Advertisements & Notices

... NEW: SO, Ic iNEW STAN.MP-DUzTIES ON DEEDS; &'C. Stamp-Oflice, Somerfet-Place, 3.d July, r8o0. T N-Pc 7ton e f Direr6iona recrivedfvorn the Right 1Honozrabte the Lords Co~nmm§zonersof his MajeJ4's Treafztry, his Majely's Comnm1tronders for snanaging tze Stainp Duties do hereby give Abtice, That, in order to prevent any inconvenience to thofe.Perfons in the different Parts of the Kingdom, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C. MAS9OV~ CELEaH ItrsTD. BELLE'ISLE CONVENT SQAZ, , F SURPRISING QUALITLES, 'No. i1i6, PALL MALL, L6NDOM THE Ptecipe hin mnking-this extraordinary T SOAP was given by the Lady Abbefs of the Convent at-PAL-Us-, thle caitkl of Belleile, to the wife of an officer..of rank, who was with her hullanrd after the taking of that iliand in the year 7f6r. -She has nfei it he1felf2 end dift-ibuted it' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7- 0 BE SOLD,' ; BY RETA;L, At WENTWORTH 'CAASTLE, hner Barnfley, Large i13f: excelient AAlOAiTi & POLES, , b, ~~proper, for Eiighce'eans, Stock, k wF ~Backs, Mil AxleD Trces,; Ship asd; 'i Hout' l~e Buildinrg &c; The-1aie to r JW, One Ihilling in'the pound wili be charged o t the amount of each-fale for felling wages. t For further particulars inquire of Mr. JOSEPH t ELLIS, Flockfoaneari ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , a ttxs a Commilfion of Bankrapt \~/;.aieaderi aid jinhed againat RICHARD r tile town of King~fonunpcn-Hull SrlPU~ 13arr, Dealer and Chapman, and he j . Ban IOpt is hereby required to fur- ?? to tile Commiffliners in the faid ; nilr Illif led and authorifed, or the major oln the eighrteenth and nilleteenth days ofa; >'jant, and on the twenty third day of of I at eleven o clock in the forenoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALDBRO' FISH CLUB will be at the White Lion, on Friday, June 12. Aldbro', June 4, 1801. THE ESTATE in Mettingham, advertised to be Sold by Auction at the King's Head, Bungay, on the 11th instant, is disposed of. NOTICE is GIVEN, THAT the AUCTION of the TWO HEIFERS, at the DOG INN, at BEDFIELD, Suffolk, on Thursday the 11th, day of June, 1801, IS DECLINED. See adv. 2d column, 1st page. orO he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ESEX. To- be SOLD, By PRINATE CONTr CT, TrHE MAROk of OLD-HrALL aig d We MA'NiOR- fI ?? and upwards of 963 acres of'verv tich'arable, mneadop,. pasture, and wood land, ?? in a ting fence, in thc parishes of Raine and Great Saling, in the 5i~l coupty, . late the estate of Edsd Tayl6r, Gon tlemarq, Jec. POSSCSB;On may be hadl at 'Michaeilnas: riext: .. For particulars aod'price apply to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A S1IOST E),T1RAODINA-ItY CASE, .ElFC' UALLY REtLIrEV o BY ' ILLLANM a3nd Qo.- -. EX. RAC 7, or ANIM11fA of '1U1SSIA1. T IEUT:-CDLONE, OLIVOR, No. 18, \Vigmore- 1LStreet,. Cavend ish-Squarc, (late of Seringapatam) has ebligiy communicated hte following partncu- lars of his remarkable case, to B. 'Shaav, No. It4, Bo- sough s,-ith a desire tilmt it might be forwarded ?? proprietors, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRSt ASSEMBLY will be onl TIuesta thM 15th Dec Tickets to 1e had at tile Whie LDioi, r at the doorof ?? Gcl tlder-6n 'tickets Half-a-Guinea. LadtiesFiveslhillingsgTehSlliper,&sC included. Ste1ards Sir Ws4 ROWLEY, Bat I S. GOOCH, Lsq, Dancing to begin at Eight olclock. To TIN PLATE WORKERs. 1TANTED immnediately, Two Journeymen is tfle V above brandh m Way have con applying to Jols Bliid, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... > QOD4'X o OI7EzE.llOUSEF 1POICH. July Atilx l6PI. T a M-etinlg 1deld Tltrs Day, at the Rcqqest of the A GoverfOri auid Sst4scribers. ?? thie *PSWtt(H WtjSPENSARY, to take Into colssideration, the Pro- ptiet) it iestablisij atfla UT.Y HOSPITAL, :. CjUARLS 1STS111D, Esqh i fl thlhir. ' ResolyeIdThataGLtNE AL COQ TYH OSpTAL would be higihly ?? to the jsoib;lic, p)rovided a fund can be raised to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ord7. and ?? dt1QnlBE iS eb~iy j4,6 Th ts Meeting of ti t fhe ':ralt@z - ythe .rrvvT 1:itpia Roidb. wilt Ibe g~tejn tthe~R'cd.Lioh Inn, s'tanre, uA tMonday. the 3th or;t E1~vtn & in the Forenotin, %whens jt i~ti~t~n~eisi t;7X~ps0vI Trulica in the Romi oj hofe Ieonorare d o h;nt4. to ects and oi ot4e_ IHecial IW~sX.. ?? 3HN HIVLL1Jg, Clerk. f aae$ eSth~shFe2tr.7, z oz% ?? to P U C.H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -VNISO 'FEAST POSTPONED. B URFORD Annual VENISON VEAST' IJ will be held at the Town Hall, Burford, on TuE s- DAY the :Sth Day of Julf, eSor, with an additional Back as ufual. Din er will be on the Table at Two ?? 5 and a Ball in the Evening at the King's Arms. GENTLEZMN's Tickets 3s.-LADIEs, 2s. Burford, 7ay , 1801.o; 7o the Nobiliy, and ¶Travetlers in general. 'tT E whofe Nanies are hereunto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0XI'ORDspIuE Ml~htITIA. N OTICE is hifeby given, Ti at a General Meeting of the Deputy L'eenanes of this County will be holden, by AiJotlrnmenr, n Saturday next the z8th of February Irfant, at the Houfe of Elizabeth Wentworth, called the Star Inn, jn'Oaford, ?? ?? at Noon. W. E. .Q'AUNTON, Feb. zo, t8o0. Clerk of the 6eneraL Meetings. TOLLS TO B 'LETT. N OTICE iS herebY giFn, ThA i he Tolls 1 ...