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... Halifax, ?? OR. T8^0. Monday morning arrived here the Sifters fehooner, Capt. Camneron, in 26 days from St Thomas's. Previous to his failing, a Dani(h government brig, mounting I2 eighteen p :nn- I ders, arrived at this placc, bringina ?? ner ! (as a prize) the fchootier Eagle, Capt. Nui fun, of this port. Capt. Cameron went in his boat, to go on board the Eagle, but was pr.- vented by the ...


... _-l _ -1 The public will learn with great fatisfac- tion, that Lord Nelfon is about to be employ- ed in a fecret expedition, and will hoiut his flag in tile courle of a very few days. His irdlrufionr will not be opened till he arrives in a certain latitude. Government have fent out engineers to conflru~t, with all poffible expedition, two docks at Halifax, capable of receiving fliips of 74 ...


... 8HIP NEWS. The HujTar, Lord Vifcount Garlies, is ap- pointed to convoy the outward-bound Eaft India (hips, and will fail immediately if the 0 wind will permit. - We are forry to hear that the (loop Nep- h1 tune, Willey Stephenfon, malter, was loft oi n Wednefday morning off Brighton, and every perfon perifled. 0 There are upwards of 400 veffels now in the river laden with grain. It is now ...


... SHIP NEWFS. DovER, Jan. 5.-Ordtrs were tlis morning ir received by our Colietior and Comptroller, b to flop all .uffian, Dariiffi, and Swedifh vef- iels in our hat bour, and about ten fhips be- pi Ionginig to the two latter powers have in con- fc I-queace been flopped. A large Danifh Well la Indiamao, which failed from hence ycllerday a is fince taken by one of his Majeflty's cruiz- at ers, ...


... SHIP NEWVS. Several Danilh veffels have lately been cap- I f tared in -the Weft Indies by our cruizerb.-t Some late letters from Jamaica announce the 1 arrival there of feveral prizes to the Sans Pa- C rie], Tifiphone, Lark, &c. t The Dafher privateer, which lately fuflain- b ed a very gallant adtion in the Weit Indies a with a Spaniti fchbpnoe of fuperior force, we lament to hear is reported ...


... r We are concerned to Plate, that the hopes t which have been entertained of the fafety of K the Oreftes, appear but to have little founda-r i tion. She left Bombay on the 31ft of Oao- f ber 1799, on a cruife in the Gulph of Perfia: f f She was feen on the 4th of November, and on is the sth the moft tremendous hurricane took r- place that had been known in India for up- t wards of feventeen ...


... Yefterday advices were received at the Admiralty, that the Oifeau and Sirius frigate's had captured and brouglht into Torbay th . French frigate La Dedaigneufe, after at, hour's alion off Cape Finiflerre. The 0ifeav on her return home captured alfo a very valu- able Swede. There is now no doubt but that the divi-. fion of (hips which have been fo long watch- ing an opportunity to flip out of ...

Published: Monday 16 February 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2178 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... S If I P X E RuS. I I , 11 ~ I -- - ?? rf ?? Nutice has becn l,:nt by quick failing vef- feli to all our foreign Liations of the cfcape of fquidron of the enenmy's (hips from B3reft-. 'li Imnmoit;jli!c frii.atc was difpatcbed from the Clianaclict with the intelligence to Lord Keith ; and the Penguin armed ihip has been fent out to 'ndia. The Purfer and Gunner of thre Cormo rant are arrived in ...


... The London Gazette of the toth contains the following official account of the capture of La Dledaigneufe French frigate, in a letter from Capt. Linzee, of L'Oifeau, to Lord St Viucent, dated Torbay, Feb. 3. I have the honour to acquaint your Lord - Ihip, that on Monday the 26th January at 8 A. M. in lat. 4S deg. N. long. 12 deg. W. fell in with the French national frigate La Dedaigneufc, of ...


... SHIIP NEWS. Y There was a report on Saturday, that a If flirong divifion of the Breft fleet had gone out ( i to frea on Wednefday laft, with i5,ooo troops is on board, and that the armament was deflin- , ed for Ireland. The whole of the armament b e was faid to confilt of 3 fihips, of which i b- e tvere of the line, the reft frigates and tran- t fports. It was denied at Lhe Admiralty, however, ...


... S HIP NEWS. The only capture officially announced this ly I week is that of L'Efpoix lugger privateer, of Ex, 2 brafs four pounders, and 4 iron 2 po-unders, G and 23 men, by the Lady Charlotte armed brig. Captures announced, but not officially, are wit La Jeune Nanette, from Cayenne for Bour- On deaux, with a valuable cargo, by the Suwar- we row cutter. Taken by fome Revenue cutters, car at ...


... The following captures in the Eaft Indies difp e are officially announced in the Gazette: his By the Orpheus, the Zeervraght and Zee- a lafi, 'of 22 guns each, laden with warlike app ftores, belonging to the Dutch Eaft India vears Company. I , By the Virginia, S Dutch veffels laden with f the annual fupplies for the garrifon of Ternate, are C and I7,943 dollars. f By the Arrogant, the Herzog ...