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Advertisements & Notices

... ° ACKSON's NEW ANsD COMPLUTE j sr NEWGATE CALLNDAR; I Ai entire new Edition, enlarged and inproved, by the t;r L Ktois ROY;SALcen and Authority. Is HONTAININg m the liqs of the moft notoriouss ,c E sighwaymen, Foocpads, Robbers, Burglarv, e lio Stealeas, Murderers, Pirates. Forgers, Swind. n tr , Rioters, Traltors, and othcr Cr'iliials and Fe. , e.n9 &c. from the year 1700, to the prefent year ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IRISH LOTTERY FOR JULY. PRIZES. I of e. 20,oo is .40,,oo, S _ 10,0o0 - n20,000 3 - 5,°°0'0 13,000 2 2,000 4,00o 5 - 2 °1,000 - 5,000 And o6,oool. in, fitnaller Prizes. T ICKETS ,and SHARES Stamped purfuaht to Adt of Parl-.ament, are on fale at the Old State L ttery Office of SWItT and Co. No. it, Posiltry, London, *eflabliihed irn the year 1750; and at their Ofrice in the City of Glafgow. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEORGE WATERAfLL, FARRIER aND COW-LEliCH. J ISPECTFULLY informs the Ficrids of Mr R 'RJtnaihan WYaterifl, late of Little Clletie;, afud the Public in gencral, i hat he dairies on the atove Bu- fin-effies at rhe ?? place; and that lhe wlt1 alff at tend at Mr. lrenitsall's, the Fox and Owl iiin, i Derby, eveiy Mlarket D3y, and hopes by his vaperieltce | and etcritaon to Buiritefs, to give ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT FACT. HE celebrated Dr. TAYLOR's Medicine feldom f T or-never falls to cure Deafnefs, whether it procceds from violent colds in the head, exceffive n ife, hard b wax flicking in the cavity of the ea' ,, or from molt other caufes but where there is ad original imperfecilon in f the flruaure of the ear, the ?? unhappily admits r of no cuter and the unfortunate ierfon is not only deaf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TY RUW LODGE, DERBY. (D N MONDAY the 5Zit of September, sSo,, will be a Meeting of the mutt ancient and honourable fociery of FREE and ACCEPTED MASONS, at the GyoRGe iN-;. Sir J. B. WARREN, Bart. P. G. M. The eorrpany of every Brother will be ct eeied a: favour. Dithner on table it 3ohtloek. -. MR. -EVANS: CQUAINTS his Friends and Cuofomers, that f-, he 13s removed his MARBLE and SPAR WORK'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Gold, Old Silver, Dollars, Fren'ch Haf ('rtowns, Gold & Silver Lace, QoizWs, ?? A Very great Price is allow'd for any of the above A Arievti, in exchangc for Goods, by' W. PA1RKER, GOLD V' SILPF.;SMI FZ JAWELLER, arid Ti-rMA~N, D Ei{BY'c. N. B. A new affsfrttrreit of Siiver, Plated, Japann'd, Cutlery. and Hardware Goods- Tea Urns; Coflee jugs, Tea Chetis, Tea Caddees,-and Shells,; nea.t Bt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .- W. [IORROCR M, M;czet AND DRAkra, IRONGATs, DPRBS', R ESPECTFULLY infotrms his friends and the JA pu.bliC, that he is juls returned fromn London, tv4aisckefter, and the ditfe,'cat Markets0 with a XCWau az4 Fabionable -djortvint f Goods' which;hc hoples to have ttad *for their infpedion en He sffuwts thofe who siiay favdt bis waih thnu commands, tha they dthay depend upon bring accost' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCE ON FARMfNG STOCK, BR;TISrF FIRE OFP1C6, LON00O1 rHIS Office is flablifbed for the lrfuratceof I Houfes, Buildings, Manufactories, Coods and Merchandiee Ships Veffels, Barges, aild other Craft F with their Cargoes, ;n Port or ufed on Navigable Cana!s, Farming Stock, and all other Property againft Lofs or Da, age by Fire in any part of Great Britain, The Direfors of this office have, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Derbif/ire Agricultural anrd Breedirg Ssciey. PE Annual Shew Day die prefent Year, will bc I on Wednefday the 5th of luly, at the Wheel Int, Derby. ROBERT CI-fiRLESGRREAVES, Esg. * I I N T i IN F. U 1 EHA I R .Particudars will be inferted i/t next tveek's Paper. GROUSE. W HEREAS the Stock of Groufe and other W Game, being found to be much reduced on Sir Henry Hatpur'5 Moors, in the county of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /i~gi.e Situaliagfir an fan a~d td. TO BP SOLD B3Y AUTIN On the 26th day of Febroary en t the Sw on f -o 4 and S in the OtAtio SwcafteundIn, iin EtV tOWr1 Of Han~ley, n3 e-there preducede Lymr~ic lubjetl to conditidl to betHOLD pRICK A Large lofty modern buif ltF ODBRC HA OgUSE, (bu~t not in complefte rf prir) with, AbOuc half an Acre of LandW, aO r a d it fituated i) the middle of the faid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ; h r I TD-TAM b hs Friends and the Public mit general, , ifog s in aend fitted tip for theh recep-S , the5PEAfLE INN, and LODGING IOUSE. b 05J A i wil be paid to accormmodate thofe Spletioa so honor him with their Cons_. 3r r, fatne privilege to the Baths, as thetc ?? oil Jane 1yt, _- ?? 50I1Cr£ IS HEREBY GIVEN, t pvidend of ttie ERitte and Efses of, lfvlLLrA ig WHITE, rrf Southwingfield ...