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Advertisements & Notices

... A CONkCHMANAWANTIEDl , -ONr BOARD WAGES, ' X TiiO can be well recoiniended,; as being ' V Vw co npletely qualified for the Sermite, and as a fobe.w iteady, and attentive Servant. Appsy to J. C. AMOTTLEY, oppofitethe Parade, Portfnhout:s. SELLING OFF UNDER PRIME COST, At N . 7, (ueen-ftreat, Corner ot I-lawk-ftreet, Portfea. \ /fr C U S T A N C E,, begs to inform his IVA.. Friends and tsePublic ...


... Butts 50 to 60!b. 2od. to 2id. Do. 60 to 3o!b. z id. to 22d. Meichants Backs 2od. to 2o£d. Flat Ordinary igd. to 2id. Calf Skins 40 to 501*0. psr doaen 26d. 10 23d. Do. Cz to Solb. do. 26d. to aSd. Do. 80 to X2o2b. 2id. to 26^. DieiTmg Hides i 3 to igd. Fine Coach Hides 193. so acd. Crop Hides for cut. 2 id. to 23d. Small Seals, per doz. 60s. to 70s. Large ditto, 120s. to 140s. Tanned Horfe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH O1f PORTESMOTUTFI. ' E.1VERAL, refpixftable Inhaliit-fInts of -this. S Bciriough, haiing requeifteld that I wvill .call a * ?*etisg; in order t! tahe His Majelty's Royal Pro-. cglmatid into cbhftideration; -I do hereby appoint a Meeting of the Inhabitant- of this Borough and its Libertiesi to be holden at the GuildhaUl, in the faid Borough, on MONDAY, the 2ith inftant, at T*eivc ?? at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? This day ispubl-.hed, Price cy 'Vnc.Shilli s.g (to be ?? Wt-ldy), by MAe' r.ouldinv, Fiipps, and D' A~lrnsne5, at tiseir htuiic Warchouxfe, No.4.5, PalU Malt ior- at their an'uf'dloiy, B'o. 76, St. Jame.;s'a tfeet, Londorn',Mufic f Ielles wo their Royal *- Hir~lm elei~es tihe Prirtce arnd e crnct ,( ot Wales, by - Warrant - . . T HE M.AN OF FEELTA\G- ol the CENLTL EMAN's MUSiCtjL -rutOSTORY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C 0 N C E R T. 'F[TEH Dire cors of the MuIlical Society, encouraged 1 by an addition already made to the fubfhriptioir for the Concert nf this feafon, and the profpcel they have of other fuhbfcriptions not yet received, hereby give notice that the FijJl Conscert of Vocal and hlllru- mental Mufic for the feafon wvill be held in the Yfail, Blroadflrect, onl Monday the 23d of December, to be- gin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXI'QlUSWT41E. Redemption and Parchafe of Land lax. 1 HE Commifficoners)or the Redemption and JL Sale of die Land Tax, for the C Untity (f OKiord, hold their next Merting at-the Star Inn, OrfoId, at Eleven ?? Tuefday the 13'h Day of January !rtt. P rfons wiling to redeem or purchafe their Land TaYt, are returled to fend to the Clerk a Schedule or particuir of rheir Property, flating the Amount ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n - 'Ai 11WORTANT CAUTION. tN the efficacious Properbies of any Medtcine of hL avc,.ully established its tepute, and when it, Of is univewsally recommended by, tie grateful voice of a those who have cxperienICed its bencl s, thete cannot cc arise asy necessity oif obtruding it upon the public notice. Such is the prescrtocolllition of 8PILSBURY's *d ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, ;which as a medicine ...


... he perceived a man hanging from ihe lamp irou, at the corner nppofite Bedford Hotel. — The watchman immediately fprnng his rattle, and afiill :nce ivas pro- cured. After culling down ihe bo.!y. -I: ?? veyt-d to Red Lion pubiie hoiifc, in great RtuTel ?? pcared. The ufual nieafuresreconinii-nded by the tic feit. The deceased was decently dreffed, about 30 yeirs of n-c, and, fror.i a flip ...