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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... S ,-I IT P N S C'S-tnday m;1r-s- Solci ?? oaST on a sceret esxjeditieoi, ,.ii':ln - xtly .ve C ttl'rl r1ports, h.aving i e' 844h regim :At on -l.aoe, lc Argo, Carylsfort, a Td FalcOn sloop ofn Sa-, V. 1| thevir eoiiv, ?? lattcr having on ioi-rd a flat- bntftom-d bol'j cnbeh. No boats have been iei- I ?? t d t o 'on rd LI!.! - I e xc It fton the Vidlotitio- L j 02- ce. Any c id7jtt'rcs ?? ...


... S HIP NEWS. The only capture officially announced this ly I week is that of L'Efpoix lugger privateer, of Ex, 2 brafs four pounders, and 4 iron 2 po-unders, G and 23 men, by the Lady Charlotte armed brig. Captures announced, but not officially, are wit La Jeune Nanette, from Cayenne for Bour- On deaux, with a valuable cargo, by the Suwar- we row cutter. Taken by fome Revenue cutters, car at ...


... M A R 1f E T S. PRICEA .ND 1M'PO ITA TiTON Oi GRAISJ, (Fron. tb. Suiony Papers.) 'he last week's importati n oofvheat exceeded A 2z,oco quarteri; 13,OOO of which were from Dantzic, and of excellent quality. There were about i6,0o0 quarters of oats mostly Ilol- I land; there were a lew quarters of very fine grain From 'France; the s pplv of flour fromt Amrerica and the Baltic did not ...

Published: Wednesday 30 September 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 405 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Shipping and Commercial Lift

... ,lipping ail coulluedil LtI y t Tle Asethyst f--igatieshas captured and sent rilltO Plvrnrouth L'Alerte Frenc. lugger, lades w-ithI vuin, from Scrne, al bound to Bourdeauw%. The brir Dalzel, 1udenrnan anived -at 111vno-ath, saile.3 4-0rn St Th1omas's uastI *s Vitfz s'.l nde convcv cf the Diana triiate s and Siurim-aD slooP of, partced com.pary the e sth lat. S5, 27. ...

Published: Wednesday 30 September 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 505 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Ratn!s gt, ,Jqes-t 7. This mlorning an express arrived here from ,o.rd NO on, (xwho'e flag is nowr flying in Mlar- -atc' Roads) to Captain Rtuisdell, the command- injl oriicer of the Ramsgate Sea Fencibles, desir- ;,lie him to call together immediately at thiis ?? Owl ehow persons who had enrolledctheir aomnes in that corps. His Lordship further de- sined Cap'aii ?? to inform them, that in tt, ...


... SHIP NEWVS. Several Danilh veffels have lately been cap- I f tared in -the Weft Indies by our cruizerb.-t Some late letters from Jamaica announce the 1 arrival there of feveral prizes to the Sans Pa- C rie], Tifiphone, Lark, &c. t The Dafher privateer, which lately fuflain- b ed a very gallant adtion in the Weit Indies a with a Spaniti fchbpnoe of fuperior force, we lament to hear is reported ...


... PETflRHAD SHIPPING. , AX Q 11I- ..1. -s 'Row.; ?? ARRIVALS.-Alarch 2ait, T'he Hlunter, David- foi, Sunderliaid, coals-Seaforth, i\Mleod, lfdaie, Patcs: for Leith ; -z~th I.angley, Anderfin, Londo:n, goods-Freemraforl, Wright, Sunlerland, for Naira, coals - Peggy, Bluchan, Lehib, goods-lFricndflfip, Storvm fur Findhorn, Port Seton, coals .and fir'-. Lizard, Dougias, lnvernefs, for Leith, goods ...


... SH1I P A- E 1arS, Five fitil of thelnc, Viz. two three deck- ers and thlce 74's, arrivc d a.t Cadiz from Fe' rol the latter end ot April. Oiders are iffued for fix fail of tle capttr- ed Dutcl mncii of war to be l ationed on eaclt fidc of the Nore Sand, fo as to bh funk im- unclately on alny prelflng enrnge:ncy, to chok upl thofc tvoo main channels to the Ri- ver 'llamnus. A lctter from n ...

Shipping and Commercial List

... - --fL VI,-fitppil15g ealD QC¢alwcial8 !Jff,[ .! Tile Miurs Frievtez r has captuwred thc galioc Jn gc 7i ; I'rorn. lIjluni, and fent her into Gu-rmfy.o His ?? fhips lafon and, W'f, havc capturzd tne fnip S:atira Gardnt r, ;uil lent hu r info (;ucl nley. | i Co b Ine ;nr; ('ihciri' lirgs have detaincd hivj i ?? ?? ?? and f'lit ?? into Yai - 251 ~Uth.. ?? :.I - - i: i in tile Cl:allnel . ?? iro ...


... 1 -- N A' ;-V , -Dl ili rtW i fi ivex6/tlia113iv,# 1i1). Licnteiaist ?hili3 Burueriisq, (It his i 1'Z -hin C:a ,ar. asrrievt last iiglt with ?? -. cfri Uear-,,cl~nlila! Sir jailles Sauraviez B:w;t. . e wbich thle lollowing ;Ire copies Vesaer, qfftiape it July~ Y3, rltos- It has pleased the Ahlmighty to crown theev lions Of' tis squadron withn the most decisi- sueest ovtr the ...

Published: Wednesday 12 August 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2383 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... CCOuN9 r o JBONARPIRIE. 'Tte 's'essicraran! sth Cii? ears- of Bosta- C ~ isfril,i~ the tei! of (I Althil Exigrant, 'tpbO Va Si 5 i ~. ,'esi~pssii5. It Ptas traif/ltettd b a toinyl us~'i't~~sh'sn:,to schsn, the Freneb author is iuizd .-n-xeI1s kissoz, 0is et pl~mit iy/ unia,-pt'iche~d pr-obity, p] canud4orezr, ind go.iijs,./'i' arid tberefore the uIt-ra- VI it. irbe con/~dcred ,authenn-r. ...

Published: Wednesday 02 December 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1824 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... Capt. Ross Donelly is appointed to the Nlar- 5, cissusat Spithead. On the 24h uUlt. a Dutch squadron consisting b of six sail of the line and two frigates, left Hel- b. voetsliys, steering as if for the Texel. They sa-C hited in passing the British fleet, which is since returndcd to Yarmouth. More licences are e.peated to be granted for a' vessels to proceed to the eastward of the Cape of Good ...

Published: Wednesday 11 November 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 995 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce