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{From the Timet-) We

... obstnre a disposition to inole our relations with the ncwly-establi-hcd Transatlantic States in obscurity. It is asserted, that if join with or assist these, in casting off the yoke or government of the mother country ?lha is, Ferdinand Vll.?we are practising jacobinical doctrines, and leaching nations to rise against their rightful Sovereigns. A slight attention dates and facts will set this ...

Ayr Advertiser

... T H It 1) Y, Ja.v 11, 1844. annual and quaiterly accounts of the Revenue, but for the Income Tax, would not very satisfactory. What, with excessive charges which individuals would rather pay than annoyed resisting, and the levies upon a numerous class not liable but unacquainted with the tedious procedure necessary to obtain repayment, this tax has yielded much more to the revenue than was ...

Ayr Advertiser

... THURSDAY, Jankaey 4, 1844. The respective reviews of the condition and prospects of the country, furnished by the daily Newspapers to their readers, at the commencement of another year, are both interesting and instructive. The debateable ground betwixt the rival partizans has, of late, been much contracted. They in bitterness, join issue on points long the fruitful topics of controversy These ...


... THE KENTISH GAZETTE. CANTERBURY, NOVEMBER 19, 1544 In consequence of the extensive changes in the mode and time of delivery letters, newspapers, &c, occasioned by the introduction of railway conveyance, we are unable, until we have effected satisfactory arrangements, to secure the early and regular distribution of the Kentish Gazette in some parts of the county. Our subscribers will, we trust, ...