi-ne! toe hiou-se I've none, N ir errt m nor ?? to givr to thc: (I;hld of r,. hciri ! f r hairt Ih-e one, i hat ,i- il!i tow ard thec tmdorlv : S li dao ?? ol' m)y ...


... . Flarictito ?? ? I Trnenmisslon of NeispaperS. - The following netices were put up yesterday morning:- General Post-office, June 1. Newspapers to and from Buenos Ayres may be forwarded by the Brazil packet,fiee ofany charge qfpost- age, on and frotn to.morrow, 2d instant. On and from this day, Monday, Ist June, newspapers, if put up in co. vers open at each end, may ba sent to and from ...


... Fartetite. I F - About £50. were received in pence from tie freqent of the London and' Greenwich Railway i1all on Sund last. The number of persons amounted-to' nearly 10, So heavya ifall of snow tookplace yesterday week Paris, that the roo's of the bouses' were covered four or fl inches tlick. The thermometer of Reamur remain throughout the day at from three to four abave zero. Sixteen bishops ...


... 'Faractico. I ?? 1. ?? The Earl and Countess of Sefton are expected to ar- rive in Arlington-street on Tuesday next, fioin Brussels. His Lordship lis relinquished Croxteth HIall, near Liver- tl pool, to Viscount and Xiscountess SMolyneux. A The farmers near Liverpool are asking £8 a ton for Ty hay at present, a price unkniown since the war. The price of pig iron has just been reduced by the ...


... TI)MUMTO, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. TO MIY LYRE. Hast thou upon the idle branches hung, 0 Lyre I this fivelong (lay, INor, as the sweet wind thiro' the rose leaves sung, Uttered onet dulcet lay? Come down I and by my rival touch be rung As tenderly as they-! Did not Alcacus with blood-streaming hand, Range o'er his trembling wire, Stealing forth soulds more eloquently bland Than softness could ...