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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... PARTICULARS OF THE CAPTURE OF THE KENT INDIAMAN. From the Itndia Telegraph of the j8th Ocober.t On Sunday laft accounts were received in town (Calcutta) of the capture of the Hon. Company's (hip Kent, Capt. Rivington, after 9a engagement of confiderable duration with the Confiance, Captain Surcouff, off the Sand Heads. The following particulars we have -;opied from The Mirror. On Tuefday ...


... S FIIP NEWS. e As our readers may be anxious to know the ftrength and difpofition of the Britifli fleet - under the command of Lord Keith, we be- . lieve we can give them an accurate account of it. The whole force under his Lordfhip's command confills of thirteen [hips of the line, feven of which are under his immediate or- 1 ders, and are fuppofed to be cruizing off I Alexandria, or for, e of ...


... PETflRHAD SHIPPING. , AX Q 11I- ..1. -s 'Row.; ?? ARRIVALS.-Alarch 2ait, T'he Hlunter, David- foi, Sunderliaid, coals-Seaforth, i\Mleod, lfdaie, Patcs: for Leith ; -z~th I.angley, Anderfin, Londo:n, goods-Freemraforl, Wright, Sunlerland, for Naira, coals - Peggy, Bluchan, Lehib, goods-lFricndflfip, Storvm fur Findhorn, Port Seton, coals .and fir'-. Lizard, Dougias, lnvernefs, for Leith, goods ...


... 3 II I p N PE, t fl, S. 11 - . w .. - - E We are coneenrd to flare the lots of his Majelly's (hip Invincible, of, gUi2s, which failed from Yarmouth on the i6th infl. in or- der to join the Nort h Sea ...


... ' I ?? ,The following valuable captures have been officially announced fince our laft Captain Rogers, of the Mercury frigate, who captured xS fail of merchantmen from Cette bound for Marfeilles, on the 6th of January, as mentioned in cur laft, writes from Minorca, that on the aoth of the fame month, he fell in with and captured, after a chace of nine hours, the Sans Pareille Freach corveette, ...

CORN EXCHANGE—London, March 27

... CORN EXCHIANGE-Loodon, March 27. We had but a fhort fupply of all grain at thi- day's market. Fine Wheat fupported Monday's prices. The bel Eiltx and Suffolk runs went offfrom i6os. to r7g9. per quarter. In Rye no alteo ation. Barley being in demand for Ihipping that artiele goes off brifker than on Wednefday, but no dearcr. In Oats, Peafe, Beans, or other articles, little or no alterat'on. ...


... The certain intelligence that was received laat week of the Dutch fleet in the Texel under Ad- miral de Winter, being ready for fea, was the caufe of Admiral Dickfun's failing for the coaft of Holland. Moft of the enemy's feuadron along the whole range of their coaft are in a Htate of preparation, and keep our blocading fhips upon the a'ert. Private letters from Bruffels of the 17th ult. ...

SHIP NEWS. We stated

... in our last, that the pleasing accounts had been received lf the ?? of an enemy's squad- ron in the West Indies, sent out for the interception of our West India convoy. The Gazettes of the week furnifli us with the following particulars contained in difpatches from Admiral Duckworth: 'Ihc Admir.d's inclofuresgare two letters from Captain Manby of the Bourdelois. The first announces the ...


... .1 1. . r- .1l Cotes'fecotidLezier to Lord cartitptott. My Lord, Woodcotc, Jan. i80o. I was lo much aware of the ol'je61ion which might &e flated to the posatae, as an exauffing crop, that endeavoured very cautionfly to obviate this difficulty, in the letter I had the honour to write to your Lord- ship; and if your Lordihip atnd the Board vill have thle goodnefs to refer to it, it will be ...


... SHIP NEWIS. , PLYM; Ir, April 16. Laftevening arrived the brigantine Beaver, Connor, from Oportc to Hull. This vefrel was on the i2th intl. about four o'clock, A. M. captured by the Braave French lugger privateer, of 14 guns, and 7.n men, and the French Commanler ordered all the crew, ex- cept Capt. Connor, a Portuguefe, and 2 boys, to quit the Beaver, and he put on board a prize matter, and ...


... - -, .v l Came into Plymouth, the Audacious French lugger privateer, of 14 guns, and 50 men, from Bourdeaux, Capt. Cardeau: {he failed the ifi of April, and was captured the 6th. following, four degrees weft of Cape Finiflerre, by his Majefty's (hip Cambrian, of 40 guns: during her cruize fhe had made 4 captures, the particulars are not known; and when captured was in the middle of the fleet ...


... ShIP NEWS. AWDTO-,',iLl-I'ry-O~-FICE.~- -MST.JI 18S, 180r. GClv . a L i.rj r'v: ]ar-Ad t;irl Dauc~'wort/, Corn- ?? in C6;., f h lisM..J s , f.'ts -ad a' , lhc I.coz .;-d ?? to Jfvau Ncp-an, Ffq. do.a:. ?? A':Val, ?? ii ,Ury, 18JX. si R, Capt;rtin Motfoir, of the Daphne, informs mc, by letter of the z-d ultinio, that on the 16th, oblerviuio foirc cofrcersa uear the Ihore, und3cr co'nvo of a ...