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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 1IWER TREiYT NAVIGATi9N. 'NTOTICE is hereby given, that a General Meeting k o 5. hthe COmpany oftropuietore of the River Trcnt Nrvigafion, will be hopder at the Kidglion's Armrs inn, in Newvarklcupon-Trent, on Tuefday the 3d day of March,nexti. at elevrn o'clddt in the torenoors: The .nsrn itte. will meetat-the farbe place on the precetding-day, E.S.. GOtFREVw Clerk to ?? Company Newark, sath ...

Advertisements & Notices

... At a General Meeting of the Ilnhsbltanrts of hbe Borough of Derby, held at ithe Town Hall, tins 7th day of February, aSor, for the purzofe of taking iitY cbrifiderarion the expeediency of ?? a GENERAL WORKHOUSE, and for conrolidating the Poor raLe, of tie feveral Parifies withir. the Borough, for: the better fupport and maintenonce of the Poor. JOHN CROMPTON. Efq. Mayor, in the Chair. RESOLVED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, VI IiA ?? th- rruitees of the Turnpil Rjdledaing trom AMlboesse toSudbury, in ts ooli) ?? ~d from thence to Yoxall Btidg, iatrecrtjvu d Sialftrd, is appointed to be heid; t Vrrron Armi, in Sudbi y, on Thurfda~y the IS oajnchnext, and in the manner ditecitcd by tt ,d of Parliament poffcd in the 27th year of tl: l6in caor Soveeign Geoirge the third, for regt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1PjGOT DIAMOND LOTTERY PRIZE, 1 STIMATED in Value at near TH1RTY ;12 THOUSAND POUNDS, (by the Authorityof an Aer of Parliament) will be decided by the ENGLIS1 STATE.LOTTERY on the zd of MarchIh The Diamond Lotrery cohflils of t1,42zS Tickett the Firlt. drawn of which from the STATE-LOUT TERY WHEEL, will be entirgd tn thte DIAMOND. The Tickets are on Sale, ar TWO GUINEAS each, by RICHARDSON, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTH'WINGF'ELD ASSOCIATION. T T the Annual Meetjkng of this Affoc;ation, held A at the Pcacock Inn, tel zftirh day of November, I600, it was refoived as follows, viaz . That thbe folloting perfons, or aiuy two of tberr, affltled by the Agent, Mr. WVm. Wifon, fhall be a Committee for ?? of Frofecuti ons, &c. for ihe year enfuing, or till ethers be appointed us their Mr. Peter Kendall, of Ultoa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all.| TtO BE LET, And en:ered upon immediately, t Ao A Very - neat -a4d'` 'convehient DWELLING- ur ,. HOUSE, .searly nrew, Oith neceffary Out- ir, bufldidn9r, a4 about 7 ofj 8 Acres ofmtaft excellent i Land, if requtired,6rtuatrl iupon Ailhover Hill, late lim in En P polfetili -cf. rs in e on0 cMrs. Boden; it flandr on an emin. to pike Road rntdegItfV l pr.ofpecff, near to the Turn- ,Road ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tineoln, zith Jan. MS~t. HT E Heir at Law of JOHN MOODY, Iate of North Kelfey, in the county of Lincolns, by applying to Mr. HENRY HETT, of the city of Lincoln, will rceive fomĀ¢ profitable information, TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE -tONTRACT, S EVERAL parcels of LAND, adjoining each other, ll fituate at Newton Grange, in the county of Derby, called the Mootlow'Slang, and the Mootlows, containing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 T9. iO E SOLD BJY PRIVATE CONTRACT, re CEVERAL parcels of-LAND, adjoining each other, ght, fitsate ;it Newton ' aliage, in the county of1 tee DerhV.called tie Moor-low Slang, and the Morlow ,a oretaifirg together by ftrvvey, 67A. iR. 3&P. ini they - ccup ?? 'of ?? 5 mae Mart, under a leale for 25 yea,_ comrnmencing 5th April, 1796, at the clear C yearly rent of 741. Jy7. or.- by Aiifq everal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I O N~ ITATO, N Qf a good charac'er, as Clerk int1 flufe, who h.'s a general know,. A l2COOl,. Sec.; would have no objec. Aoif i ar C Gentlemaan, in any parm of li to soid eq' f the Printer of this Paper. ?? s AN, REELERs, OF COTTON. W-Iilji ANTED, l aods of the above defcription, who mee trh encouragement by applying no Ot's ,and Co. at Airewas.Mill, near | ht~ 'j6 3z d ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? _ _ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE, S!OLD. BYT PU.VCTI)N, BY. Mr. llRK, ,, UPilin the POcnals late in the OCs4i altiun of Mr. Robert Grayfon~jun. in the CoAr market, Ddrly, on Monday tbe id day of March ncxt, at ten o'clock; 2 EVERAL forts of FOUSEHOLD FURNITURE!, SJ cinfilting of handfome Four poll Bedfleads, with prnnted Cotton Hangings, and window Curtains to *4otretpond; one common di mt; fet of Mahogany Dini- ing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHESTERFIELD CANAL SHARES. NY Pqrfos vwifbing to difpofe of two, thiee, A or four Shares in the Chererfield Canal, at 90g. per Share, may hear of a purchafer by applying pcr- fonally, or by letter (poft paid) to Mr. BRADLEy, Pofrmafler, Chefferfield. February z, 1t0a. DERBY, Jan. 27th, 1801. 7D' HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that the A1RWR-KETfor this Borough cwill Ae held 6;~ ?? the .xzth, inj#ead of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTArE AT BAKEWELL. TO BE SOLV BY AtC1lO?N, IN LOTS, At the White kivile, in B iewell, fonie time in tile Month of April next; A Valuable ES PATE, (lately belonging to Mrs. A Graintiier, ?? particularT whetcif, .and day of Saue, will be advtrtifed in this and oU tr pjpers int due timc. . In the me n whie enquire of Mr. BOSSLEY, -Bakewelj, TO BE LET, Atd entered upon immediately; AGood modern ...