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... I :A.1i:I.F. t - i- - +CMJRT QF KI~ Cs BENCH, - -- dniesday, Jan.. I . ; . DEA IT AT]OV .-I CMITTRU V. JACttS. -flr. GAR BOW stated the plaintiff's case, in. a ?? tfihugh flippatt ?? a late ?? iD the Court of Cnto:- ?? Conednil. Al. Jack.s ie lnideavrmiripg toi' t lrow an ocoium on ihe conduct yf Sir F inras Bardett, indulged'himself iu the f~idon inig 'words '- Whlat ouigh t ey to ?? rf Sir ...

Published: Sunday 20 January 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2338 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... LJ M CONSISTORY COURT, BOCTjiS DoCM ONS. GVARA) V GfJAR.l. ^is wai s a caosc of divorce, ?? Lient. Col. Guard .sirlst ?? Letitia Guard, his wiffc hy reason of adul- tevsY with Chxixles l-Indge, jit. of Otteryj Devngshire. The parties were msarried in ISO?,; and have three children. In 3896, the Culotiel received ordlers to join his regiment at the t ape of Good Hope, and to go from theotf to ...


... Ij COU-RT O: 11 O. S BENH.- 5a00kg r. IrrL A - I i.s was en action-'for t-niagea the flefendant fiiviog se- % A the Cinf's fite M. 4.ioae; ss.ige nto Vhie, ltvinogin Sussex, nixd Mir. filtair, ?? hisi allt nvt a fongif man ot good edcationn. Takio- daii of izis tsfrition in) th~e fnatty, hie Etad maaed -rs2 1W. -so had -tak Iidrenlr, to, dejiart fiom hver dut, firc whicia ser tisltalid -ooc ...

Published: Sunday 21 July 1811
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4898 | Page: Page 13, 14, 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... t . 7 I- -. ? - .. I I - - ?? ?? 1 . ?? . 7 - LIB 0,,V TIZILS 177, -1,? - . . . - o? ? ? I Can theri be a greates alien of rtier, 'or a mrnre abohjiii2il ?? to ixnrfi i i tlig c a ...


... ACCID NTs, OFFENCES8, 4c. Mionde~ay- ex icy~n an ttrcmpt to set fire to the premises of Mr. Enugliria r, a re speciable cabinet-tarker, re~idintr at Limeholise, was made, far tile purpose of commilotine robbery. Some feliows knockfed at the door, and it r'ired if a person whom tlhey naed ic-bzled liere ; onl tile girl answering in tihe neective, they tlesirrd to ca Mr.Er glrbeiirt himself, ...

Published: Sunday 31 December 1820
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2135 | Page: Page 15, 16 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... .. I YoaK, AUGUST 6.-TATE V. LINTON AND WIFE.-This was an action hrpught by a husband to deprive his wife of her clothes. Mr WIaLMs stated that the plaintiff had married the daughter of the defendants, and as the marriage was contracted against the will of the mother, she had influenced her daughter in ans unfavourable manner towards her husband, and they lived together very uncomfortably, ...

Published: Sunday 16 August 1829
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5824 | Page: Page 10, 11, 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... The case of alleged lunacy of Mr Davies, wholesale tea-dealer, of Philpot lane, was heard by the Lord Chancellor, on Monday week, at his Lordships private residence, when Mr TPaaSLOvX applied for a commission of lunacy. Ale referred to various affldavits, which.stated, among other things, that, in April last, Mr Davies's friends were obliged to place him under the care of keepers at his house ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCI. Monday, Noventher 16. CRIMINAL ONFONRtATION. Mr J. WILanAatS moved for a rule to show cause why a criminal infor- mrtions hould not be filed against certain Commissioners Of the Court of Requests at Halifax, for injustice and oppression. He made the appli- cation on behalf of a person of the name of James Woodey, a resident of Halifax, who in 1827 owed 1!. 10s. to a Mr ...


... On Monday, Wn. Rae, aged 25, John Rogers, aged 19, and John Welsh, aged 17, were indicted for breaking open the dwelling-house of John Burcb, a watchmaker, in High Holborn, and stealing therein fbur watches, value 8L_ It appeared that on the evening of Tuesday week the prisoners were seen standing close to the prisoner's shop window, and soon after Rae was seen to break w pane of glass, upon ...


... LAW AND, POLICE. GLASGOW CIRCUIT.- EXCESSIVE BRUTALITY TO A WIFE. - The court on Monday was occupied with the following case of culpable homicide, and cruel and unlatura, treatment of a wife by her husband:- G. Fay, shoemaker, was accused of culpable homicide, by confining his wife in a water-closet, while in a state of bodily disease, from the 3rd of June last till the 23rd of September, when ...

Published: Saturday 01 January 1848
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1430 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... AC C I DENTS. WRECK OF THE QUEEN STEAMER.-Mr Hare, of Bristol, has furnished the following account of the disaster: - The Queen steam packet, Captain Gardner, started from Bristol on Friday last, at haltfpast ten o'clock, with a valuable cargo and passengers ; and at eleven o'clock same night, being suddenly enveloped with a dense fog, struck on a rock in Jack's sound, off Milford ...

Published: Saturday 09 September 1843
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 854 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... WANDSWORTH AND CLAPHAM UNIoN.-The poor-law commissioners have caused an inquirv to be made into the truth of certain charges which had been brought against the master and matron of the Wandsvorth and Claphani union. The result was the exposure of a most cruel and indecent system of conduct towards the girls who are inmates of the establishment. It was elicited that some time since it was ...