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1800 - 1849
858 1840-1849


Principality, The


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The Principality


... QUOTATIONS. s. Wheat, red 39 to 16 Fine 4S 50 Fine Flour, per sack (Town). 40 45 Malting 32. 33 Malt, Ordinary 54 56 Pale Rye 32. 34 s. s- Peas, Hog 32 to 35 Maple ■— — Boilers 33 36 Beans, .33 Pigeon — — 37 Oats, Feetl 17 120 Tine 22 25 Poland 20 23 Potato 20 23 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19.-The present week's arrival ot English Wheat, coastwise, has been very moderate, viz., 2,330 quarters. To-day ...


... ■ Bit-LPAD. The prices of wheaten bread in the metropolis are from 8d. to to S^d.; ot household ditto, 6d. to 7dd. per 41bs. lpaf ...


... rONTYPRIDD. OCT-. 25.—^Wheat, 8s. 6d. to 9s. 6d. per bushel Barley,'4», to 4s. 6d. Oats, 2s. Od. to 0s. 0d. Beef, od. to 7d. Mutton, H-f Od.; Pork, 7d. to Od. Fresh Butter, Is. Id. to Is. 2d. per lM salt, Os, lid.; cheese, 5d. to 7d.; ducks, 4s. Od. to Os. Od. 7d. to Od. per lb.; Fowls, 3s. a couple Potatoes, Id. per lb. ...


... MERTHYR COUNTY COURT. The monthly meeting of this court took place on Friday and. Saturday last, before John Wilson, Esq., judge. The numb of cases entered for trial exceeded that of any previous nomh of this year, being about 210. William Todd, v. Thomas /(jraw-Mi^.—Plaintiff claimed £ 5 2s. for goods sold and delivered, some flour and a counter. De- fendant is a grocer, residing at Aberdare. ...


... WELSH MARKETS. POTYPRIDD: SEPT. 6.—-Wheat, 9s. 6d. to 10s. per bushel; Barley, 5s. to 5s. 6d. Oats, 3s. Od. to 3s. 6d.; Beef, 5d. to 6d. per lb.; Mutton, 6d. to 7d. Lamb, 7d. to Od.; Veal, Od. to Od. Fresh Butter, Is. Oi el. to Is. Ill. Salt, ditto, 0s. lid. Cheese, 4d. to 7d. Potatoes, Id. per lb • 1-rench beans, l £ d. per lb. ducks, 4s. Od. to 0s. Od. per couple! onions, lid. per lb. fowls, ...


... LONDON CORN EXCHANGE. MONDAY, JULY 31.—We had a large supply of wheat to-day from Essex and Kent. At first of the market our millers showed more inclination to purchase, and fine qualities obtained fully Is. per quarter above last Monday's prices, but towards the close of business the trade was duller, and some quantity remained unsold. In foreign free Wheat very little passing, but higher ...


... PROVISION MARKET. MONDAY, DEc. 18.—Our market in the past week was dull and drooninir. Prices as foHol\ i.r.tter, per cwt. s. s. .Dorset .J. 92to 96 Curlew slt C', k, I ,t 78 840 W terfortk 72 78 Li. erick 70 71 Fo eign, prime- 1 riesland 9? — 1 iel SO 90 Frco Butter, per dozen, 10 .Od. to 138.0d. Cheese, per cwt. 8. s. Double Gloucester M to 66 Single 4(i 65 Cheshire 56 74 Derby 6'i 66 ...


... MINING MARKET. A fair proportion of business in miuing shares has been trans- acted during the week, but still there has not been that activity which we have had the pleasure to notice for some weeks past. There are, however, indications of a livelier state of things, and we hope in our next to be able to record a recurrence of previous activity. ...


... IMPORTANT PUBLIC MEETING AT MERTHYR. On Wednesday last, at three o'clock, a public meeting, con- vened by the high-constable, in pursuance of a numerously and respectably signed requisition, was held at the long room, Bush Inn, for the purpose of forwarding an humble address to her Majesty, expressive of loyalty and attachment to the throne. The room was densely crowded in every part, and ...


... WELSH MARKETS. PONTYPRIDD. 17. 1Vheat, 7s. to 7s. 6d. per bushel; Barley, 4s- to 5s.; Oats, 3s. to 3s. 6d. Hay-grass, 3s. to 5s. Beef, 7jd. to 8d. Mutton, 8d. to 9d. Lamb, 94d. to Is. Veal, 6d. to 7d.; Fresh Butter, Is. 2d. to Is. 3d.; Salt, Is. Id. Cheese, 6d. to 8id, Potatoes, Is. 4d. to Is 6d. per quarter, or lllbs. ...

PRICES OF WELSH MIXIXG SHARES. --------------..._--.----------____---

... MINING MARKET. A fair amount of business has been transacted this week in the mining share market; and from the general improvements in tha mines, and advance in the standard, we may reasonably expect proportionate increase. The inquiries for shares in our leading and dividend-paying mines have been active; but sellers are sjenerally seekirw higlwr prices, and actual business is thereby ...

---_._!....-------,--..L---. CHAPELS KEGISTERED FOR; MARRIAGES,

... suggested. It is in reality an attempt to patch up affairs that arc deplorably bad, the superficial healing of a danger- ous wound, without touching the root of the matter. There is no.homage paid to first principles. Protection is either right or wreng. If the Whigs believe the former, why not grant it at once? If they believe the latter, then why accept it at all? Free trade principles are ...