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... * Uitervatitc. THE TURKS IN EUROPE. The following extracts are a continuation of those which appeared in our last number, and are taken from a sniall volume.under the, above title, from the pcn of Lord John Russcll. The noble author, after detailing the horrible oppressious of what the Turls call justice, and their galling tax-. ations, goes on to say,- It must be added that the Christian ...


... nt~reature. POLrTICAL UNIONS. The foll winig descriptlon of these 3ffiliations is front the plen of J. B. Gordoin, Esq.-'i'here is no dolibt that hadl Mri Attwood's noltiiul been brought forward, on T'hursday night, by some gentlem an uncone ncted with tlhese daugerolus comnbiniatio ns, it would have experienced a differelit result - ' 'I'he class of persons wlio are investedl with the ...


... was - oh, for the follies and infatuations of inanoeu, gage ing mothers Ball alter ball, dinner after dinner, isll~ tentis iot do-the Arlingtons have been a ?? rj ting Calcutta, and all the world know, in Calcuttia a%., dl by month and not knocked down to thle beet bidt ris own fi ld scarcely a bidder for the marketable artiich't I to What will Mvrs. Arlington's amiable Wits do tlies 300n ...


... ?? -: ?? ?? ?? I ?? i 1.,. Y. I ?? L I'll ?? tto'll.t , :.J..0!Sit2,111e ll{tfilfg h lli't.) e I loilil: iraX 1. i ooiirl1'klrle cil A! ! i ! I( ci. ?? dbt, And e\ ~ . il z ,X1 tItc, dl,, 'i lT at 111 ?? oiriial waillil ' :d Havu pennyl Di- llalfpi).'mly'. 1 ivrote Alastci' Sicttoii, ?? Oxfoid ,tolrcalo, ill till ay ot thie Eiglti lorly, of OfConcerning, itn toulch- le 11i 1bt Iy, piois, ...


... lFIIZS IN SET'TENMBER. FA * sat 1q. 11dw1o icesday, 13; Bodedeiri . im. t ml 'jii rsdimy, 1b; Beaulill- 8ltluesday, 2O; orth- \hmm ?? Ig- reimi Siturdiy, 3; lNevill, t ] ?? li t z tl] S 10; Ban gor I vidav, ;'-; ?? 11;; LIllberis mind l.limulyfni, : mli' ' rmmai'v~l' Ieuesday. ?? Pe'ill-ehiio, ?? ' icimtiC', -hmriimoii Y QI2himmmsy 6d, mmd 5 F1 o tlieicil liridemy,-J3, Beddgelert, ?? iil ...

Arts and Sciences

... arto and. *dewfro, : j, Nrw MOVaN.G Powmi.-57. Zagiorsky, of. t. a Peterbnurgb, the aithur of verctal ?? iv. jirentious. andi siensific: vworks, is preparing a I publi.ction, which Will shortly appear,.in Lati., e aaess, in Fiench; and which will nnfold sodme tsecrets rofa iature calculated to be generally useul. .1 'rI'is pubiioatieiul will contaiti tle dtescriptioni of a 1 i%-vw system for ...


... EXTRAcTs FROM DR. CROLY'S SERMON. P PI' ?? the Society for th1 P!'ropiloli of t51 Gospel iii Foreign pares. For a long serics of years it has been the great b, honour of England thatshe has laboured to spread I, the Gospel; and it is the oplnion of mansy of her n wisest and holiest men that, by tle strong indica- e tios of events, things which seldom deceive, this 11 responlsibility has been ...


... {sotfi'tl. THEY COMdE ?? Ml'RRY SUMLMER MiiONITHS~ 'They come ! the merry sunamer months of Beauty, Sing, and Fl';Icrs; They comn ! the gil I seme months that bring thick leafiness to, bhoers. Up, up, my hea'rt and walk abroad, fling cark and care aside, Seelc silent hills, or rest thyquif where peaceful wa ers glide; Or, unolerneath tbe shadow vast of patriarchal true. I Scan thiro-gh its ...


... , vartrp. THE PARTING H{OUR. : h Is there an hour of stersker wo, a Of all that can our feelings move, ar Than rends the heart about to go *th From those we love? in Can there arise a bitterer tear Vi Tha'dim the ?? in fondness cast se For-rme'long look a look more dear m Because the last? That little iord, thle lsi!'vihat power J Hath that saa sqpell to vision o er . is Past' bliss, to mock ...


... J? Li f t, 1, 11 - - in the Ufl)ad's ?? /b,/ ?? C. JAa'.I s And I stosdl on the mo-tail l,igh, 1 *Where lnill ha 'l Ilexel. lc, l I APnd I gatve ny limp a- v li instrulsV, llf ti! iso, I I a scvtn. 'I rk 1 ,,,t ,f die stotin and shosver, ()I the ?? Ai ?? oI the ?? whihih lonier; Ur ii tI I , k In1 I all, tlh^re (lCwells a po wer 'Jn e:it cI ta III. Lt1 meC ?? Itlih II) joc, this idniight hour, ...


... pJOtt'L4. LtNES ADDIliESSED TO EVA. WVRITTEN IN AtTUMIN. Feair lanvho' the hlsli shng daevr, thc orient sun Already has his golden course begun, It' eui ru-oil my Couch I risic my aching head, And find the darkling viists of night are fied, I look around, all nature gay I see, E ut (ilo her sniles have lost their charms for me. Thlec rustic peasantry with blithsrnme song, Now cheerly triip the ...


... loortfp. ' ' ?? ~ - > BALLAD. ; ntrg forsaler. mother Stood on a foreign strandl,- With her babe-and bat each other They knew through all the land. One told her she was dlying, And a little while she wept, But she soon ceased her er! ing, And in peace and silence slept. Ansd.theu the inrant faded; Like a fair hud on a tree; And died-as, when o'erahaded Is the summer, dies the bee. They laid ...