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Examiner, The



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The Examiner


... HER MAJESTY S THEATRE. The later productions of Donizetti certainly ap- pear to give him firmer position in the opinion of the sounder musical judges, than he had pre- viously acquired. Linda di Chamouni has been admired by those who were least of all disposed to tolerate the composer, and Don Pasquale, pro- duced on Thursday, cannot fail to make a more than ephemeral impression by the number ...


... THE MUSICAL EXAMINER- PHILHARMONIC CONCERTS. ,Sizth Coacert, Io orcdiay, Illay 24. PART 1. Sinfoenia in F Flat ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? .. Mozart Air. Borage epais. Madamlne Dorus-Gras, (Les slo'ccta' ci es rine ?? .. .aalevy. Concerto, Violin, M. Vieuxtemps ?? ?? .. Vieuxtenips Recit. ' A qucsto senoo, Miss Dolby ?? Mozart. Aria, ' Quaudo miro, Overture, Egmont ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? .Beethoven. ...


... No. i1S. torFE'VrT-al4LEN. JITF, have begaun this article on a verv coarse sheet of danag*'d foolscap, rind wte flod that lve are going to write it, hI icr for the sake of contrast, or 0orn having a very. fine pen, in a remnarkably Eiice hand. Sometihu-T of a similar process seems t6 have taken place in GAY'S mind, 'lhen he composedI his Beggar's Ope-ra. He cloose a very unpromising ground to ...


... x IF[NE ARTS> ULTTERS ON TlME ARCHITETCTURE OF LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS. No. IV. to. cas ittollit iii aruras, Iugrctsanrqare solo, et caput iuter u atbil condit `-J1'N rV o, Lih. i, !. 1i,,. London21. My DEA.R EDnWRn,-That St. Paul's Church, in its original state, was a temple erected in honour of Diana long before Chris- tianity was introduced into this country, has been affirmed by many ...


... Werner, a Tragedy. By Lprd BYRoN. ?? from last week.] The fourth and fifth acts may be more briefly deateid, The: former opens at the castle of Siegendorf; and Lord Byion, already tired of the unities of time and place, exhibipsSernes, now Werner no longer, as having been in possession .of his. honours a year; buti still unhappy, from his yemovsie, in regard' to the gold) and the hard and ...


... A Phildsophical Dictionary; fronm the French of jr. de Voltaire. MR. D'ISRARI might well have placed atnooig his Curidsities bf Literature the singular fact, that it should have reinaitied for the year 1824 to produce an English version of a work which may be reck- oned among the leverest, and which is certainly the most amusing, of the voluminous writings of the great French Philosopher and ...


... THEATRICAL EXAMINER ENGLIh1I r On Morday evening, Tle Mlrariage of Figaro vas ?? Theatre, for tile purpose of introducmn Miss L D-n 1g fl attractive, part of S isanin. Miss D tck poSeSS5S an - erd that gignificant trrangemonatofftat of i,'nthe st;; l' p5osibly every wh4ese Elsie is yfnofe iy is a - X Po n fr dbu, after the manner in which it has 1~ivsiperformed is indicative of ambition; but ...


... THE ANNUALS. Tim KEosCsia.-The-volume for 1830 has just appeared, and we pro- ceed to briefly notice most of the numerous embellishments with which it is adorned. There are eighteen in number, engraved by Messrs Heath, Englebheart, Mitan, Bacon, Wallis, Goodyear, Rolls, Freebairn, Portbury, and Mitchell,-frorn designs by SirThos. Lawrence, and Messrs Stephanoff, Stothard, Chalon, Turner, ...


... TimE ATLANTIC SOUVENMR.-This issan American Annua p tl in Philadelphia by thle eininent house of Lea and Carey It 5r comparison with our publications of this description, not ottls CF ness of the type. tile beauty of the printing, and the goodnei' ol e but also in the literary department. The two ?? of iu )rrl sitions,-one a tale, called Love's Palconrie nnd the m : Roniance of the Border ...


... DRURY LANE. Tam O'Shanter is a good name for the ybills, but it is not pleasant to have any new story connected with the name, and the dear familiar old one is not at all dramatic Its opening picture, it: is true, is glorious. That scene in the public house at Ayr, is woorth a thousand indifferent dramas. 'Inm and his auld crony, the sangg and clatter that they drive on the night with, the ...


... T'HE LITERARY EXAMINER. Des IdMes Napol6oniennes; par le Prince Napoldon. Louis Bonaparte. Colburn. As an historical essay, as an eulogium on Napo- leon and on the past, there is nothing to censure, and not much to gainsay in this work. In a pious tribute from the collateral heir of a great name to the memory of its illustrious founder one cannot find even a little exaggeration misplace. The ...


... EXHIBITION OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY. We now resume our review of the portraits of this Exhibition. Mr Chalon, R.A.-This painter is a sort of Cupid Eros and Anteros in his art. He can execute a portrait in such a manner that it shall make a lover discover new charms in his mistress' face ; and he can so skilfully, indeed wonderfully, exaggerate a lady's personal defects, that his delineation of her ...