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... L N S , U 22. . LONIDOIN, tT'RUSDAY, JANUARi 22- i; I :; --alo t-,W .VTUz6Y was settling .dA at tfe S66` zehange . the aceeunti,Ther6: w~ere no zlehtnzlte:, ., ..~.. --, It s s'aid tht. a part of' the Supplies-for':the-ensinsng. yea'r Wi' le fo'und in theuniclaimned minies' of -the Courts of Chancery iemaining in the Excheier ,ihe whole of which, ...

Published: Tuesday 27 January 1818
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 207 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

THE past week has been one of those intervals of calm and moody stillness, which sometimes occur during

... F :. o nhy Afiftofon^ Jaune 21st. i r - ak ETmE 'past week ha9 been 61le o and-woody stilln'essw which srn etiwes Demur 1e ssf ,saf Ps icmntim r lnt n sw is? c . the pi-ogress ofrimportant and eventful periods; the id fore, may now fie expected, as-tIle nations of Erope are reposing, afte'r tle sltriggles ofa ( xiausting lr vh A' deaathf cf political intelligeuce, combited with I e ntt want ...

Published: Tuesday 22 June 1819
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1320 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... : PEIUL. , x, ! X , 1 ; : [* ! , - /. I1-11PER1IAtL PAtR.LIALMEONTr. ' ;Z ,l -r i .. , , A . .I -. : rust: . 1 OYU S E O F COM l ON S. res8 - - lNDAY, XiMARCH '17 Itiall Sir T LVTHn'l-nuii.Ls Bill flr the more procile divioion snts of conlties, was readi second t i6'; aid after somie slight Ieir ojerctions froui Sir M. RIDLEY, itwts ordered to be com.. ur,,i wtitted_ ':>', v-' ;i.,,,8 tasel ...

Published: Monday 24 March 1823
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1370 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... LO.4QNDONi SATU~DA~,, jqL,,,g.~ j 'R 4; eTisa bealth of -iier Mapesty,'dulrini¢yesterdaX aj.jce P. daiy, has,Vwie aie liapp)yto anntinue,*sonitewhIt , pd.i The Report yesterdey 'Was;, thtat h'er Ma:M y-ad:a: tolerable g6cdc isight, and 'vvas'aiea and betterl A Commission -has 'jnst passed the Great Seal, ip- in pointing a Bdard' to inquire iinto thb'bes ips bf-pre- I 'venthig tbe Forgery of ...

Published: Tuesday 28 July 1818
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1097 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... *IThsrel lvalleis. A corre'pondent ohberves that the rwV crnp oh Lr I .bids fair. geuerally ; he does not recollect s 2eei. it, d presentr a more promi;ing appearaci.ce ui this -es e; lt i 'the'vear. esno X potatoe of a rommon specie Wras lately eak s a field belongiing to Mr ]John BielbY, of Rystert eC Malton weighing 2*tbs. . 'iear The 6th regiment of foot, one of whfch the DOneOf hose w~hO. ...

Published: Tuesday 24 November 1818
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1103 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LONIDON,t -Tu SDAy, Y 6. TEE Paris papers of Monday arrived this forenoon. The domestic intelligente in themni unimportant; bdi an1ong the foreigu articles tbey contain, our attention is attracted,- xvith a painfiul degree of interest, to the Jletails of ihe surrender of the fortress of Varga to Ali Pacha. The British garrison has been withdrawu, and, shaniefhl to relate I che condition by ...

Published: Tuesday 13 July 1819
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 680 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... * L1.Ammt11; CATASTRopuIE.--We regret t ir. DREADVUL ' CATAs.TAOPHE.---A1Ve regret * to havox: ho v. to state thle melancholy, death of Admiral Sir Joseph., W' Yorke, Captalin Young, RA.N, Capt. B~radby, R.N., and Tr ie Mr. Chandler, Captainof the Royal YachtClub,.inStoke)'i HA in Bay,,near Por'tsmouth, on Thursday last. The above dis- f~ ly tinguished individual and friends were sail ing in ...

Published: Tuesday 10 May 1831
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1203 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

IN another place we have inserted the last mani[ill]. or proclamation, issued by the Emperor

... -.'R' J-3ctiflt tinBi Stubter ffleretirD. i 1ELL, T UESDr.,Ly, JAqUAPLY 1S, 183 1. pN inllwther place Nve have inserted the last mani- __. or roclaillattionl issued by the Emperor in connectioln with'the insurrection of si usbjects. The autocrat, it will be.seen, ; j lt to bisi feelings of' indignation and 'ait in stern and lofty langua-0,e. He acB- I! ;'S ite Poles ot' ingratitude, treason, ...

Published: Tuesday 18 January 1831
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 7183 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... FORE>IGN INT-EII GENCE.. ALGE~tINED ExPEDr'rIoN. - > The. subjoineci: telegraphic despatches, it will hbe s~cn, annlounce the ar~riwdl of the Frenoli expe. ditio n on thse Algerine coast. There js, thereforr, an eiid to all the sinister runsougs rqsp~ec3gtiz9 which liave-bee-n So C-lilreH;l'Ub ebziC' 1 & pariaro for !Toulon. Thle prdiceediiigs of thie eW- podition may be thtis summned up. Thle ...

Published: Tuesday 29 June 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2288 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... FOREIGN INTlELLIGENCE.'' The Paris papers of Tuesday evening, received | n on Thursday, brought the important intelligence an .thlat, the French minsisters have been defeated in the ne .Chamnber of Deputies by a majority of 40; 221 mSnemnbers voting for an finti-ministe'inil address, and . only 181 against it. Thle followving is one of the mlpassages of the addelrss: - Sire-The charter which ...

Published: Tuesday 23 March 1830
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1883 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... AGRIC.ULTURAL REPORT .FOR SMPTEMBPR. em In Scotland and most of the skortherln districts of her England, the character of the season is described as that ot'drought alld aridity, parching upthO grasses, ast, preventing, in a considerable measure. the circula- snc tion of the vegelable juices in all other crops. ont Whilst in most otier parts of England, in the early Ha part of tho summer ...

Published: Tuesday 11 October 1831
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1397 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... ; aCHOLERA MORS. ISM 'ecemer, 831.WI Cel board ha th~e, concluding~ paragaho hi i~lr daJod 14th asjt, ebt~on otasmttesb j9!'ned satiltacy InstM1utin for romntesspo ed to' be actuafl,. attacked. jbh Spasmoic Cibeaf ihr *orne obseriiitioni on the nature, ad tramnto h disease, Oal#'it plby Drs. Russell an irU y as Every individutalbeing dee'ply int rtd ntepreser- i vation ofttle, puiblic heaslth, ...

Published: Tuesday 20 December 1831
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3837 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News