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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... CCOuN9 r o JBONARPIRIE. 'Tte 's'essicraran! sth Cii? ears- of Bosta- C ~ isfril,i~ the tei! of (I Althil Exigrant, 'tpbO Va Si 5 i ~. ,'esi~pssii5. It Ptas traif/ltettd b a toinyl us~'i't~~sh'sn:,to schsn, the Freneb author is iuizd .-n-xeI1s kissoz, 0is et pl~mit iy/ unia,-pt'iche~d pr-obity, p] canud4orezr, ind go.iijs,./'i' arid tberefore the uIt-ra- VI it. irbe con/~dcred ,authenn-r. ...

Published: Wednesday 02 December 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1824 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... .1 1. . r- .1l Cotes'fecotidLezier to Lord cartitptott. My Lord, Woodcotc, Jan. i80o. I was lo much aware of the ol'je61ion which might &e flated to the posatae, as an exauffing crop, that endeavoured very cautionfly to obviate this difficulty, in the letter I had the honour to write to your Lord- ship; and if your Lordihip atnd the Board vill have thle goodnefs to refer to it, it will be ...


... SHIP NEWVS. Advices wvere on M Asnyav reeeivxd at the Ad- rriraitv from Admiral Corn-allis, dated ?? cet; the '7rh inst. Pri-vate Due-ts state, th'at tie Do- ris ffigate had on the pr e!cding day run s chose in as to be fired on by the French I,.aiftrie.- There were six flazs flying ; three FrIe-ii a;id. three Spanish, and tie wxhole fleet ill a state of apparent readiness for sea, consisted ...


... -- m - , - -, j ?? - tt~ - o-- ?? F ?? ,, 1. .L. w , e - !, V . ?? ?? ~- ?? : l ^- .- i;: 7. -; .3. ?? t:- -: z : li.2 ?? L. Z-: 1:n- . .: a: 1 - . : . ; r: cl vl:t . z at -Cz in z- ii-- s. *; -1 . s . 6-W , :; ?? P c:: is;.rs :l^r ?? r.7 C:!n af *taj- I ?? , 2 , 1- -n ?? - -i . . ji- r - , i , - . - * i i ?? nij;;- . . ow ,rl.^ . a- ~~ : ?? - e: 7. ?? rB ., x.! | v o ff .1 , ts ir I ?? 5 3. ...


... ShI P NE WS. (spy of a lef!er from Capt, -Tbomas Rogers, Conmmzan- do,- ?? Mqf i,'Sflpjilt, ty Es, R ?? I beg leave to elnclo~~e for thl0 LordIshitas infor- i-flationl, at copy of mny letter n' i he 2,6I II Wf~.t Lord Keith, givinie- a 'letail ot a v'-ry alflant scr- vi-ce perf'ormed by the l'oats oflhis MaJesty's shipr inoder mny commiand, whi~ch reflceif great ci edit to the olflfe;icr i. ...


... ,-,M j k 3 E T F, PR ICr AND IMtPOQRTIa',':, OF G.N, (F.t tero Shw Isnday, ?? ig The importation of wvheat, during the lali we- n- exceeded 70,0 o quarters; 46,oo0 quarters of whici came from Dantzic. The Canada and Nova Scotia ihip: have not yet entered their cargoes at the Cullom lg houfc. About ioi-oo quarters of oats were received chiefly from Holland; the fupply of flour, barley, &c. is ...


... Ratn!s gt, ,Jqes-t 7. This mlorning an express arrived here from ,o.rd NO on, (xwho'e flag is nowr flying in Mlar- -atc' Roads) to Captain Rtuisdell, the command- injl oriicer of the Ramsgate Sea Fencibles, desir- ;,lie him to call together immediately at thiis ?? Owl ehow persons who had enrolledctheir aomnes in that corps. His Lordship further de- sined Cap'aii ?? to inform them, that in tt, ...


... SHIP NEWVS. Several Danilh veffels have lately been cap- I f tared in -the Weft Indies by our cruizerb.-t Some late letters from Jamaica announce the 1 arrival there of feveral prizes to the Sans Pa- C rie], Tifiphone, Lark, &c. t The Dafher privateer, which lately fuflain- b ed a very gallant adtion in the Weit Indies a with a Spaniti fchbpnoe of fuperior force, we lament to hear is reported ...


... PETflRHAD SHIPPING. , AX Q 11I- ..1. -s 'Row.; ?? ARRIVALS.-Alarch 2ait, T'he Hlunter, David- foi, Sunderliaid, coals-Seaforth, i\Mleod, lfdaie, Patcs: for Leith ; -z~th I.angley, Anderfin, Londo:n, goods-Freemraforl, Wright, Sunlerland, for Naira, coals - Peggy, Bluchan, Lehib, goods-lFricndflfip, Storvm fur Findhorn, Port Seton, coals .and fir'-. Lizard, Dougias, lnvernefs, for Leith, goods ...


... St-lIP NEWS. It The Raven brig, Capt. Saunders, is under or- r- ders to caivy -.ut dispatchcs to Jamaica. r, Rear-Admiral John Thomas Dockworth, Esq. y is appointed Commander in Chierf on the jamein- ca statj ol. r Extradt of a letter, dated Judda, Red Sea, june: ;C 24, I80I. On the Sth inst. the Rockingliam, s, But cr, struck on a sunken rock, and w-ill bz i- obliged to return to Bombay to ...

Published: Wednesday 02 December 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1428 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... AICCOUNTl OF 1RONAPART-F. . {C~~GeI}iaI/nmC/l'l2 en' LiiO.)| I E l withdravinig fromt the focicty of his comlradc; .F had gieco him a rudenef, perhaps a ferocity, in his - manner ; and fubject to violent pallion, h.s '.llger a- gainift his young compa'1i005 lotnietisrs anioutcd evmo - to fiury; the inlflianee I ami going to rereat is moot cllarac e-riflsc. f Every year, on the 2zith of ...

Published: Wednesday 16 December 1801
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 780 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHIP NEWIS. , PLYM; Ir, April 16. Laftevening arrived the brigantine Beaver, Connor, from Oportc to Hull. This vefrel was on the i2th intl. about four o'clock, A. M. captured by the Braave French lugger privateer, of 14 guns, and 7.n men, and the French Commanler ordered all the crew, ex- cept Capt. Connor, a Portuguefe, and 2 boys, to quit the Beaver, and he put on board a prize matter, and ...