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Advertisements & Notices

... STAR INN, OXFORD. F LIZABETH WENTWORTH, Widow ..4 of the late STEPHEN WENTWORTH, grateful for the liberal Support which ihe has hitherto rbeeived from the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, begs Leave to folicit a Continuance ef their Favours, whtch ihe hopes to merit by her con(tant Alidtuity and Attention. All Perfons havirng.any C-laim on the Eflates of the late STEPHEN WENTWORTH -are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Th 'e .MA O RS 6f SOtTHL r;EIt-I, 'ITANTOR- WYNYARD, 1r.A SU71TON, O*CN. r 14 F G AMN on thefe Manors lhaving for ± ftverml YC'3ars been very much dtflroyed, it is re, qu ined by the Lord of the Manors, that no qualified Per- Ion will fport thti.rn without his fpecial Leave. Ali unqual fied Perfons will be procceded arainft with the rtmoit Rig'onr. r .be L ETT, and entered on immediately, . A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1TANTE;,-An APPRENTICE, by an V/ AOTHECARY-of refpedable Pradticsa *here , Aivalnlag s are to be had in the Proftfon. Hc . treated in every Rtfpef as one of the Family.- al tbe Printing Office, High Strcet, Oxford. STAN I'ED,-'UVo SERVANTS, a iian 'V asid his Wife, without Children, to live in a ,,ion Hooffe in the Country *-The Man to ftiperintend 'nave the Care of a Garden; the Woman to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERVANTS WANTED. W ANTED, to live in a private Family,- V A middle-aged MAN and WOMAN, as Foot- man and Cook, who thoroughly underftand their Bufinefs, and can have undeniable Charadrers. Enquire, either in Perfin or byi Letter, Poft paid, of Mr. Weftcar, Draperk in Bicefler, Oxfordfhire. Int te iataer okf Kernpfter, a Bank-rupt; T HE tommilt; oners iii a Commiffion of Bankrupt awarded and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be SOLD by AUCTION' TOn Monday the 16th Day of November, xSoy, be-) tween the Hours of Three and Five ?? in the After- noon, at the Lion Inn, Heyford at Bridge, Oxfordlhire,- A MESSUAGE, FARM HOUSE, Barn, and Out- Houfes, and Half a Yard Lapd, in Heyford aforesaid, and Two Yard Lands in Calcot, Parcel of the Cultomary Lands of the Manor of Heyford at Bridge now held for two l.ives and a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Z5d Cd FOR Tj-;E `17EETHI AND GUMS. e Rd,, TORATIVE TOOTH POWDERS Paxrroyfd and upid by THE Q~UEEN~ AND ROYAL FAMILY. . !J ON ES, at the Prinrting Office, in F46S. N'{de Hih Street, Oxford, has jul~ ?? another Os. large Supply ot the above ekegant Tooth Powder, prepared from the original and Only Recipe of 'that great arnd able M 'art, -the late Sir RiCHARD Jenia, Phyfician to the Sd. Quecen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PR EF E RMEBN T ANTED to PURCHASE,_Thi Ab. 14V VOWSON of, or NEXT PRESENTATION to, a LIVING of the annual Value of from zool. to 4.0ol. with the ProfPedk of early PofJfflion, or under Circum- f'cances equally ?? Obje&t of this Adver- tifement is to procure a Situation for a refpedtahle confci- entious Clergyman.-Letters, Poft paid, addreffed to rue Rev. John Fortefcue, at the Printing Office, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN HALL; OXFORfl7' iperm qon of tke Rever end the Vice-Chancedot and . , ?? tbe Myeor. - YgR CROSS refpedfully infornis his Friends VJL and the ?? in general, that his: - BgNEFIT CONCERT Will be on FitiDAY the 24th Of jUIY, rSor. Aifter tbe.Conccer a Ball. b Doors to be * pened at Seven, and Oeg;n precifely at Ha f part Scven o'Clock. kIts, 3s. Gd. each, and Bills of the Concmrt, to be had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W AII'h Txi~unCF 0 or Soo~ f6 V, lu IT, ir OfeorFpey ~oy~4.,o P- ion, with a °Odd t notr; n' a Y w , and t'beb twe!en Otkfod arid Le nd, o';.ai withlnn 40 Mi esof U;Rf . Letters, Poft-aIid, Idi't ed to T M . t M ones Printing bflice High'tse~xoht.el~cat~elt2 Pl Iee t9ford ilb ttdd . - C - -- \ v i r; ; I CS .- : OUFoR1p* zid Ntr-i~; - : A LL Perfons who have gy Claim- or A rnandi'upw tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |7 ?? ;'Vot'ny Freiemen for Tr7Er CITY' OF OXFORD. GOZNTL EMEN, PTJ ON my Return to Town, to attend the j D~i~uties of :he important ttuft with which you havc repeatedly honoured me, 1 am informed of the Succels of a Canvafs ?? rtaken, during my Abfcnce, by a numerous Body of my Feliow Citizens. The R-fult being ftich as to lease ?? of the Continuancc of your Favour, or of the ]fl'ue of any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. HOLIDAY, 9n ?? STOCK, and bther EFFECTSq of Mr. TnoMAs Bus ay, of Beckley, comprifing Horfes, Cows, Waggon, Cart, Plough, Harrows, and Harnefs for four Horfes; Hou~oid Furniture, .Dairy Usenlils, &c. Catalogues may be had in due Time at Je Inns in the neighbouring Towns, and of the Auocioneir, Wheatley. George -Paeunqcefot Cqoke's Creditors, THERCreditors of Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUESDAY next, 0-h 2'i' Of JvhA - ivi11 be ariii fcr on PIdRT -3AI DOW, near Oxfo4d, the TOWN PLATE 6f FiFTy'TPOUNIS for ?? Hones, &C. ?? 7o 7ib.five pirolds 8R. 41b1, flx Vcsr olds 8ft. iflb. andi aged 911, Ab.- `3 e-rX' one tilate tince the' atl of January S,2 so, car- ryin5 31b. and of two, 5b. extra. Winners of three Plates linen the ilf of January Jail will not be allot~ed to flart. The ...