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Grampian, Scotland

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... S HIP NEWS. The only capture officially announced this ly I week is that of L'Efpoix lugger privateer, of Ex, 2 brafs four pounders, and 4 iron 2 po-unders, G and 23 men, by the Lady Charlotte armed brig. Captures announced, but not officially, are wit La Jeune Nanette, from Cayenne for Bour- On deaux, with a valuable cargo, by the Suwar- we row cutter. Taken by fome Revenue cutters, car at ...


... PETflRHAD SHIPPING. , AX Q 11I- ..1. -s 'Row.; ?? ARRIVALS.-Alarch 2ait, T'he Hlunter, David- foi, Sunderliaid, coals-Seaforth, i\Mleod, lfdaie, Patcs: for Leith ; -z~th I.angley, Anderfin, Londo:n, goods-Freemraforl, Wright, Sunlerland, for Naira, coals - Peggy, Bluchan, Lehib, goods-lFricndflfip, Storvm fur Findhorn, Port Seton, coals .and fir'-. Lizard, Dougias, lnvernefs, for Leith, goods ...


... The following captures in the Eaft Indies difp e are officially announced in the Gazette: his By the Orpheus, the Zeervraght and Zee- a lafi, 'of 22 guns each, laden with warlike app ftores, belonging to the Dutch Eaft India vears Company. I , By the Virginia, S Dutch veffels laden with f the annual fupplies for the garrifon of Ternate, are C and I7,943 dollars. f By the Arrogant, the Herzog ...


... S FIIP NEWS. e As our readers may be anxious to know the ftrength and difpofition of the Britifli fleet - under the command of Lord Keith, we be- . lieve we can give them an accurate account of it. The whole force under his Lordfhip's command confills of thirteen [hips of the line, feven of which are under his immediate or- 1 ders, and are fuppofed to be cruizing off I Alexandria, or for, e of ...


... PARTICULARS OF THE CAPTURE OF THE KENT INDIAMAN. From the Itndia Telegraph of the j8th Ocober.t On Sunday laft accounts were received in town (Calcutta) of the capture of the Hon. Company's (hip Kent, Capt. Rivington, after 9a engagement of confiderable duration with the Confiance, Captain Surcouff, off the Sand Heads. The following particulars we have -;opied from The Mirror. On Tuefday ...


... 3 II I p N PE, t fl, S. 11 - . w .. - - E We are coneenrd to flare the lots of his Majelly's (hip Invincible, of, gUi2s, which failed from Yarmouth on the i6th infl. in or- der to join the Nort h Sea ...