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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... R' berbeen, have WEDNESDAY, Aug-ust 19 Sm te Britrer..-At Fintray House, on the 6th instant, the Honl. ?? Lady FonitErs, of Crsaigievar, of ai tlaughter. from Married, on Thursday, by special licence, at St Geore',Oft? Hanovr Square, London, his Grace the Duke of Btic- A eciETuci!, to Lady CHtARLOTTE TizvNNr, third daugihter of the Marquist sod Marchion~ess of Bath. His Grace the Socif Duke ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,InnZSsDAY, October ±7, MM.1 fiti, At' Aitwer', mith110 lth lost. Mr's Ftt'.Osi~,,oft son. listsis. I -A ,,Mi'iih, tbtsc'i'.toit 'ul'si'tps~, Ciistdii,. Ili thle l:tlt Septitoislsi'los AMr s Assi, Ii cio ii, ofi ,o ot. A1,s1stit. os-AtI St. Audsw'oo 'Cliot'. I, King Stoodt, sit 'Toossly, t2lls dlostoitt, by thle 6lti~t Rev'. Itillsloi Skiniier, AI~x,itstsimt Lo1, ises' tleoiioait, 1 losi, ...

FOREIGN. Belgian perct. Danish 3 ». Portuguese 4 Brazilian....& ,t Mexican „ Russ Bnds.s Spanish 3 ,

... Dutch 2j ~ Ditto 4 to pm, to ,l in t/ir Country are infurmed, .., tall line, the expiry of their 01 nitty eek, written in I{kd Ink. m, which, the new regulation*, '' yah 1 •idnat, and may therefore ntade ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- 0 l ?? fI7F,/)NSESDAY-F2EBIUARY 17. c (an the ?? Il t 3d lebruary, at ,ilravock Castle, the Lady of 1-ulnu Rosc, ?,sq. sI. r. was safely Aelivered of a sont At Iondoin, in Fitzroy. square, the Lady of Cu*.,IRLEs en i aiis, E5(. c. M. P. of a son. - larried at Calcutta, on the ' of September last- Ihe ' tLLIA.N HENRY iTHA NT., Hsq. Secretarv to the Boiard th iof Revenue. flkogal,to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -MARRIED- Aj Einburgh, David Somerville Ron cldson DicksonD EFq o; Blairhall, Lieutenari in the 2d or Royal Norti: 'Britrh dragoons, to Arna, youngest daughter of tbe late Charles Crynmble, Esq. of Ballyclare, county of Antrisrsn Treland.-At Edinburgh, by the reverend Mr T. Thom- son, Caprain Archibald Neilson, to Mrs Jane Bentley, of Mouse Bank.-At Dinlifries, David M'Culo1ch, Esq. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... /yiu)A'\ESDA4Y OCIOJ.?ER t-jj (I ?? ) I 'oLiil in ,t. al Ali il-pI el , Londo:., Mi-r-. A. (il:ii rN, O1 ai i: tel'. Iil -At Mrid'ar I, tlie 'oldv if \V ?? Duns Golirno i, ?? !9. ?? L '(10 ?? 401 j~tt! t iP t \/lX;ali M ?? 1 {in E ?? culrt. Airc. 31131DR 01, EMIA . j.Ifil`I i -ii tIJAM Tmu, fiaq. Oar- laouth. un{ii' t~ Tloi~la;Cl H i'itlil] OItl(dl~ov, :;t 19( )[t'15 ir. 'Mo- J I iud, I rlu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Kinroii, i 9h 711i .Ll tl q ;ti, IVEDNESD. s Y--Nu;i:'mun}n 0!i . .ci T~Die at E~tiarohsis otn the Jl tt ult. Dx.emt DAVfWr~tss, Siergeon, it£ Kiorosts, itt thle 72'd taer,.'I;!e. C Birth at Bower itlatlle'e, c- the 27ti tilt. MIrs Seems, of a pr %on. e'a Died at EIgin, on th;e 2sd tilt, in the 30- -re.r or his are, the h( Rev. JoHli GxAi&A, oil2 of' th inistc of ';lit plv.ce. I n the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to ~- \'ti'herv, or) ~Cde ti' Cal )~w Tti Lrnn, oftre ~ 0 'i meot , rto .14~ iti-t, ?? c fLct.Colonel ' ' A o! ,U nion ['ace, Aliardcartl. 1C ?? Aldtouric, Iririt . e I £th3 Dcc'nbriPt-. t ?? of W. 't nA a 't r : E. (. Slriit f'ot that Citlii C, of a WtII. TIc wrnFrieI' o e; org g Ke i i 7 i ? rrc . i rtrt rc: e, a a tu- v oir(m qlat'troay J ?? I a daugtettluior, tnid Oltt t Man- ty lbllmtr t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - I'!RI At Loxies, on 4th DecjrtbLr, the ratd\ of Titopoas Xhiotoci Esq of liih-e, oft. woi. -Mi ARRIED- On 60t1 ID.crblsbr. -,t at01iington-mnaist, .Ucs ler Beol-I:r Esq. brevver, Eli oburgh, to IH selvi dangih tc'r of Aiexanlder S:- Lq.- At Bilill, onl 6t DecGitlel. Ietiesr cadwart5. - p CLrbisptnuno, iP Cathlls)inv, Ouarit vi' r. Vstidlet ri , iof -WeliLellxurn.-At Si oii it dpown. ovitr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '-Bl1RTh- lib ?? the 19ili currenit, MIrs GIVOORY, St. Andr-tni Squiare, of a dhiughter. Bliirh-A. tz the 18th current, in Hope Street, Mrs Dr BnEw STslt, Dt a jOU, t ?? the I gth cuirent, at TanIragee, Ireland litro PA rrnss, %v il;h f' GA,.. Patton, Esqt. Physiciain, of a fqn. t | lirth-.-()n tht- 2-2d current, at Eidinburgli, DIrs i ?? ?? -land SlIc, oit'a dnu.tigbter. I13 rth --Ol the 2'2d ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Poirii.- It-, Oct r Ix r. I SIi ri, On hi IT 1'roi java ?? i-i 1a,031l. LIyoCk~wr hI NI L1~.- , At '1v ,3 1 033' 31 ?? )i( 34311 t133' 12,1i1 2311 lf~m t('T.Ill 1f 3333i1i Tw3,, ?? UVI 3I~ '12d3 '33133 or 11l( 13'31111'2 3',3'3I'y' d31333113.3l vi'a313 . B1 ev M ag33~ l3ie ., ilv, 't 13r13I 11331 ?? hAbV 'til, e S'~l33t i'il3,z' vi 1 Cyl333' St.~31 Maly. D 3e 33.3313011'0lM, 1)ti313 033 1133'y ...