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Advertisements & Notices

... FULL. Now LOADING at HULL, IYil'hfirft Convoy far- QJ-I B E C, ' The QUEBEC PACKEET, WM CAM PLEM A N, Corn mander, ,_ %_;B u rthen 300 'ons, men aniwerable. ?? (intended as a conftant trader between Hu l and Qebec, Btitilli built, and only one month oid. Has extecllent accommodations for pafl'engers, and a conlfiderable quantity of her cargo already enigaged by the (hippers in London, who have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ord7. and ?? dt1QnlBE iS eb~iy j4,6 Th ts Meeting of ti t fhe ':ralt@z - ythe .rrvvT 1:itpia Roidb. wilt Ibe g~tejn tthe~R'cd.Lioh Inn, s'tanre, uA tMonday. the 3th or;t E1~vtn & in the Forenotin, %whens jt i~ti~t~n~eisi t;7X~ps0vI Trulica in the Romi oj hofe Ieonorare d o h;nt4. to ects and oi ot4e_ IHecial IW~sX.. ?? 3HN HIVLL1Jg, Clerk. f aae$ eSth~shFe2tr.7, z oz% ?? to P U C.H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it4R. DIDELOT and Madarne ROSE DIDM. .INI LOT mofle refpetlfully beg leave to inform the Nobilite, Gentry, Subfcribers, and frequenters of the OaERA, that their BENEFIT is fixed for Thurlday near, when will be performed gifavouriwl OPERA, and a New 'Grand BALLET, compofed by Mr. Didelot, called ALONZO the BRAVE and the FAIR IMOGINE; (the fubjece taken from the Ballad of the Monk.) With new ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALTS z Br AUCTION. FURNITURE, CARRIAGE, aud EFFECTS; OEPTFORD. - By M r. S ?? li'? On the Precmifjs, in Clrarcl-ft.raet. De-.rford, Thi4 and followr- ing Day. at Eleven, by Order nf' tlc Executors. TH'E ~2GENVtiJNE nb7usiJHOLD FURN.- -VStRF, i.nel-n, ClEina, 2ool01s, Prius~t and Palintinlgs, all Ei it-day Clockc, a baindfoni lellzn hoLlied- Coacil, Ham;mern Clitf. and -laimefs, Sva1t Chair, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VO PbCE of COMMERCIALm CO lTMISSIONER.¾, A . y-4h jun'ace s Peb 24, 1201 CDLE ?? Cefjta'r r' wie Ctj' of London and .I's ru;,intv, have ?? .1 flnt many111 r10-' ltlslhave otiftalico the plrir'eiplcl hil ?? fo~r levying itdot) Ot InlcOlhe, 'and parelenlarly- ilit u(artong ol toe A, ct of hlit year, and have therreby been n fib1 elid 'to gi at iencn tenlience, and in many cafes beenr 'al f!led ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -> TURNlPIKE MONEY. be SOLD by AUCTIOAN, By J. NOBLE, AuaiOneer, g-qyr F.SART INN, in WAKEFIELD, :t tl~ l iD the county of 'York, t ;Vdrjdfdy ite %25(b day Yf March; x2or, The le to begin at the hour of four in the after- to conditions then and there to be prtadrcedil. f, q Sum of TWO HUNDRED TOtJNDS, Principal Money, fecumed upon TOllS ariaig upon the Turnpike Road from -5thdeldcw ro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Old Gold, Old Silver, Dollars, Fren'ch Haf ('rtowns, Gold & Silver Lace, QoizWs, ?? A Very great Price is allow'd for any of the above A Arievti, in exchangc for Goods, by' W. PA1RKER, GOLD V' SILPF.;SMI FZ JAWELLER, arid Ti-rMA~N, D Ei{BY'c. N. B. A new affsfrttrreit of Siiver, Plated, Japann'd, Cutlery. and Hardware Goods- Tea Urns; Coflee jugs, Tea Chetis, Tea Caddees,-and Shells,; nea.t Bt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t'ST COALS, %s. per chalaron, 13 sacks, of ; Beidele, nsafured lnder the inl'pedlion of Sworn Me- ?? NEWCASTLE COAL. CO liPANY moit reflta- fully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, that they have by them at this time a large quantity of prime Newcaltie Coals, which from their extenfive coineition, and for-rompt payment, enable the Proprietors to delivcr thern at the abovc ?? price, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ff ?? .U.L~ty vellcr, NO.4, uorulikll WNT PLAC.ES. . S LADY'S MAID, a young Woman fronm thejcoun- 1'Astry: underftands Manttla making, MiljinerjX an4 get- or to go ahroad; wages are not her Objed'tfo nmuch as a comfortt aibke 1ination. Lettersdirec'ted for.A. £. Mvr. Gianger, No. 1, I'itt-ftreet, Tottciehna-c.ourt..road wviil be iinmediately attend- ?? AS DRY NURSE, a mldCjdlC-a(ieTd'Vioml1an, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7te. Glory oft Bitons, ,and thL- Et - y E a: Zdmiiadon of tbe whole U ?? i The following Magazincis earneftly recommended, Dot only to the whole Britilb Navy, and ever Individua' any ways connecfted therewith, but alfo to Merchants, Captains, Mates, Pbrfers, Midihip. men, Cadets, Supercargoe;,. Writers, Paf!engers, and all Perfons employed in the Hon. Eafr-lndia Company's ceivice, is wesll as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR QUEBEC. NTOW Loading, in Portfinouth Harbour, to rail .Nowith the firft Newfoundland Convoy, the Good Brig ORION, ANDREW Hlu rToN Mlailer; which will carry Freight on moxlerate terms. For particulars applv to Meflis. WM. BURRID),GE and SON, Portfmouth; Mr. THOMAS AULDIO, at Cowes; or, WM. BEATSON & Co. St. Mary-hill, London. CAVANAUGH, A BANKRUPT. A LL PERSONS indebted to the Eflate JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RANDALL ,iscn Draper, Haberdi/t er; and Br` [tC;t STREET, OXF.ORD. ROMPT with Gratitude for the Favours P already conferred5 Ind relying on a generous Public .r a future Cottinuance, takes this .pportunity of in. forming them of bis having retrned fromn London with a choice Collecaion of Spring Ptints, entirely new, and winihes to offer to their NWotice a valuable Collekion of Black and White ...