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... ?? L . XT 11 X Tuefday, the following Noblemen and Gentle- men were unanimoutly chofen Governor, Depu- ty-Governor, and Directors of the Bank of Scot- land. . OV ERIN OR. The Right Hon. IiN R Y DUNO:DAS, of Melville. D E PU rY-GO V E k m O R. PATRICK MILLAR, Efq. of Dalf'Winton. ORDINARY DIRECTORS. Lauchlan Duff, Efq. Writer to the Signet. Thomas Hog of Newlifton, Efq. William Hoiieyman, Lord ...

Published: Thursday 02 April 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 604 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... TE-r MAIRKETS. K 11 r Tuefday there were 300 bolls of oat meal in C Edinburoh market, Which fold from IOs. to 2 IS. C ver boll ;-alfo, r zo bolls of peafe and barley it meal, which fold fror i is. 6d. to I45. 6d. per C boll. Retail price of oat meal per peck, beft, a Is- 4,. ; fecond fort, Is. 2d. ti Saturday )afi at Xendal market, bell Ameri- can and other wheat flour was at 4s. per (tone of ...

Published: Thursday 01 October 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1585 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... , March 13. Odtrne~ I :o I ,A to njs 0o ( Fs Os lod 1 IC /.SC Pef e.1S J Irc per lb sd to 6d ps. r il Veal 6d to 7d. Buttcr I.. Sd I NMutton ; 6r LHSoPRr5??.Y .CE~S w?4 March 1,. Vleao;tas ?? j 'arley 6t5 odto 7,cs od PcS 7- OJ t, GI I Osts 56C ol O 73s Ad -frl 1oll nf 6 Win. ?? Per boll of 7 - Win. bu (I, i-f ?? : GE.n XOF GRIN, March vz. ?? aaf s odl t. '-4d i Oats t 5 sod to 68- 6d Bxrlcy ...

Published: Thursday 19 March 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 327 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... STHIP N E IVS. len Ac-oui.'ts from Coetgno he igth uit. w thle staIte- TLt 11-e- hicst'- o~rn3± hav~ dor ne ver,,. w~e he 'Irc:t dainage in the Balici- MoreT this' 20 vcI- I-b! intt s-ok ar- suppose-d to have bhe Ot lo ii~ Cr- cern; 1e ?? gli- uf a f-'rtnight, amnongst l'rr-r-h are two Ploj3 rod menofw, aind an-I En,'r ve: h~ ?? rryin!O nor- II 1le.- sts to P,:erbu-bnr h, x~tota 'n;Ile ...

Published: Wednesday 14 October 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1000 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... BLOWING UP of the JASON FRIATIE. I We some tinec silce announced lie io' s.d.i; ?? ship, on the French coast in the n; ihi lls il , of St Malo, and wve have now the so iJ, t observe, that owing to the gallant anfd ii'rht- terfertnrce of our people, the cenlly has ?? rIc- prived of the advantage which resulted to him from the accident. Capt. Cumninghlam of the Clyde, com:naoding l the ...

Published: Wednesday 09 September 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1517 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... ShIP NEWS. AWDTO-,',iLl-I'ry-O~-FICE.~- -MST.JI 18S, 180r. GClv . a L i.rj r'v: ]ar-Ad t;irl Dauc~'wort/, Corn- ?? in C6;., f h lisM..J s , f.'ts -ad a' , lhc I.coz .;-d ?? to Jfvau Ncp-an, Ffq. do.a:. ?? A':Val, ?? ii ,Ury, 18JX. si R, Capt;rtin Motfoir, of the Daphne, informs mc, by letter of the z-d ultinio, that on the 16th, oblerviuio foirc cofrcersa uear the Ihore, und3cr co'nvo of a ...


... The following is the Gazette account of the !ery gallant exploit menti ned in our iast post- script. It is probably the last that we snall have to record for a long time, and is transmitted to Mr Nepean by Lord Keith So His Majesty's sloop Kangaroo, one cable's t length from the shore and ?? trom the town of Oropeso, xoth of Junes i8o1, three in the morning. My Lerd, I have the honour to ...

Published: Wednesday 28 October 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1677 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... v Oie ICC-- ?? PR'ICK' tilt ColNt'. -1- .. - .- E . w - T 1;'tcthntii-oti orf Xi ciija ReVcynolds, corn b! dT ie I onl lis ownacecci and n3ct oil tOnikIliS- ;,ion, C'lc2S ii n. sorts OF gixhc, except whnat. o ?? xi rl di' '0I the noppei dix to the leat report a of tne Coinrlittr of the I ?? ofConnliohs.1 hi (. .tIoc 'V !o he ?? ,,het ?? with 2 ?? COio~ i i A. About mr -ears. 0 Q ...


... n' A very gallant acition has been fought off Ro- ti .cchefort by the Amelia frigate, Captain Helbert, n a with a squadrou of three French frigates, and a c it schooner, which she compelled toreturn to post. c. y Theiparticulars of this a26ion are as follow - f Le On the a2d of August1 she was ordered in-by sig- b s, nal from the Impetueux, of 84 guns, Commo- 'A d dore Sir E. Pellewi,-Bart. to ...

Published: Wednesday 23 September 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2318 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... The certain intelligence that was received laat week of the Dutch fleet in the Texel under Ad- miral de Winter, being ready for fea, was the caufe of Admiral Dickfun's failing for the coaft of Holland. Moft of the enemy's feuadron along the whole range of their coaft are in a Htate of preparation, and keep our blocading fhips upon the a'ert. Private letters from Bruffels of the 17th ult. ...


... t. I I C-1 red M ~ka: .. :. r.-- - n We have had a ferw flifh flips in iace laft Monday, but huiycrs being of ofinion things wvill be Chcaper, caufed our Whcat marknt to go off much, the fame as f this day fe'ennight. Rr- coutinuce fteady. In B.aricy and Mak little or no altcration. Peafe and Beans are vet y phmtifui, and ratcr chcapir. Oats are I bilker, and fiuil iks dear aS Ala wvck. Flour ...


... ROYAL BANk. Fer'neri T)-'t C {.s.rr The Governor, Deputy Governor, and Di- orefltors of the Royal Bank of Scotland were e- IeElld on Tuefday as follows . d DOuYCE of Bucer.esczI, Gioverrnor. d GiLISERcI IzNNES, Efq. Deputy Governor. d ORINARY JDIRECrORS. EXrRAORDINARY IlI. Hulgh Warrender, Efq IR cToRs. n Aexander Duncan, Efq. Wsillizam Grant, Efq. Alexander Bonar, Efq. David Rarmfay, Efq. ...

Published: Thursday 05 March 1801
Newspaper: Caledonian Mercury
County: Midlothian, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 922 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce