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Advertisements & Notices

... 10, e at re-- oaPat. _ ,52 FOR TllE BECEFIT 0o riE EDINBURGH CHARITY WORKHOUSE, On THURSDAY 5th March, z8oI, Willbe presented, the Comedy of T H E R I V A L S. Sir Anthony Absolute, -- Mr ROCK. Captain Absolute, - Mr TONMS. Acres, - Mr GRANT. David, - Mr TURPIN. Sir Llcius O'Trigger, - Mr EGAN. Fag, - Mr BANNERMAN. Corchmal-n Mr CRUMPTON. Faulkland, - Mr YOUNG. Julia, - Miss WALSTEIN. Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VO PbCE of COMMERCIALm CO lTMISSIONER.¾, A . y-4h jun'ace s Peb 24, 1201 CDLE ?? Cefjta'r r' wie Ctj' of London and .I's ru;,intv, have ?? .1 flnt many111 r10-' ltlslhave otiftalico the plrir'eiplcl hil ?? fo~r levying itdot) Ot InlcOlhe, 'and parelenlarly- ilit u(artong ol toe A, ct of hlit year, and have therreby been n fib1 elid 'to gi at iencn tenlience, and in many cafes beenr 'al f!led ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T be SOLD, - CURRICLE in peffect repalr, T vith ertire new Wlizr!is, and ?? nefS colmlet;, price 70 pninrtas -Tn be feen at Smith's Livery-ftablet, Curzon-fireet. A FIRST FLOOlR to. LET, Furnifhed; for a 91N0 Lk GEN'tNLEMAN, and ManI Servant it required, at NC.66, Newnian-firect, Oxford-ftrcet. 0 JUSES TO LET, FUJRNISfIED.-A gen- 11 teel Floufc, three roonies n afloor, within a few dobrs of O' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RALTS PT ' .UC7ZOV. nodlrwrhil,$~ tsj~.S\-INNER 2and DYKE, On Wrednelday nextL, at urtrc~(, O'clck- !at Garrawiay'a, inl four Lots, bsy cider ct ?? P 'ceuC)r, FOUR LEASEH'Ya D I3TATES, the Pro. -peezy of the late Aix Pe-v ci Sr-t:Liidc ?? doe, Dwelling L-on-e -w c-iib aiill;l Litclifield-ltreei5 attdlNo. tO, injt.Vriisi~e near Chlar- ihg-erofs. Alto thse Kings Arms J'ndk aitlead two MeL- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1.ULL. NTow LOADING at LL, .fl'ittsW rnvqty for .QUEB£ EC, * > ,+ 0 ;QoUE1 EC, PACICT, El, WM CAMIPLEMAN,Comroander, * =,'Burthen 300 Ions, men anfwerable (1, rndd- t la es-clftnt trader between Hutll and Qtebc, Briti' built, and only one month oid. Has excellest dccumodatioi's for palit~ngers, and a confiierable quantity of her cargo already engaged by the n.ippers iiiLondon. who have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Br THE KWNG's PATENVT, SPILSBURY's ANTISCORBUTiC DROPS. ' Mrs. JixEsj at the Printing Office, High Street, a Oxford, begs leave to inform the public, that fhe has re- t ceived afreflh parcei of thefe CEIE2BRATZD DROPS from ( the Difpenfary in Soho Square, London, which are proved t by experience to be the fir(t Medicine now extant for the % radical cure of the fcurvy, gout, iheumatifm, evil, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be SOLD bv AUCTION, B3y Mr. F OLKEBR, On Monday next the 9th of Mach lnftant, igso, at the BEAR IN N, Oxfoid, indmdilaiey afrer the Sale cf tbefaid IYn-Two BONDS of aool. eaci, fecured on the Ox- ford Market and St. Ciemeint's Turnpike Gate. Intereft Four and a Half per Cent. and paid every Half Year. be SOLD bD AU CT'I I N5 By Meffrsa EATO'N and SON, Oi Wednefday the i8th of March, igoez at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD, RS, private Earg:nt,,i 'I IAT HOUSE in theWindmill-brac, belonging f T to John Geddes, turner, ?? by himifelf and o others. It confifts of a fore and back Shop, and twelve fire rooms; was lately built, and has a finall garden - adjoining to it. For further particulars, apply to the Proprietor. BREWERY, &-c. TO BE SOLD AT STONE- HAVEN. A On Thurfday the Sth day of MArch, aSox, there ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : CHEES2 FAIR. IC HEREBY GIVEN, that the for the latter-mnake 08held in r Matket Place, DERBY, 1 ybe MoIDAY, (the principal day), F ?? t'e z1fi, i3d, and 24th of March JORN CROMPTON, Mayor. goT0.BE LET, ced ,o at Lady Day nest; Andl HOUSE, with a Garden, and o SejI c; alto a golead Well at the tC in Ie county of Derby, int the 61s2 3hnstah.-Theire are Fixtures ,or Bater, and plenty of Coal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NW ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEOEBGEW STREET. / C ard Assembfiesk on Mowznayj. / ,- rri EI-HTH CARD SUBSCRIPTION AS- ?? ,L.1 X vwill be on Monday the pth inst.- T comliece at eight o'clock. To°COPI ~ ?? Dez. on Vtsdas. The SIX1.1 SUBSCRIPTION DANCING AS- BL,-Y A-;AI ilo bcel on Thursday the zath curt.- ~o bgin t nie oCluck. - Tw Sbnubscription Tickets for Eight Danting Asn'al cS. One Guinea and a Half ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O4A'fORiOs PlAY-HO US l- PRICE};S dluring LENT THIEATRE-ROYAL COVENT-GAlDEN 1 . nN WEDNESDAY next, Mlarch 4, will be per- Jformed, Part 1. Overtere.-Dcad March, whilh Coriro Blaf- ttt S. Double Baffoons, and. two pair of Double Drums. 'T'ihe b.EQTJIEM, or, Grand Funeral Antlhem, compofcd by the ce- ~tbrated MOZART, of Vicnna.--Air, MifA iTyrer, ' Return 0 rod of. Kofts ?? Gnd fave the King,' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - CTLON To be SOLD by AU WiTROUT RESERVE, of the On MoflCay, the Qth of March, on the ?? ( WidowA BAKER, at Peasenhall, near YOxOO (whO retires from business), and 7 Prime.1gows, 2iNear-old Buds, 4 ...