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... Sunday's Pout.—By Express. Whitehall, May 31. Prince Regent has been pleased to Riant the dignity a Baron of the United kir.K'Unn Groat Britain and Ireland unto the Bight v . Abbot, Kidbronke, the county Sussex, late Spe«ker of the House Commons, ant) his heirs male, the nime, stile, and Baron Colchcstcr, Celebes* r. ; 'he county Essex. WheAT-Ave»ageprice . Eng. ales) Qr.s/.5>. 2 ...

Friday Night's Gazette

... War Orncie, July 2.-l«« Dragoons. LIEUT.-COL. Charles Henry Somerset, from half-nay to vice A. B. Clifton, who reeeivlu* the difference. and Lieut. Arthur Wellesley i by pur. rlceArdeis. Ensign Eh? Paget ar?d Captain, pur. vice and Lieut. F. Paget so Ensign and Lieut. and Lieut.. W Campbell, vice Vffiu*; pTo. a»«i S». »»«- Fraser, be Henry Rogers, from half-pay, Major, from h. p. Major, vice ...

SUMMARY-Foreign and Domestic

... The want of union and cordial co-operation among the Members of the Cabinet has induced Lord Goderich to tender his resignation, which was accepted by his Majesty on. Tuesday, and a dissolution of the present Administration has •followed. The causes which led to this event are not publilcy known, and, the absence of correct information, various reasons have been assigned, which it would be ...