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Advertisements & Notices

... 'TO JO tJ=RE PINES. \V sj7ANTED imn~mdiately;-AN JOUR NEY- TV V MAN PAINTER, aigood' Hand may meet with E'mpldy rby a~ppying to Henry Chatidler, Plumber, Glazier, an~d Houfe fiainter, Bicelcer, OXOD. 2 'A ifrsong Lad wanted. as~an Apprentice..- . - (3X FORD~. , LLPerforis inldebted to ?? of Mr.' '1^SAMUEL TRASH, G(rocer, a 'Ba'nlcrbpt, are defired imrnediatelyto pay the fame 'sithdut futther ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Sb);iWgthzrd, and. Pcjcornb UY i ~TURNPIK?E &UADS. OTICE is herebyi ?? a Meceting of tie Truit es of the db *V- Turnpike Rnads will be ijen at the Redl Lion Inn, Thiorne, on Monday the 30th ,M3arch next, at Eieven ?? ck ia the Forenoon, when ;s intended to appoint nvw Trrufteis in the Room of Ehofe o are dead, or nave decl n--d ro aft, and on other fpecial rillefi. JOHN HOI.LIER, Clerk. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MU4TSIC R3OQ1VZ OXF(5Rl, . At1L 24, 5505. A ?? rplE Sgc,4cn:?,nI st in t~he prefent.Tertn .1. wifl be on MONDAY next the ar7th 1n5P. for which . ?? : $1S ,xSTEPUlNS, , ?? ' .Ofek ?? R~yal, Dresry Lawe, i5 eegated. N. Bz- The ChtoRAL Mu ssc -for this Term will heron the ia eth and sash Days of. May. ' . . t.. NNUA:t MU;5icPMEETING= : . - STOVW, .GLl; ?? O3N THXUISDA@Y -Mdorning, Ma~y thie 7th,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A WORD At0 THE WISE. LCaDwt .! ' a As a fatuous Caution to all vsho, frorn the, natore of their complants, are'-obliged to have r~ecoufie t~othat danzerous pteparation, .Mesrwy. It is certainly, if taken wvith diferetion, a ms~ noble and effedhial cure for. every fpoetie's of Pene~sfi' Infeg7ios; bur, on tlbe other- band, there is5 not an artiele inl the whole Materia Mcdiqo fn rpeew'ith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEEREAS the GAME in the feveral V Manors of Holtonj Hendington, Marfton, and Hundred of Bullington, has of late been much noolefted and deftroyed, Notice is hereby giwem, That all unqualified Perfons found on the faid Manors will be prof-cuted with the utmoft Rigour of the Law: And it is requefted that no GOsltleman will fport thereon without particular Leave from HENRY WHORWOOD, L ird of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rT. HATpinfi'ma edki iheCQRDAIAQ BABlI of' ClI.eE Vp is~ gcuiajily edapte to weakc Femiaie C~onffitutions, afid lflewiF G to. plegmnatic Habits, it acts powerfyiot only to the weak Stomach, ?? to the. whole nervo1s.syftem tcorjsa titiated Appetite anflndigefiojl W Pl'Pages,' and, afifts wonderfuiy in recovering the o' eof the ulinaryand genital Drgans. Hence its Efficacy in the mof ?? ?? in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE FREE FHOLD ESTFATE Lt Tbhe SOL.D by PRIVA'TE C0NTRACr L -LT A very eligible FREE1qOLD ES'ATE e in thi Parilh of Wharcote, in til Courntv of Wark%_ch near Sbhiplon on Scower, in a Spoiting Country, with, convenient Diftarce of F'veral Mar-Let Towns (the L a e Tax redeemed;) conifling of the Man' r of Whatcot ad - its valuable Immunities, the Advoutori of thd Chterc 'of n Whateotc, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAME CERTIFICATE DUTY. (OMPLAINTS having been made that A_ feveral Perfon- withinl this County fporf and deffroy the Game, without the Ce tificates required by the 'A of Parliament, Nticg is bereby given, That corre& printed Lifts of the Perfons who have this Year taken out Cer- tificates are ready to be delivered, gratis, at the Clerk of the Peace's Office, in Oxford, to any Perfon who will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. ATt~ the Vicairage Houfe, at Horley, near 1.X Banbury, YOUNG GENTLEMEN are geite'elly boarded, and inrirulded. in Reading, Writing, Englill Grammar, and Arithmetic; the Latin and Greek Lan- guages; Menfuration, Algebra, and the Mathematics; Boolt-Kecping by fingle and double Entry; Aftronomy and Navigation; Elocution, Hikory, and the Ufe of the Globes, on reasonable Terms. By the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be SOLD bv AUCTION, B3y Mr. F OLKEBR, On Monday next the 9th of Mach lnftant, igso, at the BEAR IN N, Oxfoid, indmdilaiey afrer the Sale cf tbefaid IYn-Two BONDS of aool. eaci, fecured on the Ox- ford Market and St. Ciemeint's Turnpike Gate. Intereft Four and a Half per Cent. and paid every Half Year. be SOLD bD AU CT'I I N5 By Meffrsa EATO'N and SON, Oi Wednefday the i8th of March, igoez at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .ST, ]aia Wednefrlv Morning,-.-.A fnall b , Xeljow and White SPlANIEL DOG, with a re- bldi1ict Yeliow Spot in his Forehead, and he Yo the Name of lyor. Whoever will ie(tvre him p Dr. wall. or the Printer of this Paper, fliall receive ,1ALF A GUINEA Reward. N. B No greater Reward vill be noftred, ~ vWOODST'OCK ASSENM;3LY WILL Sr ON ?? nrext the 4rt Day of Pebruary, .ATl THE ,;lARLBOROUGq ARMS ...