Advertisements & Notices

... JOSEPH OSBORNE F ESPECTFULLY informs hib friends and pub- \ lie, that he has declined the Drapvry ?? i. ivuurof hiaffhlftanit V.r WILLIAM HUiil3rilhLL herequefist *r his ?? --o accept itii fin. cere thaniks for rhe man) favoislb he has Aeccired, ind hopes 12hs iuccelfar will be founqi woiliy tcir conrfi drnce. N. B. The boeks will remain with Mr. Hubball, wvho is authoriled to receive thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Neither the Paris papers nor Hamburgh wails have arrived. It was ?? in London on Thurldav, that Governiepnt had received Paris papers to the 22d. _Welhave-reafon, however, to .believe, that no papers have been received of a later date-tharithe i8th. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !e ?? a t ~ j v X; t. t vi 0Z~i!, t'iii ay 1* piibllfhed, price x os. 6d. iii ene 1ague Yal. ifo. writh an engraved Chart of tht River Thames, TREATISE on the COMMERCE and PO- 1 l X I.TCE of the RIVER THAMES: containing an Hiftori- cal View of the 'rade of tie. Port of London; and fuggelting 1eans forpreventing the Deprcdations thcrcon, by a Legiflative Syftemof RIvEsi-Poica.I With an account ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MENTAL DERA A | 7e all the Disea'ses to which MVankid ar 5J sthose of the S4ind are unquestionably the irsost >nportarat and interesting. Their cau.s. are numeros,, ard dlf~wrent. in their nature; their forms aid synp a 5g mes aro greatly diversified; and no class of diseasesv eec ujrss such varied treatment as the different forns of' leerseeln the body and tbe mind there is an intimate 0 C. ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A HORSE. T0 be SOLD, the Property of a Gentleman, a LBROWN GELDING, fifteen hands two inches high,aged feven years, warranted found in every ?? price Eighteen Guineas.-Goes well in harnefs for gig, curriclc, &c. Io be feen at the Livery Stables in King-fireet, St. 3ames's. AN IMPORTANT CAUTIO0N. H-TEN the efficacious properties of any medicine vV have fully eftablifficd its repute, and wihen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLISH LOTTERY. of 2 Remtark, intrhis Lottery the Prizes, from 30o,ool. Y the hig~eft, to 12 thelowef, will be paid in full, without any rieduirion whatever, in Auguof nertt, and as footD as drawn at a fsnali dijcowjr. nt TR NICHO3LSONevergrateful to his. Friends iard he Public fortheirdiiillngoiaedpatronage, r' | ly acquaints them th;ir the Tickets, Halves, Q211ft-,, Eigghths, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOOD SALE. On MONDAY, January s1th, iSo:, at the Quecn's Head Inn, Afbby-de-la-Zou;;h, WILL BE SOLD, S EVERAL Thoufand Timber Trees of OAK, S ASH, ELM, BEECH, ALDER, &c. withother firts of Wooi fie for all ufes, now blazd and numri- ber'd ; alfo many Thoufand inaller Trees, and a great quantity of Underwood and Poles of al- kinds, in th: Woods and Grounds of Staunton Harold, Lticeftei- fhire, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CpRDJAL BALM OF GILEAD T3R SQ1,OMON.ilformis his numerous customers, d .1 that he has just sent to his ;gents, o Mr A. SMITH, Perfumer, No. .38 North Er~ 'Strect, 0 AND 7VMeff. DAVIDSON and GLADWIN, Confeccioners, No. s, St Andrew's Street; o BAXTER, Soutl Bridge, Edinburgh, and Glafgow; 4 And Mro A. M'D.ONAL.D, Jeweller, Trongate, Glasgow O wh L are appointed Whoiefale Agents for Scotland ...


... SQUARE.- Now open a beautiful and interefting view of Ramfgate, taken from the Pier, near the Light-houfe, fhewinig a correct reprefentation of an embarkation of troops, both horfe and foot; likewife Deal, Dover Caftle, and a fleet at the Downs, with a kiltalnt vic':e of thc Coait of France; the whole appears as lergc tas relityi. Alfo contillnues bptLn, as ulual, Lord Nclfon'.; Vic1:oryat the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOARDING SCHOOL, Bw'teflujote.Tret, For y Yowig Gentcsmen only.- M R. HODSON, UWher ac the 6rarlnmarSco1 M j acknowiedgvs ws~illa~ud h faivors of his~ .FlieReds, and feaptafUllY ioforM8 themF the prefent ?? will end January !Sth. Board, Eighteen Pounds per annarm. DERBYSHIR-E EPIPHANY SESSLONS, rxol. rrH.: next General.Qtarter Aefiions of the Peace for the County stf Derby, will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S AINS So0Uc7~ gC ?? ofteh Rt. Flon, the LORD CHIAMBERLAIN, OMORROW Evening!, Januar'Y 3, I801, will ileprefecnted, at SANS Sovci, Leicefter-place, Leieepler- Ciul, anl tnlter-ttinpient, entirecly new, Icalled 'The CAKE MtOUSE, List I.-Roe. )Dreg and his Villa-Song. 'Perpetual Youth _ C. Con~julgal tzte a tete.-Sotta. 'The Lot tery a Waedlock'. __Rec. A Trial of Pa~tieoice.-Son;. Anrna, Ann, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A WORD TO THE WISE, S a ferious Caution to all who, from the A s nature of their C omplaints, are ohligzd to have re- courfe to that dangerous preparation, Mercury. It is cer- tainly, if taken with difcretion, a maolt noble and effec- tal cure for every fpecies of Venereal Infedhion; but, on the other hand, there is not an article in the whole Ma- teria Medica fo replete with danger for, ...