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Caledonian Mercury



Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Caledonian Mercury

n 1 c d,

... OnTlrarsdavlast.^'h Oct. her, MjtaGAatST ?? spouse to Robert Walker, of Poole's Hotel, very niueii and jastly regratted, by a numerous cir.le of friends At Sisilivai'- bland, North America, on the is-h of August, Mr Wit liam siA-.vras, aged 21 v ar-,'y v g est son of Mr Robs rt,:rs, of 1 >ru,nteacn, r ?? Mor.kland. His death is much and iu.tle re-rctlcd. ...


... The f.arcity and lii oh price of Grain has ex- cited a considerable dygrce of enquiry relative to the laws which apply to that commodity. What follows may probab! y throw fome light upon this important iubjeee. Extract from An Abridgement of the Acts of Se- «• der-ar-.t of the Lord, of Council and Session, from January 15.53 to February 1794— Part, 11. page - 156. Representation of the ...

i C' ' V'; ';■ ■-'■ A

... i C' ' V' ; ';■ ■-'■ A . When Colonel AtexASDER Mac'Ck'eg'4* Murray, Ute Commandant of the ltova! E I ?? Highland Vokoteets, was removed to He command of the Royal Clan Atpin fenciblec, with a fword. in conh.qucn._e of this relolution, >ye onderftand there ha* lately been fent to Co- ir,el MacGrecor Murray, in Ireland, where he is with his regiment, accompanied with an appropriate letter, ...

1 tight arrived the Hamburgh mini due •■> ar.d on Tuefday tiiofe of the 7th, *i and 1 1 ft

... They bring very little in- ■o| importance, except the appointment Charles to be Generaliflimo ftrial army, with full power to aft } '■ eircuraftances, independently of ! Council of War at Vienna. Tbe ■t.ung articles brought by the above s found in the preceding columns. ' *&er and Wagftaffe, two King's ?? s »d one Imperial melfenger, whb; wtsharen in the Diana Packet, alfo !* d i(patche2. ...

nip r h... A: ?? H-tuscontlie la, . ?? -fOuittlTt, of-.ioii-'i: i Mr. Bat-.E ol Kenot, r two con. ??

... the ?? Mrs Captain TofcatE*. cf the- fllli 111 l I nrf! , -r.-litU, . At B-i-i-gi-— . H the.- JU ?? am ?? M A RP.lf: n. At Gic.-wi.., ?? -UUIHI „ ?? r Kir::, i-t the Royal ?? » .Vliss R-Imk. Mr James Caii-eh, merchant, Uhagvar, tr ?? ?? Cecilia GAiitD-E-, daughter to Mr James Oroiinn. 0 1 E r>, At h.-r in Boccleuj;- Place, on the led: iaft, the RVht HcimuniWe Dov.-agcr> I .„,. At 1 ...

--rs cf the 1 1 tli Brumaire, the li. ■Hived, which however bring nothing [,ard Pioby, who fomc time ?.go

... 101 l ?? a mutiny cf .the crew which carried ?? came pallenger in the ?? that /; journal?, and which is the fame jj which conveyed back to France a ;: o, the German mefienger who fome .■-nought difpatches for Count S:a- -m pleafure to be able to announce the 0 f tne Diamond tranfport, with the plages and baggage of his Royal ?? of Kent on board — a fortu- iflsnce for the Prince, as we believe ...

X E K. r ; ;; g

... J PSJKTER Of iai:;,s.viAN. U£B£H_Ur : - ' - il s-a veith (a „J wet. eura-d v.ddtc l.erl i .' ?? s-.taiscT. trean the price e-l fresh herrais;; _oli I A VC ?? ?? m, - a , J ,TJ' X '» ° I Fe?c.C ' ■ ! ' !: ' C 2 ^ * O -J o t ..a.c to cure one barrel vv^il cured liirrLlgs, ?? 0 ,? o I 6 Expence. of branding f,.r bounty, ar.d to I obtain cri-dat for the ,ait uss-i - on ■> n On. ...