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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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... SANICRUPTS FRdM SATURDAY'S GAZtTTZ., Thomas Drry, anAI Richa Gilhert, of Bread Street Rib. ,on Weavers. - ohbn Clotes, of Blackrnd, Lancafter, Muffin Manufa61urer.-George Potter, of Charing Crofs, London, Haberda41ior.wSoamiel Martin and Wjilliaim Hol- lan.d, both of Manchefter, Cottod Manufaf1urers.-.Yoin Joknfws, of the City of York, Grocrr.-,?n:dreq Fallen, of Livcrpool, Merchaiji. ...

Published: Saturday 01 February 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1494 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MARPKETS. CORN EXCHANGE, MONDAY, FE S. lo. Having but a fcanty ftipply of Wheat thia morning, prices again experienced a further advance of about ive fhillings per quarter, fince this day ?? iupplyI of Barley this morning was very large, principally fiom | l5orfolk and Suffolk ; but the Diltillers heitig allovved to go on, the demand usa confiderable, and prices advanced full three. ...

Published: Saturday 15 February 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 820 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MiARKETS. CORY, EXCS5AN E, MONDAY, FER. 17. We had but a fmall frspply of Wheat this morning, which was taken off, but at iather higher pi-ices thau late ?? fcw arriva1s of either Barley or Malt, prices of both fold full asdear as lalh Mnday.-Ho- Pcafe, and hard Beans, were rather fcarce and dearer, having Comr demand ?? haJ few arrivalsof Oars, yet the fale was very heavy, and infvrior ...

Published: Saturday 22 February 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 909 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON NMAaKETS 4 E rr 4 ,, - .. . CORN ERXCH3AaGE, MOND'Y, . Although we had but a ?? uppH Wh morning, yct the Falc was heavy, and prices fi!t a three liililngs per quarter ?? had but f ai rtvals of Barley, fo that fine b a ight I i I ained their prices, though the middling. and infer lities were -xtrenely dull of fate and ?? io full as dear; and fine Hog Peafi a Hard, being fearce, fold at a ...

Published: Saturday 01 March 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 999 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Tuesday's Post continued

... T'uejday's _PO continue-d. From the LONDON GAZErTE, March I. BANKRUPTS. 2?rrrt A'Yi~fen, cf Co)khetter Street, 'Savage Gardens,, ?? Bone, of'tffe Strand. Baker.-Robt.: Iu;rten, of Ivy Lane, Newgec S~icct, bookbinder.-Rd.' 2ltWnrrir, lat^ of St. Michael's Alley, Corthil, Bookfrelle Tkcimas Mrio,2atd, now or late of £oll-le-lneoors, Lanca- hilel, Cottojn Maufacit',rer. - Thiomas Hoaier, jun. ...

Published: Saturday 08 March 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 335 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... *LDNflON I?ADKETS. .CORN ESSCRAN'G-E MO{DfAY, Aertt7-. We hiad this worning a pretty :gnod fupply of jEnglijh- Wheat, yrt the price lias adeanceS from js. to 4s. fincit lail Monpdoy.-Bezlly ~f .an inferior qesaliy wvas Ausze in de- mand, and prdcn red' an advante or zs. 6d1. per qeuarter. Fine famiptes f~or Mlrdling were alfo niuch wsrdned,' and rhoe Iprice has ?? of a prime qoiality seers ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 472 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Tuesday's Post continued

... - ?? Poll continued, B Fromt the LONDON GA\ZETTED, April 5. B A~NKR UPrTS. Abrbaha BuFliusnt, ¢oC Solihul, ini *Wrwickfie~e, Vaoilalliec.Edwvard Lads, of Exdter, Taylor.- Edevar4 1't/zirkr'n the elder, of Wltt Ocinflead, Suffer, Dealer.-- Litmuns Patch, of Dudley Co~uet, Se. Gilts in the -Fields, Vitlaualler.-4'Villiarn Sbepperfsi3ofJ ?? Street, Grocer. [This Gazette contains an Order for a ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 348 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MAtRKETS. CORN EXCHANL.GE, MONDAY, APRIL f4. 'Our Whcat Market was this morning tolerablv well fupplied with Englihfl Wheat, but few frefh Samples of Fo- reign ones have arrived; the demand being confiderable, the price has arivaisced from one filfing to one ihilling and fixpenee per quarter, on the fine famples from Efiex and Suffolk; the interior ones extericuced no alteration.- ...

Published: Saturday 19 April 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 532 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

LONDON, Markets

... LONDO4i? MAR!(ETS. C ORrN EXC.aA'G, M:0NPD,'', A5'551 25. The dermand for fine Wisran. this onqornis'g being confi- derabie, anid the (uppln bart trifling, tlhe price ISa sdvanaccd full as. .per quarter.-Ryr, of a good queliry, ardo Ba' Isy j af all .srts, w ere mtchl in demand, and refjeasetivey !dearer.-Mvalt, of ali defricrpsionan is decree; as are alfo an Tick Bas, fmall Beans, and fine ...

Published: Saturday 26 April 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1736 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONiDCN MARKEjT. .CORS RXqAlNGE- MONDAY, sAY 5. We had this mcrning a pretty good fupply of Wheat but the quantity was not, in general, fiue; the coarfer famples n-it being much in demand, were fold at reduced prices, fay' from 3s. to 4s. per quarter lower. - Prime famples, howevei, being much wanted, did not fall more than is. per quaster. -Barleys, Oars,'Malts, and all forts of Beans, were ...

Published: Saturday 10 May 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 949 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MAIUKETS. C61o6 EXCHANGE, MONDAY, MAY I2. Our expeibations, founded on the finenefs of the wea- ther, and the extent of the Foreign Supply, have been folly jutified, as Foreign Wheats have this day fallen -from 7s. to sos. and Englifh ones full Gs. per quarter, fince this day week.-Barley, both of a fine quality, and alfo the inferior defcriptlins, have fullained a redudiois of from 3s. ...

Published: Saturday 17 May 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... tONVON AR1A11 KET ' eO-tX C HA-;G, ?? A-Y V A ;V ; ? | :i f the W'heat5 whi'ch feismed the fd ply of thif mhdori- ,j ing, the greater part *'as.f6reig-n,' and-of ?? infer'die quality; in confequence of, which the few, -prime; Englilb .I: parcels svere taken off brilkF;r, at an advance of abo~ut' asv| p- ?? Friday,whillf ithofe of aninferiordi-feripF-; j tion fuaained no alteratibn.-lariey ...

Published: Saturday 24 May 1800
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1195 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce