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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... TO MY YOUNGEST SON, .-LETCESTER STANHOPE FORbES YOUNG BUCKINGHAM, AGED NINE YEARS. To be placed beneath My Portrait in his Study. YES! look upon that face, my Son, And think thou hear'st'it ever say, Hast thou, my Boy, thy duty done! And lived another virtuous day? -For if thou hast-anotber link Is added to Affection's chain: Ulf not-oh 1-Dearest-dread to think Of mine and of thy Mother's ...


... THE NVORLD. BY EL IZA C0OO.,, T.U.K who will of the world ass a desert of thrall, Yet-yet, there is bloom on the waste'; Though the chalice of life hath its acid and gall, There are honey-drops too for the taste. We murmur and droop should a sorrow-cloud stay, And note all the shades of our lot; But Athe rich seintillatious that brighten our way Are bask'd in, enjoyed, and forgot. Those who ...


... I eR NE. (Fr-oz thle Dulblin Uviverai/Q,1i Maqmiac for ilfurcA.) DrAtUrT goes forth ?? thee With tlic Sun From morn till eve, nnd with thc silent moon Hovers at midnight: when her starry noon Jloldsjubilee-in Tlcayqn, the fairies run Athwart thy dewy vales from du. to dun Among ?? ,farny lakcR ; thc shamrock springs Beneath their prankin1 footsteps; and the wings Of Eld, vherb long c Nistor . ...


... nittrature. SELECTED POETRY. THE GOLDSMITH'S DAUGHTER. FaOX THE GERMAN OF UHLAWD, A goldsmith stood within his stall With pearls and gems around, Mr gems are precious one asid all, Yet art thou, my Helena, The best I ever found. A gallant knight came blithely in, Good morrow, maiden fair, And you, my goldsmith there within, mako me a costly crownlet To deck my sweet bride's hair. The crown ...

Selected Poetry

... ,stiectro vortrij. FAlIVilELL TO DECEMBE R. Hail to thee! bail to thee ! summer day sun I Brilliant and long is the course that VO a run Lightning thc rose on the straw-covered hut, Storing the hedges with berry and nut. Flash on in the strength of your glorious pride, Scorching the green-sod and gilding the tide. But my welcome is ncithlr so long nor so loud As it is vhen you pcep from a dark ...

Selected Poetry

... sclectev vactrg. WHAT IS N'OBLE? BY CHARLES SWAIN. WHEAT is noble? to inherit Wealth, estate, and proud degree ?- There must be some other merit Higher yet than these for me!- Something greater far must enter Into life's majestic span Fitted to create and centre True nobility in man! W.hat is noble? 'tis the finer Portion of our mind and heart; Linked to something still diviner Than mere ...

Selected Poetry

... :t, el t c t cb- Tj a c t v 1). THlE VIOLET. SVEET flower outbuict froi0 Winter's gloom, M V violet of blue, There's hlnginge in thy rich perfume- It sp lw s of friendship tire. Hlow oftesn linve I wvelcomed thee F'rwniz 6~ildhood's ently lwtur, All ellibleli of Inillite. Aty own, Ty favou rite flower! Rleposiog by the rivolkt, Ibou hiid'st thy modest lienl, Miade loveliec by a cocoliet Of ?? ...


... m Y i Tb i. B3Y J. e. BUCHRANAN, ICSQ, AwAv! away-my Blark and I Merrily o'er tlie waters fly, Leaving the laud and its dnll shoro To soulless slaves, hlo dread the roar Of oeean-wheln the winds in wrath Have chosen her hosom for their path, And whirling wild amid the spray, Hold on their fieree, but viewless way. Speed tlic !-speed theo-my beauteous thing Tlhine is a difer-drooping wing- ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ?? aiib Farictim TIlE- COUR-Ir. Ci WINDSOR, JA-N. 2.-The Queen and Isis Royal Highne11ss ot took ni Carls w~alk in ai I lc bm -park anIt( Slope's this morn- t 0 i 11. Tld r Roy yal II ighlilesses the Prince of Willes and Prinl- it cess ]loyal, and thle yoneger brancheas of thle Rovel failyl~, rc walked in thut, Homne-park. T'lie Prince, ati ended by A51ajori- gE' General Bolb es and .Captain t ...

Fashion an Varieties

... saebioll a.,lb varictio. TIlE COURT. Aecordinq to present arrangmeneitt, hor Majesty and the Prince Consort, accompaoied by the youtihful inombers of tho Royal family, will leave Oshon ne, foC 13- Bukinigmtan ['asae, on Monday or Tuesday next, in order to hlcl a levee as St. James's, on thc 21st instant. It is stated that her Majesty intonds to visit thc couuty of Sutherland during the ensuing ...


... VAU PE-VIRE. BlY OLIVEFR BASSEILIN. IcS'I' us drink as anily timnes As our naines liave letters in thlem; Sing we Islghter-moving rihymem; Say, Who shrill the first begin thorn? Pour the gollen eider high; LIst the ?? take From those drops of sunny (lye, Which now mirth ind wit awake. 0h I my name is all too short For that tide that swiftly passes Lot meo add, to spood our sport, Lotters many ...

Fashion and Table=Talk

... ?? allb Cabirle, '11h, TIE COURT. WINDSOR, Fr1cDAY.-l'rince Albert enjoyed the sport of shootiig. this morning, aceompaniied by tihe Earl Cow)cr and the Eail of Liverpool. Thc Riev. Dr. and Mlrs. Whewell took their ldepartire from the Castle to-day. The Royal linncr party at the Castle, this evening, will inclode her Royal Highlness tile lucress of Kent, the Earl and Countess Cowper, tile Earl ...